

单词 predict
释义 I. preˈdict, n. Obs. rare—1.
[ad. L. prædict-um that which is foretold, prediction: cf. F. prédit (obs. form predict).]
A prediction.
c1600Shakes. Sonn. xiv, Nor can I fortune to breefe mynuits tell; Pointing to each his thunder, raine and winde, Or say with Princes if it shal goe wel By oft predict that I in heauen finde.
II. predict, ppl. a. rare.|prɪˈdɪkt|
[ad. L. prædict-us, pa. pple. of prædīcĕre (see next).]
Predicted. (In quot. const. as pa. pple.)
1839Bailey Festus xviii. (1852) 213 There is but one great sinner, human nature, Predict of every world and predicate.
III. predict, v.|prɪˈdɪkt|
Also 6–7 præ-.
[f. L. prædict-, ppl. stem of prædīcĕre to say beforehand, foretell, give notice of, advise, charge, f. præ, pre- A. 1 + dīcĕre to say, tell.
Cf. F. prédire ‘to foretell, foresay, presage, diuine, prophesie’ (Cotgr. 1611), It. predire, ‘to foretell, to prophesie, to tell of a thing before it com to passe’ (Florio 1598), where neither has predict as an English word, though both use prediction in explaining the corresponding noun. Predicted ppl. adj. was in much earlier use; but the vb. is not in Shakes., nor even in Pope; it occurs once in Milton. In dictionaries it appears in Bailey 1721.]
1. trans. To mention previously in a discourse or document. Obs. rare.
[1546,1599: see predicted 1.]
2. a. To foretell, prophesy, announce beforehand (an event, etc.). With simple obj. or obj. clause.
[1623: see predicted 2.]1671Milton P.R. iii. 356 Prediction still..supposes means, Without means us'd, what it predicts revokes.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. 267 We saw all those things done by, and accomplish'd in him, which were long before predicted to us by the prophets.1679C. Nesse Antichrist 210 To prophecy, not so much by prædicting future things, as by preaching the everlasting gospel.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iv. (1840) 104 Thus..thou shalt predict what shall certainly come to pass.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sc. (1857) I. 113 Thales..predicted an eclipse.1838Lytton Alice iii. viii, I predict that the beauty of next season will be a certain Caroline Lady Doltimore.1884F. Temple Relat. Relig. & Sc. iii. (1885) 82 How often an observer can predict a man's actions better than the man himself.
b. transf. Of a theory, observation, etc.: to have as a deducible or inferable consequence; to imply.
1961Physical Rev. CXXI. 1620 The theory predicts a linear dependence of M2p on [Ho/(T + θ)]2, where θ is the experimentally determined Curie-Weiss constant.1964E. Bach Introd. Transformational Gram. viii. 186 General linguistic theory must provide a precise characterization of the way in which a theory can be said to ‘predict’ a given sentence.1975Nature 6 Feb. 442/1 Sensitivity to the taste of PTC predicts sensitivity to caffeine.1976Sci. Amer. July 39/3 The present isotopic ratios of neodymium therefore predict the total depletion in U-235. This calculation gives a result about 40 percent greater than the observed depletion.1977Lancet 24 Sept. 662/1 Running-water samples are perhaps closer to the water typically consumed in the home than are first-flush samples, and our results..indicate that they predict blood-lead more precisely.
3. intr. To utter prediction; to prophesy.
1652Gaule Magastromancer 196 The devil can both predict and make predictors.1805E. de Acton Nuns of Desert I. 315 The necromantic instruments..predicted to the company with such a relation to their circumstances, as filled every one..with the utmost astonishment.1853Mrs. Carlyle Lett. (1883) II. 225 No one can predict as to the length of her life.
4. To direct fire at with the aid of a predictor (sense 2).
1943L. Cheshire Bomber Pilot iii. 57 They're predicting us now; looks like a barrage.1952M. Tripp Faith is Windsock vi. 90 He saw a flak-burst below, then another, and another... ‘Weave, Dig, the bastards are predicting us.’




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