

单词 passivize
释义 passivize, v.|ˈpæsɪvaɪz|
[f. passive a. and n. + -ize.]
1. = passivate v. a. Obs.
1910Jrnl. Physical Chem. XIV. 731 When the current is interrupted after the anode has been passivized, the potential of the anode rises slowly.1912Trans. Faraday Soc. VIII. 279 One of the slabs was ‘passivized’ and then allowed to regain its normal state.
2. Gram.
a. trans. To convert into the passive form.
b. intr. To be subject to conversion into the passive.
1965N. Chomsky Aspects of Theory of Syntax 229 Such sentences as ‘John strikes me as pompous’, ‘his remarks impress me as unintelligible’ do not passivize.1972R. A. Palmatier Gloss. Eng. Transformational Gram. 120 The application of the passive transformation, by which the sentence is said to have been passivized.1973Amer. Speech 1969 XLIV. 212 There are certain transitive combinations which are phrasal verbs although they do not passivize.1977Verbatim Feb. 10/1 Thus, transitive verbs in idiomatic expressions frequently will not passivize (the cowboy kicked the bucket, but not the bucket was kicked by the cowboy).1978Language LIV. 93 Causation is a transitive process which can be passivized.
Hence ˈpassivized ppl. a., ˈpassivizing vbl. n.
1975Language LI. 792 Under Hasegawa's analysis, the passivized clause originates as an object complement.1977Trans. Philol. Soc. 1975 219 It is clear that the passivized/intransitivized sense continued for some.Ibid. Assuming that both reflexive and passivizing/intransitivizing functions passed into the Suffix verbs..we have a source for the four functional types having middle-voice forms which are found in Lowland Eastern Cushitic now.1978Amer. Speech LIII. 25 Between the passivized versions of the following sentence, only the one in which the deep-structure subject has been deleted can be interpreted impersonally.




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