

单词 non-subscriber
释义 non-subˈscriber
Also Sc. 7 -scriver, -scryver.
[non- 2.]
1. One who refuses to subscribe to an undertaking, a religious creed, etc.
(a) In Scottish Church History, one who did not subscribe to the National Covenant of 1638; (b) one of the section of Irish presbyterians which arose in 1720 and opposed the imposition of subscription to the Westminster Confession. Now Hist.
1599(title), A Triall of Subscription, by way of a Preface vnto certaine Subscribers; And, Reasons for lesse rigour against non-subscribers.16211st & 2nd Bks. Discipl. (Calderwood) 11 That whosoever hath borne office in the ministerie of the Kirke within this Realme..shall be charged..to subscrive the heads of the discipline of the Kirk of this Realme.., under the paine of excommunication to be executed against the non-subscrivers.1638R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) I. 78 That day was a solemne Fast over all our Kingdome... Some of our non-subscryvers refused to joyne.1650(title), A brief Apology for all non subscribers, and looking glasse for all apostate, perjured prescribers, and subscribers of the new engagement.1727Narr. Prov. Synods Presbyt. Irel. 36 The Ministers, who in a few days after [in June, 1721] were distinguish'd by the name of Non-subscribers.
2. One who does not pay a subscription.
1713Lond. Gaz. No. 5131/4 Subscribers pay one Guinea, and Non-Subscribers five Guineas Entrance.1816T. J. Howell Stranger in Shrewsbury 65 The public libraries in Shrewsbury are wretchedly furnished except one, and to that entrance is almost denied to strangers and non-subscribers.1884List of Subscribers (London & Globe Telephone Co.) [3] Subscribers..must not allow non-subscribers to use their instruments for the transmission of messages.
So non-subˈscribing vbl. n., non-subˈscription, refusal or failure to subscribe (e.g. to a religious creed); also non-subˈscribing ppl. a.
1662Wood Life 24 Aug. (O.H.S.) I. 453 What heads of houses was turned out upon non-subscribing to the Act of Uniformity.1716[see nonconforming vbl. n.].1727Narr. Prov. Synods Presbyt. Irel. 58 An anonymous Pamphlet, called, The Mind of the Synod, which contained many grievous Aspersions on the Non-subscribing Ministers.1736Chandler Hist. Persec. 395 The two great evils of the Church, Non-subscription and Arianism.1747H. Walpole Lett. (1846) II. 199 The non-subscribing at the time of the rebellion has been most successfully played off upon the Jacobites.1827Christian Moderator I. (title of article), Progress of Nonsubscription to Creeds.1879Witherow Mem. Presbyt. Irel. 166 Opening of the non-Subscription Controversy.1895Daily News 24 Oct. 3/3 Unitarians..were..Non-Subscribing—i.e. their trust deeds did not provide that ministerial officers..should subscribe to a creed.




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