

单词 perhaps
释义 perhaps, adv. (n.)|pəˈhæps|
Also 5 per happous (?), 6 perhapis, perhappes. In vulgar or careless speech often shortened to p'raps, q.v.
[f. per prep. II. 1 + happes, haps, pl. of happe, hap n., chance, accident: cf. on, upon, in happ(es (hap 4 b); perhap and perhappes appeared later than peradventure, percase, and perchance, which perhaps has now in great measure superseded. This later origination explains the absence of a sense-development parallel to that of the other words.
Perhaps occurs only thrice in the Bible of 1611, all in the N.T., and all originally in the Rhemish version.]
1. A word qualifying a statement so as to express possibility with uncertainty: It may be, possibly; = perchance 3 (and with the same constructions).
(The examples c 1430 are uncertain. The reading of the MS. (Harl. 372 lf. 45, 51) may be per happous, but it may just as well be per happons, or, in the second instance, per happans. In this uncertainty the quots. are left here, as being the earliest traces of any form of the word.)[c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 34 She wol per happous (?) maken hir avowe.Ibid. 35 Per happous (?) one is loved that wol not fade.] 1528Roy Rede me (Arb.) 98 Savynge wother whyles perhapis They gett a feawe broken scrapis.1546Supplic. of Poore Commons (E.E.T.S.) 85 Perhappes some one of vs hath hylded c. shepe.1590Shakes. Com. Err. ii. i. 4 Perhaps some Merchant hath inuited him.1598Meres Palladis Tamia 286 To thinke on this, may pleasure be prehaps another day.1617Moryson Itin. i. 110 Perhaps I haue seene a more sumptuous monument, but a more beautifull did I neuer see.1677Johnson in Ray's Corr. (1848) 128 Perhaps I may give farther answer to this query.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. xix, Perhaps I shall never see him or happiness more.1876T. Hardy Ethelberta xxxiii, Mr. Julian says that perhaps he and his sister may also come for a few days before the season is over.
b. Qualifying a word or phrase, usually with ellipsis: cf. peradventure 3 b, percase 3 b, perchance 3 d.
1534More Comf. agst. Trib. iii. xxiv. U j, But as it maie be, perhappes ye: so it may be, perhappes naye.1615G. Sandys Trav. 6 The Towne..stretcheth along..perhaps a mile in length.1712Hearne Collect. (O.H.S.) III. 297 Perhaps abt y⊇ time of Edw. I. or later.1809Malkin Gil Blas xii. i. (Rtldg.) 423 A little too broad, perhaps.1883Manch. Exam. 29 Nov. 5/1 There are three, or perhaps four, courses open to us.
2. In a conditional clause: As may happen or be the case; as is possible; by any chance: = peradventure 2, percase 2, perchance 2. Now rare, and chiefly in unless perhaps.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 405 Vnlesse (perhappes) you vse these or such lyke woords.1582N. T. (Rhem.) Acts viii. 22 Pray to God, if perhaps this cogitation of thy hart may be remitted thee.2 Cor. ii. 7 Lest perhaps [so 1611; 1881 R.V. by any means] such an one be swallowed vp with ouer great sorow.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa vi. 281 Not one drop of water is to be found, vnlesse perhaps some raine falleth.Mod. You may take this, unless, perhaps, you would prefer to wait for a better.
B. n.
a. A statement qualified by ‘perhaps’; an expression of possibility combined with uncertainty, suspicion, or doubt; an avowedly doubtful statement.
b. Something that may happen (or exist), or may not; a mere possibility.
1534More Comf. agst. Trib. iii. xxiv. U j, All his forgeueness goeth, cosin, you se wel, but by perhappes.1641J. Shute Sarah & Hagar (1649) 38 Often have we known those that have cast themselves upon this perhaps, to have been taken away suddenly.a1680Charnock Delight in Prayer Wks. (1849) 241 Little comfort can be sucked from a perhaps.1790Cowper Let. to S. Rose 3 Jan., I always feel in my heart a perhaps importing that we have possibly met for the last time.1843Carlyle Past & Pr. iii. i, We quietly believe this Universe to be intrinsically a great, unintelligible Perhaps.1866Ruskin Eth. Dust iv. 60 We can make ourselves uncomfortable to any extent with perhapses.
Hence perˈhaps v., (a) intr. To use the word ‘perhaps’; to make expressly doubtful or conjectural statements; (b) trans. to qualify with ‘perhaps’ as an expression of uncertainty.
1789J. White Earl Strongbow II. 95 He, probably, would have continued perhapsing against Ireland.1792Elvina I. 77, I perhaps'd every thing.




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