

单词 natation
释义 natation|nəˈteɪʃən|
Also 6 nawtacyon.
[ad. L. natātiōn-em, n. of action f. natāre to swim. Cf. F. natation.]
The action or art of swimming; also, that which swims or floats.
1542Boorde Dyetary xiii. (1870) 265 Euery thyng that is vnctious..doth swymme aboue in the brynkes of the stomacke:..the excesse of suche nawtacyon or superfyce will ascend to the oryse [v.r. orifice] of the stomacke.1623Cockeram 1, Natation, a swimming.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 193 Other animalls..need no other way of motion, for natation in the water, then for progression upon the land.1793Charac. in Ann. Reg. 252/1 Had I remained in England and opened a school of natation.1834McMurtrie Cuvier's Anim. Kingd. 276 Here, as among the Vertebrata, we find the walk, the run, the leap, natation and flight.1865Weld Last Wint. in Rome 111 No Roman bathes in the Tiber now, and as for feats of natation [etc.].
Hence naˈtational a., relating to swimming; naˈtationist, a swimmer.
1883Field 22 Dec. 853 To take an active lead in matters natational.1891Daily News 17 Feb. 3/8 The question of supremacy between the natationists could be settled.




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