

单词 partiality
释义 partiality|pɑːʃɪˈælɪtɪ|
Forms: α. 5 parcialte, -tee, -cyalte, partialte. β. 5–6 parcialite, -tialite, (6 -cialyte, -cyalite, -tye, -tie; parsealyte, percialitee, persealytie, etc.), 6– partiality.
[In α, a. OF. *parcialté, -aulté (15th c. in Godef.); in β, a. OF. parci-, partialité, in Pr. parcialitat, Sp. parcialidad, It. parzialità, med.L. partiālitās, f. partiālis partial: see -ity.]
1. The quality or character of being partial (see partial 1); ‘unequal state of the judgment and favour of one above the other, without just reason’ (J.); prejudicial or undue favouring of one person or party, or one side of a question; prejudice, bias, unfairness; an instance of this.
α1422Rolls of Parlt. IV. 176/1 With oute favour or eny maner parcialtee or fraude.1461Ibid. V. 464/1 Abusion of the Lawes, partialte, riotte..rape and viciouse lyvyng.1451Paston Lett. I. 212 Whiche myght weel by knowe for open parcialte.
βc1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 120 Injuste promocioune and parcialité.1526in Archæol. (1891) LIII. 374 Empanell a queste withoute partialite or maintenance.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxi. 250 Gyue trew iugement without ony fauoure or parsealyte.1589Acts Privy Council (1898) XVII. 112 Without partyallytie, indyrect dealinge or prejudice to anie partie.1648Nethersole Problems i. 5 Whether Neutrality or Partialitie be more agreeable to the duty of good subjects, in such a Warre.1739Cibber Apol. (1756) II. 2 We had our partialities, our prejudices, our favourites of less merit.1878R. W. Dale Lect. Preach. viii. 249 Rebekah's treatment of Jacob may bring home to parents the sin of partiality.
b. Excessive or especial preference for, or prepossession in favour of, a particular person or thing; hence, Favourable disposition, predilection, fondness, or affection for some one or something. Const. to, for, towards.
1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iii. (1586) 120 b, If he shall euer vnderstand this your partialitie, I doubt me..that he will beshrew me for it.1669R. Montague in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 425, I have no partiality in the world towards him.1759Hume Hist. Eng. (1812) V. xlii. 330 Another favourite who at this time received some marks of her partiality.1833H. Martineau Loom & Lugger ii. iv. 66 Miss Storey had always more partiality for our people.1871H. Ainsworth Tower Hill ii. x, Henry's partiality for St. John's Chapel had prevented it from being desecrated by the Vicar-General.
2. Party-spirit, rivalry; factiousness. Obs.
1480Caxton Chron. Eng. iii. (1520) 25 b/1 Hircanus after the decesse of his moder succeded in the kyngdom, in the which he had lytel prosperyte for parcyalte of the people.1583T. Stocker Civ. Warres Lowe C. iv. 38 There was greate partialitie betweene the Citie of Groenyng, and the Countrey men, by reason of certain Rightes and Priuiledges.1595Daniel Civ. Wars iv. v, His State being turbulent, Factious, and full of partialitie.1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 427 What domestic confusion, jealousy, partiality, revenge, heart-burnings, must tear those cities.
b. A party, a faction. Obs.
a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) B ij, There is greatte nombre of parcialities, Cinitiens, Catoniens, Peripaticiens, Academiens, and Epicuriens.1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India 165 Mutezuma hath environed them about, because they were of the parciality of Tlaxcallan.1623tr. Favine's Theat. Hon. vii. xv. 287 The Inhabitants..were in former times past deuided into two Leagues and partialities.
3. A political division, a province. rare.[Cf. Du Cange, ‘Parcialidad, vox Hispanica, Patria, regio’, with quot. of 1585 ‘nomina, cognomina, parentes,..et regionem, vulgo Parcialidad, et oppidum.’] 1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 198 They [Japan Islands] are in number sixty sixe, diuided into three partialities.
III. 4. The quality of being partial as opposed to universal; relation to a part and not to the whole; partialness. rare.
1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) III. 49 Without any attention to the universality or partiality of the disease.




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