

单词 apparent
释义 I. apparent, a. and n.|əˈpɛərənt, əˈpær-|
Forms: 4 aparant, 5–6 apparaunt(e, 5–7 -ant(e, (7 appearant), 5– apparent. Aphet. 5–6 parent.
[a. OFr. aparant, -ent:—L. appārēnt-em (after which it has been subseq. refashioned), pr. pple. of appārē-re to come in sight: see appear, and -ant, -ent. Apt to be confused with aperand, the north. pr. pple. of apere, appear (see -and1), whence the mixed form appearant.]
A. adj.
1. Meeting the eyes, showing itself; open to sight, visible, plainly seen. arch.
1393Gower Conf. III. 269 This merveile, which they sigh So apparaunt to-fore her eye.1481Caxton Myrr. ii. xxxi. 125 By cause that it [the mone] is next to therthe it semeth grettest and most apparaunt of alle the other [planetes].a1520Myrr. Our Ladye 53 Whiche they dyd nat to the apparaunte syght of the worlde, but secretly.1613Withers Abuses Stript i. vii. (Juvenil. 1633) 51 An Owl-eyed buzzard that by day is blinde, And sees not things apparant.1637Gillespie Eng.-Pop. Cerem. iii. ix. 199 Flee..from appearant destruction.a1725Pope Odyss. vi. 392 This heard Minerva, but forbore to fly (By Neptune awed) apparent from the sky.1873Black Pr. Thule xxv. 418 With a very apparent and hearty gratitude in his face.
2. Conspicuous, prominent. Obs.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Cyrurg., The synewy cordes be made bare of the flesshe and apparentes.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 129 That place is very fitte..being high, eminent, and apparant.1603Knolles Hist. Turkes (1621) 830 In a place more apparant than the rest, sitting in great majestie.
3. Manifest to the understanding; evident, plain, clear, obvious; palpable.
c1400Rom. Rose 5 Some swevene..Which hardely that false ne ben, But afterward ben apparaunte.1599Warn. Faire Wom. ii. 1569 Ile cleere my conscience And make the truth apparent to the world.1618Donne Serm. cxliii. V. 556 The Broadest and apparantest outward Seal by which he testifies his love to Man.1645[See 6].1779Johnson L.P., Gay Wks. III. 214 The mind is repelled by useless and apparent falsehood.1806A. Knox Rem. I. 24 The spirituality of our Lord's meaning..may be made more apparent.
4. In heir apparent (and its imitations): Manifest, evident, obvious; applied to one who will undoubtedly inherit, if he survive the present possessor, as opposed to an heir presumptive, who though at present the nearest in succession, is liable to have his hope intercepted by the birth of a nearer heir.
c1375Wyclif Wks. 1869 I. 402 Ȝif a man were ayre aparant of Englond. [1375Barbour Bruce iv. 71 His son..The eldest and apperande air.c1475Rauf Coil. 935 Scho is appeirand air To twa Douchereis.]1490Caxton Eneydos xxix. 113 The mooste parent heyre of the lynage.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 122 b, If tenant in the taile enfeoffe his heyre apparante.1645Howell Lett. vi. 21 The Heir apparant of the Crown of France.1711Addison Spect. No. 287 ⁋6 Hopeful Heirs apparent to great Empires.1841Miall Nonconf. I. 248 What will the premier apparent do when he comes into power?
5. Likely so far as appearances go. Obs.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cclviii. 383 They knewe of no maner apparant reskewe comyng to them warde.1524Wolsey in State Papers (1836) IV. 197 The high benefites..apparant to ensue unto theym.1594Shakes. Rich. III, ii. ii. 130 As well the feare of harme, as harme apparant..ought to be preuented.1654Fuller 2 Serm. 40 Utterly unable without his apparent ruine, to contest with the fore⁓said Duke.1754H. Walpole Lett. H. Mann 252 III. 61 The three apparent candidates are Fox, Pitt and Murray.
6. Appearing to the senses or mind, as distinct from (though not necessarily opposed to) what really is; seeming. Contrasted with real. (The commonest sense now, but treated as novel in 1645.)
1645J. G[oodwin] Innoc. Tri. 27 Not an apparant, but an apparent Schisme..for there is no realitie or truth, but onely an appearance or shew of a schisme.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. III. 57 His real merit, and apparent fidelity, had gained the confidence both of the prince and people.1785Reid Intell. Powers 265 What Berkeley calls visible magnitude, was by Astronomers called apparent magnitude.1831Brewster Optics iii. 21 The difference between the real and apparent place of any point of an object.1868Freeman Norm. Conq. II. App. 618 The great apparent discrepancy between the two Chroniclers is merely apparent.
7. quasi-adv. Evidently, manifestly. Obs. rare.
1565Jewel Repl. Harding 125 He auoucheth that thing for true, that the simplest..knoweth to be apparant false.
8. Comb. apparent magnitude [magnitude 3], the magnitude of a celestial body classified according to its apparent brightness, opp. absolute magnitude; apparent (solar) time: see quot. 1940.
1875Encycl. Brit. II. 822/1 The gathering of stars of the leading orders of *apparent magnitude in the galactic zone shows that stars of many orders of real size and brightness are there gathered together.1902[see absolute magnitude].1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 522/1 Apparent magnitude is the measure of the brightness on Pogson's logarithmic scale, in which each step of one whole magnitude represents a light ratio of 2·512, and this increases numerically with decreasing brightness.
1694J. Smith Horolog. Disquisitions 30 Now the Clock being still naturally inclined to lose, I therefore..set him again..so he is again too fast for the sun 3′ 45{pp} (which is the most I suffer him to differ from the *apparent Time).1706,1834[see time n. 27].1922H. S. Jones Gen. Astr. 48 If the sun is used as a reference body the time so determined is called apparent solar time.1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 45/1 Apparent solar time, the hour angle, at any moment, of the true, or apparent, sun as distinguished from the mean sun... Sundials read apparent solar time.1942F. Debenham Astrographics (ed. 2) 20 The shadow of the real sun will only give us the irregular real sun time (called Apparent Time), so we have to add or subtract the Equation of Time to get Mean Time.
B. n. [by ellipsis.] An heir-apparent. Also fig.
1393Gower Conf. I. 216 He that tho was apparant Upon the regne expectant.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. ii. 64 Draw thy Sword in right..Prince, Ile draw it as Apparant to the Crowne.1611Wint. T. i. ii. 178 Next to thy selfe, and my young Rouer, he's Apparant to my heart.1646Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 389 My Lord of Lorn (appearand of Argyle).

apparent motion n. (a) chiefly Astron. the perceived movement of a (celestial) object; (b) Psychol. the illusion of movement produced when a series of stationary stimuli are viewed in rapid succession.
1602T. Blundeville Theoriques Seven Planets 277 The true or *apparent motion of the Moone is an arch of the Eclipticke.1715tr. D. Gregory Elements Astron. I. iii. §11. 405 The apparent motion of the Sun will be equable.1815J. Playfair Outl. Nat. Philos. II. 29 The apparent motion of a body, in any direction, may arise either from the real motion of the body in that direction, or from the motion of the spectator in the opposite.1934H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 17/1 Apparent (motion or) movement, the perception of motion when stationary stimuli are exposed.1966Psychonomic Sci. 6 187/1 The present study explores apparent motion in a situation where a single light is alternated with an array of several lights.1992S. P. Maran Astron. & Astrophysics Encycl. 451/2 It was soon realized that these librations..were not actual oscillatory motions of the Moon, but apparent motions arising from Earth's changing viewpoint.2002Canad. Psychol. (Nexis) Nov. The rise of motion pictures fostered interest in the stroboscopic effect of apparent motion, fundamental to the illusion of continuity on the screen.

apparent movement n. = apparent motion n. at Additions.
1934H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 17/1 Apparent (motion or) movement, the perception of motion when stationary stimuli are exposed.1966Gen. Jrnl. Psychol. 75 285 A study of the effect of intermittent visual stimulation and continuous visual stimulation on subsequent perception of apparent movement.1987Oxf. Compan. Mind 604/1 Motion pictures are possible because we perceive continuous movement in response to a rapid succession of static views. The phenomenon is often called apparent movement.2006Times Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 10 Mar. 6 Back in the classroom, pupils appreciate that the apparent movement of the Sun and stars is really caused by the rotation of Earth.
II. aˈpparent, v. Obs. rare.
[f. prec. adj.]
To make apparent or manifest.
1577Holinshed Chron. II. 36/2 It hath beene manifestlie apparented.1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 73 The qualitie of euery thing should be apparanted by termes of efficacie.




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