

单词 pertly
释义 I. pertly, adv.|ˈpɜːtlɪ|
Forms: see pert a.; also 5 partly.
[f. pert a. + -ly2.]
In a pert manner.
1. Openly, without concealment; plainly; evidently, manifestly. (Opposed to privily.) Obs.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 244 A payne þer-on put & pertly halden.c1350Will. Palerne 97 Þere pried he in priuely and pertiliche biholdes.1468Maldon Essex Liber B. lf. 13 b (MS.), Noo ducheman ner other alion shall bere no manere wepyn of werre, priuily ner pertly.1533in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 406 He..shuld buy or bargayne for the same hides pertly or oppenlye.a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1829) 21 He began to kyth in Strathaven, and pertly and avowedly travelled through the country.
2. Expertly, skilfully; cleverly, adroitly. Obs.
a1400Pistill of Susan 355 Þis prophete so pertly proues his entent.a1440Sir Eglam. 753 The worme ys slayne, That hathe a knyȝt done hym selfe allone, Pertly be my fay.1640R. Baillie Canterb. Self-convict. ii. 11 In Edinburgh Master Sydserfe did peartly play his part.
3. Smartly, sharply; briskly; promptly; readily; quickly. Now dial. and U.S. (chiefly in form peartly).
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 23 How pertly afore þe poeple resoun gan to preche.c1400Destr. Troy 1033 To Pelleus pertly þen past he agayne.c1450Cast. Persev. 1598 Þerfor, spede now þy pace pertly to ȝone precyouse place.1610Shakes. Temp. iv. i. 58 Now come my Ariell, bring a Corolary,..appear, and pertly.
β1515Scot. Field 109 The King was glade of that golde,..And promised him full peertly, his part for to take.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. ii. 163 The Romanis persues peirtlie the flieris.1856G. D. Brewerton War in Kansas 383 To ‘get along’ in a happy-go-lucky sort of way, which he calls ‘a-doin'-right-peartly’.1857T. H. Gladstone Englishman in Kansas 46 I'll teach these..Free-soilers a lesson right peartly.
4. In a forward saucy manner; boldly, audaciously; over-confidently.
c1400Laud Troy Bk. 11215 He sat pertly bolde vp-right As man that hadde ben In his myght.1523Coverdale Old God & New (1534) H, To se how pertely he percheth forth of his neste.1540R. Hyrde tr. Vives' Instr. Chr. Wom. ii. xi. §21 Any worde or dede of y⊇ childe, dooen lewdely,..naughtily, wantonly or piertlye.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iv. v. 219 Yonder wals that pertly front your Towne,..Must kisse their owne feet.1699Bentley Phal. Pref. 31 To my surprize he answer'd me very pertly.a1748Watts Educ. Children ix, The children of our age will pertly reply,..must we turn Puritans again?1852Thackeray Esmond i. xiii, The words were said lightly and pertly by the girl.1874C. Geikie Life in Woods iv. 68 They carry their heads so pertly.
II. ˈpertly, a. Obs.
[f. pert a. + -ly1.]
? Experienced, skilled, expert.
1465in Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) II. 388 Lord fleming sal adwis the kyng at al his pertly power wytht his gud cunsail.1589Nashe Anat. Absurd. Wks. (Grosart) I. 51 Translated by his toyle from the Parrish good man Webbe,..to a pertly Gentleman in the Court.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. vi. 319 Duncan, King Malcolme his bastard sone, a man..stout, bauld and pertlie.




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