

单词 pre-ordain
释义 pre-ordain, v.|priːɔːˈdeɪn|
Also Sc. in 6 preordine.
[f. pre- A. 1 + ordain v.; = late L. præordināre (Vulg.), OF. preordiner (15th c. in Godef.), F. préordonner.]
trans. To ordain or appoint beforehand; in Theol. to foreordain.
1533Gau Richt Vay 68 Quhen y⊇ time is cum preordinit be God.1576Foxe A. & M. (ed. 3) 102/2 No aduersitie or perturbation happeneth..which his prouident wisedome dooth not foresee before and preordaine.1582N.T. (Rhem.) Acts xxii. 15 [14] The God of our fathers hath prëordained thee, that thou shouldest know his wil.1671Milton P.R. i. 127 Unweeting he fulfill'd The purpos'd Counsel pre-ordain'd and fixt Of the most High.1791Cowper Iliad iii. 372 This day is preordain'd the last.1863Kinglake Invas. Crimea I. xiv. 295 Having preordained the question to be put to the people.1894Parry Stud. Gt. Composers, Schubert 226 In Italian works, the form was, as it were, pre-ordained.
Hence pre-orˈdained ppl. a.; pre-orˈdainer; pre-orˈdaining vbl. n. and ppl. a.; pre-orˈdainment, pre-ordination.
1651Hobbes Leviath. iv. xlvi. 374 God's Will, and Præordaining of things to come.1842I. Williams Baptistery ii. xxx. (1874) 165 Deep plans of preordaining thought.1855Baden Powell Ess. 479 Imagined interruptions of pre-ordained order for the introduction of new forms of life.1855G. Meredith Shav. Shagpat (1856) 377 So was shaved Shagpat,..according to preordainment.1890J. Martineau Seat Authority in Relig. iv. iii. 480 The preordainer of the whole world-scheme through its series of ages.




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