

单词 pertrouble
释义 perˈtrouble, v. Obs. Chiefly Sc.
In 5–6 perturble, 6 -trubil, -troubil.
[a. OF. per-, partroubler, f. per- 2 + troubler to trouble. For the -turble form (L. type *perturbulāre), cf. disturble.]
trans. To perturb, trouble greatly.
c1470Harding Chron. lxxxv. iv. (MS. Ashm. 34), Fortune..whare men wolde ay leven in charyte Thou doste perturble [v.r. perturbe] wiþ mutabilyte.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 17 For this thyng I am noo thyng perturbled in my courage.1513Douglas æneis vii. vii. 16 That..scho suld perturble [ed. 1553 pertroubil] all the toun.1819W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 38 But mair pertrubill'd was his case, Whan..They cam a' round him in a fluther.
So pertroublance, mental disturbance, perturbation. Obs. rare—1.
1513Douglas æneis xii. xi. 119 As first the schaddois of pertrublans [ed. 1553 pertrublance] Was dryve away, and hys remembrans The lycht of ressoun has recouerit agane.




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