

单词 pothecary
释义 ˈpothecary Now only dial.
Forms: α. 4–5 potecarie, 4–7 -cary(e, 5 -kary, 6 -cari; 5–6 potycary(e; 6 poticarie, -carye, 6–7 (9 dial.) -cary; 7 pottecary, -icary. β. 6–7 pothicary, 7 pothecarie, 7–8 (9 dial.) -cary, 8–9 'pothecary.
See also prec. Aphetic form of apothecary, formerly in common use.
c1386Chaucer Pard. T. 524 (Camb.) And forth he goth no lengere wolde he tarye In-to the toun vn-to a potecarye [so Corp., Lansd., Harl.; Ellesm., Hengw., apothecarie; Petw. apot-].1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 24210 Sondry lettuaryes Maked at the potycaryes.1530Palsgr. 257/1 Potycary that selleth medycins, apothecayre.1551Turner Herbal i. Prol. A iij b, If the potecari..is ignorant in herbes.1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 98 Abundance of Alloes.., so much esteemed by our Pothecaries.1668–9Pepys Diary 8 Feb., Going to visit Roger Pepys, at the pothecary's in King's Street.1720W. Stukeley in Mem. (Surtees) I. 112 A league between a few doctors, poticarys, and surgeons, who play into one anothers hands.1820Southey Devil's Walk vii, He saw a Pothecary, on a white horse, Ride by on his vocation.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Poticary.1886Elworthy W. Somerset Word-bk., Potecary, apothecary... Not now of common use..but I have heard it used disparagingly.
b. attrib. quasi-adj.
1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 40 §2 Suche poticary wares drugges and stuffes.1558W. Bullein Govt. Health 111 Who liueth..so euill as these pothicary men?1607Chapman Bussy D'Ambois v. i. Plays 1873 II. 90 If I scape Monsieurs Pothecarie Shops.1614Markham Cheap Husb. To Rdr., Yet have I seene smiths so unprovided of Pothecary simples.




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