

单词 opinionate
释义 I. oˈpinionate, a. Obs.
[f. opinion + -ate; perh. as a latinized form of opinioned, OF. opinionné: see -ate suffix2.]
1. Based on opinion, or held in the way of opinion; conjectural, uncertain; supposed, fancied.
1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 10 Erringe, wyth hys lyghte and opinionate argumentes.a1586Sidney Arcadia (1622) 450 Wisedome being an essentiall and not an opinionate thing.1627–47Feltham Resolves i. lxi. 188 Nor is their misery merely opinionate, but truly argued from the measure of pity, that it meets with from others.1661Sir H. Vane's Politics 1 To cloath vice be it never so ugly, with an opinionate tinct of beauty.
2. Unduly attached to one's own opinion; conceited; obstinate in belief; = opinionated 3. (In quot. 1576 gen. Obstinate, self-willed.)
1576Turberv. Venerie iii. 8 These fallow houndes..are more opinionate and harder to be taught than the whyte houndes.1603Sir C. Heydon Jud. Astrol. xx. 410 It were more then an opinionate singularitie in M. Chamber to contradict it.1640Quarles Enchirid. iii. lxix, In holding of an Argument, be neither chollericke, nor too opinionate.1658Sir H. Slingsby Diary (1836) 204 Arguments springing from the brains of those ambitious and opinionate Sectaries.
II. opinionate, v. Now rare.|əʊˈpɪnjəneɪt|
[f. L. opīniōn-em opinion + -ate3: perh. after OF. opinionner, or med.L. *opīniōnārī, -āt-us.]
1. To form or hold an opinion; to believe, suppose, think; = opine v. 2, opinion v.
a. trans. (also with compl. or obj. clause).
1621Lady M. Wroth Urania 532 As rude and ill manner'd a company..though much opinionated to bee well-behaued creatures.1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman d'Alf. ii. 204 Opinionating them to be principall persons.1643R. O. Man's Mort. iii. 10 Pythagoras opinionated it [the Soul] a Number moving of it selfe.1678R. R[ussell] Geber ii. i. i. iii. 28 We also find many who have a Soul easily opinionating every Phantasie.18..E. Leslie That Gentleman, I opinionate that he was one of the gentlemen.
b. intr.
1653R. Sanders Physiogn. 260 Amongst..Authors thus opinionating, I find Haly Abenragel the Arabian.1656Stanley Hist. Philos. v. (1701) 223/1 A wise Man may consent to that which is not perceived; that is, he may opinionate.1891‘M. O'Rell’ Frenchm. in Amer. 140, I have always gone my own quiet way, philosophising rather than opinionating.
a. trans. To express as a formal opinion;
b. intr. To state or deliver one's opinion formally; = opine v. 1. Obs.
1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. xxxvii. (1739) 167 To subject the Consciences of all the people to the opinion of one Metropolitan, that might opinionate strange things.1677Needham 2nd Packet Advices to Men of Shaftesbury 72 Nor was it to be supposed, that the Judges would have undertaken to opinionate about so Supreme a Question.
3. refl. To become or be opinionated or obstinate. Obs. exc. in pa. pple.: see next.
1603Florio Montaigne (1634) 183 Even good Authors doe ill..wilfully to opinionate themselues about framing a constant and solide contexture of us.1622A. Court Constancie i. 38 Wee retaine still their griefe, and opinionate our selues to rumenate and continually bring them into our memory.
4. To bring into some condition, by force of thought or imagination. Obs.
1650H. Brooke Conserv. Health 66 They..opinionate themselues into Sickness.




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