

单词 perfection
释义 I. perfection, n.|pəˈfɛkʃən|
Forms: 3 perfectiun, 4–5 perfeccioun, 4–6 -yon(e, -ion(e, 5–7 perfectioun(e, 5– perfection.
[a. OF. perfection (12th c.), perfeccion (13–14th c. in Godef. Compl.), ad. L. perfectiōn-em, n. of action f. perficĕre, perfect-: see perfect a.]
1. The action, process, or fact of making perfect or bringing to completion; completing, consummating, finishing, accomplishing.
1382Wyclif Num. vi. 21 Aftir that that he hath auowid in thouȝt, so he shal do, to the perfeccioun of his holynes.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 1 b, Euery religious persone sholde intende the perfeccyon of his soule.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. i. 114 The auncients also had their superiours, which admonished them in the perfection of their dutie.1678Temple Let. to Ld. Treasurer Wks. 1731 II. 479 After all the Applauses have been given me here upon the Perfection of the last Treaty.1732Law Serious C. v. (ed. 2) 70 To make the most of a short life, to study your own perfection.1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 10 For this process of perfection, we need first the meditative, doubting, critical type.
2. The fact or condition of being perfected or completed; completion; completed state, completeness. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 372 Hundred is ful tel, & noteth perfectiun, þet is, ful dede.1388Wyclif Heb. vii. 19 The lawe brouȝt no thing to perfeccioun.1489Caxton Faytes of A. iii. xiii. 197 The thynge shal be conducted and brought to a gode endynge and perfection.1563Homilies ii. Nativity (1859) 402 ‘When the fulness of time was come’, that is, the perfection and course of years appointed from the beginning.1602Marston Antonio's Rev. iii. iv, Woman receiveth perfection by the man.1679G. R. tr. Boaystuau's Theat. World 1st Pref. 5 This work (which I thank God, I have now brought to perfection).
b. The full growth or development of anything; the maturity of a plant, animal, etc.
c1566J. Alday tr. Boaystuau's Theat. World S ij, Although somewhat maye be added to all other Artes..this [printing] alone hath entred with such..perfection into this worlde, that [etc.].1578–9Reg. Privy Council Scot. III. 113 Seing his majestie dalie growand..to the gretar perfectioun of aig.1611Bible Luke viii. 14 They..bring no fruite to perfection.a1682Sir T. Browne Tracts, Plants Script. §30 He planted many [Cedars] though they did not come to perfection in his days.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) VII. 204 They continue in the womb till they come to such perfection as to be able to burst from the shell.1855Milman Lat. Chr. xiv. v, The creation, growth, perfection of new languages.
c. Mus. The condition of being ‘perfect’, as a note, interval, etc. (see perfect a. 10). prick of perfection: a dot used to make a note ‘perfect’, i.e. to lengthen it by one-half. Obs.
1614T. Ravenscroft (title) A Briefe Discovrse Of the true (but neglected) vse of Charact'ring the Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, and Diminution in Measurable Musicke.1674Playford Skill Mus. viii, This prick of perfection or addition is ever placed on the right side of all notes.., for the prolonging the sound of that note it follows to half as much more as it is.1880W. S. Rockstro in Grove Dict. Mus. I. 767 Ways in which the Perfection of certain notes may be changed to Imperfection, and vice versa.
3. The condition, state, or quality of being perfect or free from all defect; supreme excellence; flawlessness, faultlessness. But often treated as a matter of degree: Comparative excellence.
c1315Shoreham (E.E.T.S.) i. 1396 Þe ordre of deakne, Þet hys of more perfeccioun Þane hys ordre of subdeakne.1460J. Capgrave Chron. (Rolls) 82 In his tyme felle a grete debate betwix Iewis and hethen, vhich sect vas of most perfeccion.1570Billingsley Euclid iii. Introd. 81 Of al figures the circle is of most absolute perfection.1610Shakes. Temp. ii. i. 167, I would with such perfection gouerne Sir: T' Excell the Golden Age.1711–12Swift Improv. Eng. Tongue ⁋6 The Roman Language arrived at great Perfection before it began to decay.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxvii. 376 In different glaciers,..these veins display various degrees of perfection.
b. concr. An embodiment of perfection; a perfect person, place, etc.
1594Shakes. Rich. III, i. ii. 75 Vouchsafe (diuine perfection of a Woman) Of these supposed Crimes, to giue me leaue..but to acquit my selfe.1604Oth. i. iii. 100. 1611 Bible Lam. ii. 15 Is this the citie that men call the perfection of beauty?c1830Syd. Smith in Lady Holland Life I. 351 A beautiful girl..exclaimed, ‘Oh, Mr. Sydney! this pea will never come to perfection’. ‘Permit me then’, said he taking her hand,..‘to lead perfection to the pea’.1852Miss Sewell Exper. Life xviii. (1858) 128 This would be the very perfection of a dress for you.
4. The condition or state of being morally perfect; holiness; in ME. spec. The austerity of monastic life, monastic discipline (obs.). Christian perfection, the relatively perfect holiness attainable by man, in distinction from the absolute divine perfection. counsel of perfection: see counsel n. 2 b.
a1340Hampole Psalter xiv. 5 Þis perfeccioun is þat þe deuel & þe warld haf na pouste in vs.1390Gower Conf. I. 18 For ther ben somme,..That god..Hath cleped to perfeccioun In the manere as Aaron was.1470–85Malory Arthur xxi. ix. 855 Therfore lady sythen ye haue taken you to perfeccion I must nedys take me to perfection.Ibid. x. 856 Whan they sawe syr Launcelot had taken hym to suche perfeccion they..toke suche an habyte as he had.1494Fabyan Chron. v. cxxxv. 121 Amonge theyse bretherne was one named Cedman, a man of great perfeccion.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 19 Matrimonye was degenerat fra the first perfectioun.1554–9Songs & Ball. (1860) 3 The lantarne to lead us in the pathe of perfecttyon.1743Wesley Serm. Chr. Perfection 8 Christian Perfection therefore does not imply..an Exemption either from Ignorance or Mistake, or Infirmities, or Temptations. Indeed it is only another Term for Holiness.1789Wks. (1872) IV. 445 The doctrine of Christian Perfection, which God has peculiarly entrusted to the Methodists.1882A. M. Fairbairn in Contemp. Rev. XLII. 868 The grand aim of the Buddhist is to attain a perfection like Buddha's.
5. The most perfect degree, the highest pitch (of a quality, condition, faculty, etc.); the extreme or height (of anything good or evil).
a1340Hampole Psalter Prol. (1884) 4 Þis boke of all haly writ is mast oysed in halykyrke seruys, forþi þat in it is perfeccioun of dyuyne pagyne.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 366 Moyses lawe is moralle in þis poynte þat longeþ to þe perfeccyon of presthode.1624Capt. Smith Virginia iv. 125 The other Saluages assaulted the rest and slew them... But fearing this murther would come to light..would now proceed to the perfection of villanie.1729Butler Serm. xii. Wks. 1874 II. 154 The perfection of goodness consists in love to the whole universe.1842Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life (1870) III. ix. 142 The perfection of cunning is to conceal its own quality.
6. Proficiency in some accomplishment or art.
a1568R. Ascham Scholem. (Arb.) 89 Whan..tyme shall breed skill, and vse shall bring perfection.1677Evelyn Diary 10 Sept., Having the Latin, French, and Spanish tongues in perfection.1704Addison Italy (1733) 37 Fence, Dance, and Ride in some tolerable Perfection.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Ability Wks. (Bohn) II. 40 Every man is trained to some one art or detail, and aims at perfection in that.1879G. C. Harlan Eyesight v. 54 Such perfection has been reached in the manufacture of artificial eyes, that [etc.].
7. (With a and pl.) A quality, trait, feature, endowment, or accomplishment of a high order or great excellence.
1572H. Middelmore in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. III. 8 Suerly Monsieur is a goodly gentilman, and hathe many perfections in him.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vi. xvi. 466 The Indians of Peru had one perfection, which was, to teach their young children all artes and occupations necessary for the life of man.1667Dryden Sir Martin Mar-all iii. i, I am not Master of any of those Perfections; for, in fine, Sir, I am wholly ignorant of Painting, Musick, and Poetry.1784J. Potter Virtuous Villagers II. 111, I constantly discover new graces, new perfections, and new merits, unobserved before.
8. Phrase. to perfection: completely, perfectly.
1388Wyclif Job xi. 7 In hap..thou schalt fynde Almyȝti God til to perfeccioun.1611Bible ibid., Canst thou finde out the Almightie vnto perfection?1751R. Paltock P. Wilkins xxxiv, They were pleased with it [the fire] to perfection.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. xvii, Olivia..acted the coquette to perfection.1898I. L. Bishop Korea xviii, Nagasaki..lighted, cleaned, and policed to perfection.
II. perˈfection, v. rare.
[f. prec. n.: cf. F. perfectionne-r (Cotgr. 1611).]
trans. To bring to perfection, to perfect. Hence perˈfectioned ppl. a.
1548[see perfectioning].1651tr. De-las-Coveras' Don Fenise 305 We lived there in great repose, imploying the time..in perfectioning our loves.1799in Spirit Pub. Jrnls. III. 243 All persons are interested in perfectioning these new bases of the conjugal connexion.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 700 This perfectioned model of a government.




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