

单词 paranoia
释义 paranoia Path.|pærəˈnɔɪə|
9 paranœa.
[mod.L. a. Gr. παράνοια, f. παράνο-ος distracted, f. παρα- beside + νό-ος, νοῦς mind.]
Mental derangement; spec. chronic mental unsoundness characterized by delusions or hallucinations, esp. of grandeur, persecution, etc. The various forms of the disorder are now usu. considered as belonging to the schizophrenic group of mental illness. Also in trivial use.
1811R. Hooper Lexicon Medicum 596/2 Paranœa, alienation of the mind; defect of judgment.1848Dunglison Dict. Med. Sci. (ed. 7) 625/2 Paranœa, delirium, dementia.1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Paranœa.1891N.Y. Tribune 1 Dec. 3/3 (Funk), I should designate his trouble as paranoia.1892Review of Rev. 15 July 56/1 Paranoia bears fruit in delusions of persecution, or hallucinations, or delusions of grandeur.1899J. Fiske Cranks in Atlantic Monthly Mar., A clear instance of the megalomania which is a well-known symptom of paranoia.1918[see neuropsychosis s.v. neuro-].1940Hinsie & Shatzky Psychiatric Dict. 395/2 Perhaps no term in psychiatry has undergone wider variations of meaning than the term paranoia.1954W. Mayer-Gross et al. Clin. Psychiatry iv. 158 Much of the age-old controversy on ‘paranoia’ has arisen from the difficulty of distinguishing between paranoid reactions and paranoid schizophrenia.Ibid. vi. 256 The effort to maintain paranoia as a distinct condition has also failed.1957V. Nabokov Pnin iv. 96 There is nothing more banal and more bourgeois than paranoia.1970Hinsie & Campbell Psychiatric Dict. (ed. 4) 540/2 Several types of paranoia have been described on the basis of the type of delusion that predominates: litigious, depressed, persecutory, grandiose, erotic.., and infidelity.Ibid. 541/2 The patient with amorous paranoia develops delusions of marital infidelity in relation to his spouse.1972Encycl. Psychol. II. 366/1 Paranoia{ddd}was thought to be distinct from the group of schizophrenias because it did not lead to deterioration. This is not now thought to be the case.1977Time 16 May 56/3 They constitute what has become a standard trip down paranoia lane.




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