

单词 over land
释义 I. ˈoverˌland, n. local.
Land held by a particular tenure in the west of England: see quots.
1769Eng. Displayed 44/2 The tenures are copyhold-lands, over-lands, and reve-lands. Over-lands are subject to fines, but not to heriots, suits and service.1801Enclosure Commissioners of Cheddar Moor (E.D.D.), By Overlands or Overland Tenements are to be understood all lands whether open or inclosed, which do not, nor at any time heretofore did belong to auster, or ancient tenements, and for which no right of common in the moors or on the hill have been allowed.1885T. S. Holmes Hist. Wookey ii. 53 Overland..I rather think that under that head was included such villein holdings as fell into the hands of the lord by way of escheat from time to time. These..would after a time be regranted to other villeins.1886Elworthy W. Somerset Word-bk., Overland,..land having no farm-house upon it... Any piece of land let without farm buildings is called ‘a overland’.1894Tablet 16 June 942 Lord Bute..inherited certain ancient feudal overlands in Glamorganshire.
attrib.1796W. Marshall W. Eng. I. Gloss. (E.D.S.), Overland farm,..a parcel of land, without a house to it.1817Trewman's Exeter Flying-post 7 Aug. 4 To be let..an Overland Tenement.
II. ˌoverˈland, over land, adv.
[Properly two words, over prep. and land n.1: often hyphened or written as one.]
Over or across land; by land (as opposed to ‘by sea’). In Langland: ‘over the country’.
[1362Langl. P. Pl. A. v. 258 Þat Penitencia his pike schulde polissche newe, And lepe with him ouerlond al his lyf tyme.1393Ibid. C. x. 159 Lolleres lyuyng in sleuthe and ouer londe [v.r. ouerlond] strykers.]1589Horsey Trav. (Hakl. Soc.) App. 317 None of the Companies servauntes shuld be suffered to goe overland with letters.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. v. 8, I desire..A Conduct ouer Land, to Milford-Hauen.1664Pepys Diary 29 Oct., That De Ruyter is come overland home.1748Anson's Voy. ii. iv. 165 The account sent over land by Pizarro.1786Ld. Cornwallis in Corresp. 28 Dec. (Y.) The packet that was coming to us overland..was cut off by the wild Arabs between Aleppo and Bussora.1792Misc. in Ann. Reg. 452 Observations on the Passage from India, commonly called Over Land. Note. This expression, though extremely incorrect, is warranted by general use.1872Yeats Techn. Hist. Comm. 61 The traffic being overland by way of Malacca.1889‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms xii, I'll go back overland.
III. overland, a. (n.)|ˈəʊvəlænd|
[Attrib. use of prec. with change of stress: see over- 32.]
Proceeding or lying over or across land; performed by land; for or connected with a journey over land. Also ellipt. as n.
overland route, a route entirely or partly by land, as opposed to an alternative route by sea; spec. (1) the route to India by the Mediterranean, ‘which in former days involved usually a land journey from Antioch or thereabouts to the Persian Gulf’ (Yule s.v.), but of which in later times the Isthmus of Suez was the only overland part left; (2) in America, any route westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean across the continent.
1800Asiatic Ann. Reg., Acc. Bks. 51/1 The present establishment for the conveyance of over-land dispatches.1803Castlereagh in Wellesley's Desp. (1877) 581 You will probably hear from me, by an overland express.1841Niles' Reg. 6 Feb. 353/2 The news from China and India we have received by the overland mail.1848Alfred in India 158 Passengers went..across the desert to Alexandria, and from thence in another steamer... This is called the ‘overland route’.1857Gen. P. Thompson Audi Alt. (1858) I. xxi. 75 [In 1822] I travelled..in Arab vessels, by what was nevertheless called the Overland route, from Bombay to Alexandria.1861W. Fairbairn Addr. Brit. Assoc., That country [India] may be reached by the overland route in less than a month.1861B. I. Hayes Let. 11 Feb. in Pioneer Notes from Diaries (1929) vii. 253 By the Overland Stage arriving here on the 8th inst., I received your valued favor of the 12th ult.1862Mrs. J. B. Speid Our Last Yrs. in India iv. 79 Her Majesty's mail! What would England..say, could they witness the bi-monthly arrival of the overland here!1901Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 24 Oct. 1/5 The northbound Southern Pacific overland express..was held up by robbers..but the robbers secured little booty.1977C. Allen Raj 20 Before the opening of the canal the fastest means of getting to and from India was by taking the overland route..from Alexandria to Suez.
IV. overˈland, v. Australia.
[f. overland adv.]
a. intr. To go overland from one colony or part of Australia to another.
b. trans. To drive (stock) overland from one market to another. So overˈlanding vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1871M. Clarke Old Tales of Young Country 163 ‘Overlanding’ was a profitable and, withal, romantic occupation. Young men of spirit, wearied of the capital, and prompted by love of gain and adventure, purchased cattle and sheep in New South Wales, and drove them ‘overland’ to the ‘New Orleans’ of Colonel Torrens.1873Ranken Domin. Australia xiii. (1874) 232 Herds used to be taken from New South Wales to South Australia across..the deserts of Riverina. That used to be called ‘overlanding’.1885Mrs. C. Praed Head Station (new ed.) 116, I can't imagine you overlanding cattle!1900Daily News 8 Oct. 3/1 He has gone exploring from South Australia to the Carpentaria, overlanding.1916Chambers's Jrnl. Nov. 729/1 Men live in the saddle..when ‘over⁓landing’ cattle.1925Ibid. Dec. 810/1 Overlanding drovers who were opening up new country passed by.1933Bulletin (Sydney) 16 Aug. 20/2 Overlanding from the N.T. to Queensland.1941I. L. Idriess Great Boomerang xviii. 128 Any of the great overlanding or exploring treks would have been more instructive to remember.1965Sunday Truth (Brisbane) 17 Oct. 32/4 In 1839 the entire Wills establishment..overlanded to..western Victoria.Ibid. 32/5 Heading an overlanding expedition of 25 men and women and 10,000 sheep Wills led his party slowly north to a destination in central Queensland.1975Australasian Express (London) 10 Oct. 24/2 Overlanding is a wonderful way of travelling.




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