

单词 piment
释义 piˈment Obs.
Also 3–5 (8) piement, 4 pimente, 4–6 pyement, 4–6 (8) pyment, 5–6 pymente.
[a. OF. piment, earlier piument (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) = Pr. piment, pigment, Sp. pimiento:—L. pigmentum, orig. pigment, paint, also (scented) unguent; in med.L. scented or spiced confection, spiced drink (Du Cange). See also next.]
1. A drink composed of wine sweetened with honey and flavoured with spices.
a1225Ancr. R. 404 Loke hwu heo ȝulden him! uor piment of swete huni luue, eisil of sur nið.c1300Havelok 1728 Pyment to drinke, and god clare.c1374Chaucer Boeth. ii. met. v. 35 (Camb. MS.), They cowde make no pyment nor clarree.1390Gower Conf. III. 12 That on [tonne] is full of such piment Which passeth all entendement.c1475Sqr. Lowe Degre 760 Wyne of Greke, & muscadell, Both clare, pyment, and rochell.1530Palsgr. 254/1 Pyment, piment.1725C. W. Forbes Let. 6 Apr. in Burton Life, Drink pyment to your meat dashed with strong wine.1824Henderson in Blackw. Mag. XVI. 16 The varieties of piment most frequently mentioned are the Hippocras and Clarry.
2. A scented or perfumed unguent.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 466/130 Min heued..with no-manere Oynement Ne smeordest, with none salue ne with no piement.a1300Cursor M. 3702 (Cott.) Þe odor o þi uestement It smelles als o piement.1382Wyclif Esther ii. 12 Sixe monethis..thei shulden vse maner pimentis and swote spice.Isa. lvii. 9 Thou..enournedest thee with kingus oynement, and multepliedest thi pymentus.
3. = pimento 1, Cayenne pepper. (F. piment.)
1705tr. Bosman's Guinea xvi. 305 The last sort of Pepper called here Piement, and in Europe Spanish Pepper, grows here in abundance.




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