

单词 overwatch
释义 overwatch, v.|əʊvəˈwɒtʃ, ˌəʊvə-|
[over- 1 (c), 17, 21.]
1. trans. To watch over, keep watch over.
1618Hist. Perkin Warbeck in Select. Harl. Misc. (1793) 66 To attend the arrival of his enemies abroad; yea, peradventure, to overwatch the actions of his freinds at home.1661R. L'Estrange Relapsed Apostate (1681) 18 It was his Part to overwatch their Appetites.1784Cowper Tiroc. 262, I blame not those, who with what care they can O'er⁓watch the num'rous and unruly clan.1865Swinburne Atalanta 1360 Olive and ivy and poplar dedicate And many a well-spring overwatched of these.
2. To watch all through (a night). Obs.
1590Shakes. Mids. N. v. i. 373, I feare we shall out-sleepe the comming morne, As much as we this night haue ouer⁓watcht.c1590Greene Fr. Bacon xi. 26 If Argus liv'd, and had his hundred eyes, They could not over-watch Phobetors night.
3. To fatigue or wear out with excessive watching; to weary or exhaust by keeping awake or by want of sleep. Now chiefly in pa. pple.
1563Foxe A. & M. 750/2, I answer and saye, that this bishop belike had ouerwatched hym selfe in this matter. For..he neuer slept til he red it.1591Sir H. Unton Corr. (Roxb.) 235, I crave pardon, beinge overwearyede and overwatched in the trenches.1607Markham Caval. i. (1617) 77 Some horsmen aduise you..to keep your horse from sleep, and so by ouerwatching him, to make him tame.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) II. 100 Overtoiled and overwatched, I fell into a deep sleep.1821Scott Kenilw. xv, Tressilian, fatigued and over-watched, came down to the hall.
Hence ˌoverˈwatched ppl. a., wearied with too much watching; ˌover-ˈwatching vbl. n., too much watching; too long vigil. Also overˈwatcher, one who watches over.
1568Grafton Chron. I. 138 His knightes and Souldiours were tyred, and weried with ouer watching and labour.1582T. Watson Centurie of Loue lxxix, The belly neither cares for meate nor drinke, Nor ouerwatched eyes desire to winke.a1656Bp. Hall Christian iii, His [the Christian's] Recreations..are..like unto a sweet nap after an overwatching.1822Scott Pirate iv, She was up early, and down late, and seemed, to her overwatched and overtasked maidens, to be as ‘wakerife’ as the cat herself.1846Eliz. B. Barrett in Lett. R. Browning & E. B. B. (1899) II. 426 Perhaps you will go home through it—but I shall not see—I cannot watch, being afraid of the over-watchers.




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