

单词 passenger-pigeon
释义 ˈpassenger-ˌpigeon
[See passenger 5: in F. pigeon de passage.]
The ‘Wild Pigeon’ of North America (Ectopistes migratorius), noted for its exceptional powers of long and sustained flight, and formerly for the countless numbers in which it passed from place to place. The bird became extinct in 1914.
1802Bingley Anim. Biog. (1813) II. 225 Passenger Pigeons visit, in enormous flocks, the different parts of North America.1837Penny Cycl. VII. 366/2 The passenger-pigeons..have their first quill-feather as long as any of the others—a sure indication of that rapid and long-continued power of flight they are known to possess.1894Newton Dict. Birds, Passenger-pigeon, so called in books, but in North America commonly known as the ‘Wild pigeon’,.. famous in former days for its multitude, and still occasionally to be found plentifully in some parts of Canada and the United States.1907W. B. Mershon Passenger Pigeon p. ix, As recently as 1880 the Passenger Pigeon was thronging in countless millions through large areas of the Middle West.1955A. W. Schorger Passenger Pigeon ix. 229 The passenger pigeon became extinct through such constant persecution that it was unable to raise sufficient young to perpetuate the race.1967D. Goodwin Pigeons & Doves of World 203 The Passenger Pigeon shares with the Dodo the doubtful fame of being one of the two best known species that have been exterminated by man.1972G. Durrell Catch me a Colobus x. 213 It was impossible, everyone thought, that the Passenger pigeon (so delicious to eat and so plentiful) could ever be exterminated... The last Passenger pigeon in the world died in the Cincinnati zoo in 1914.1975New Yorker 7 Apr. 45/1, I saw the last passenger-pigeon flocks in Iowa.




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