

单词 overput
释义 overˈput, v. Sc. and north. dial.
[over- 4.]
trans. To throw off, ‘get over’, recover from.
c1400Destr. Troy 160 His pride well ouerput, past into elde.1586Durham Depos. (Surtees) 318 The said Luke did aske him..how he did: he answeared, ‘Sore sicke, but I hope to God to overputt it’.1725Ramsay Gent. Sheph. v. i, Alake! I'll never be mysell again; I'll ne'er o'erput it.1825–80Jamieson, To ourput, to recover from, to get the better of; applied to disease or evil.
So overˈputting vbl. n. (in Hunting), running beyond the proper point, so as to lose the scent.
1590Cockaine Treat. Hunting B iv b, At euery ouer putting off the hounds, or small stop, euery huntsman..ought to begin his rechate, and..the hounds will be in full chase againe.




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