

单词 overplus
释义 overplus, n. (adv., a.)|ˈəʊvəplʌs|
[app. a partial translation of F. surplus (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), f. sur over + F. and L. plus more.]
A. n.
a. That which is over in addition to the main amount, or to what is allotted or needed; an additional or extra quantity; an amount left over, a surplus.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 407 And alle the ouer pluse He kepeþ to his owne vse.1420in E.E. Wills (1882) 42 The overe-plus of alle thys.1555W. Watreman Fardle Facions i. iii. 36 Hercules passyng the seas..and bringyng an ouerplus of people thence with hym.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 545 Wee read two hundred yeares and the overplus.1736Butler Anal. ii. vi. 299 To balance pleasure and pain..so as to be able to say on which side the overplus is.1875Maine Hist. Inst. 262 The landlord is paid out of the proceeds. The overplus is returned to the tenant.
b. catachr. That which remains in the mind, conclusion. Obs.
1536Boorde Let. in Introd. Knowl. (1870) Forewords 58 Vnto the tyme you haue seen them, & knowyng þe ouerplus of my mynd.1547Brev. Health §384 The ouerplus of my mynde in this matter..I do commyt it to the industry of wyse & expert Phisicions.
c. loosely. Excess, superabundance.
1721M. W. Montagu Let. May (1966) II. 5, I beleive [I] shall take care another time not to involve my selfe in difficulties by an overplus of Heroic Generosity.1794D. O'Connell Let. 22 Apr. (1972) I. 17, I could spend three months at home in my native air free from all cost; which would compensate for the overplus of travelling charges.a1817Jane Austen Two Chapters of Persuasion (1926) 27 To..pay for the overplus of Bliss, by Headake & Fatigue.1850B. Taylor Eldorado ii. (1862) 14 An idea of the splendid overplus of vegetable life within the tropics.1870Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. i. (1873) 274 The imagination is so much in over-plus, that thinking a thing becomes better than doing it.1934E. Pound Eleven New Cantos xxxvi. 28 Cometh he to be when the will From overplus Twisteth out of natural measure.1969Worship XLIII. 394 In origin, the sacred is an overplus of meaning expressed with such power that it overwhelms everyone who perceives it. This overplus is beyond analysis.
B. as adv. or predicate: In addition, in excess, besides, over. Now rare or Obs.
1388Wyclif Luke xi. 41 Netheles that that is ouerplus, ȝyue ȝe almes, and lo! al thingis ben cleene to ȝou.1560Whitehorne Ord. Souldiours (1573) 5 b, Parting the roote into 3, there remaynethe ouerplus onelye one.1598Archpriest Controv. (Camden) II. 157 Wee adde this wishe overplus that yow had not made this edicte.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iv. vi. 22. 1655 Marquis of Worcester Cent. Inv. Ded. ii. 9 Whatever should be overplus or needless for the present day.
C. as adj. in attrib. relation: Remaining over, additional, extra, surplus.
1640Boston Rec. (1877) II. 51 Sargient Savage his demand to have the overplus land at Hogg Iland.1726Berkeley Let. to T. Prior 24 Aug., Wks. 1871 IV. 133 Transmit the third part of the overplus sum to Swift and Company.1883W. Morris in Mackail Life (1899) II. 107 If they can only learn the uselessness of mere overplus money.




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