

单词 myrrh
释义 I. myrrh1|mɜː(r)|
Forms: 1 myrra, murra, 1, 4 murre, 1–6 myrre, 2–6 mirre, 4 merre, mirr, 4–5 myre, 4, 6 mir, 5 mere, myr, 5–6 myrr, 5–7 mirrhe, 6–7 mirrh, myrrhe, 7– myrrh. Also in L. form 4 mirra, 6–8 myrrha.
[OE. myrra, myrre, murra = OS. myrra (MDu. myrre, mirre, Du. mirre), OHG. myrrâ, mirrâ, murrâ, (MHG. mirre, G. myrrhe), ON. mirra; also OF. mirre (11th c.), mod.F. myrrhe, It., Sp. mirra:—L. murra, murrha, myrrha, a. Gr. µύρρα, of Semitic origin (Arab. murr, Heb. mōr).]
1. A gum-resin produced by several species of Commiphora (Balsamodendron), esp. C. Myrrha (see 2): used for perfumery and as an ingredient in incense. Also Med., the tincture made from this.
In early use almost always with reference to the offering of myrrh by the Magi to our Lord.
c825Vesp. Ps. xliv. 9 Myrre & dropa & smiring.c975Rushw. Gosp. Matt. ii. 11, & ontynden heora goldhord brohtun him lac gold recils & murra [Ags. Gosp. myrre, Hatton Gosp. mirre].c1000ælfric Hom. (Th.) I. 118 Myrra deð..þæt þæt deade flæsc eaðelice ne rotað.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 45 Gold bicumeð to kinge. Recheles to gode. mirre to deaðliche men.a1300Cursor M. 11502 Attropa gaf gift o mir, A smerl o selcuth bitturnes.c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 2080 And garlandes hangynge with ful many a flour, The Mirre, thencens, with al so greet odour.c1450Myrc Festial 49 Myrre ys an oynement þat kepyth ded bodyes from rotyng.1550Bale Image Both Ch. i. ii. D. v, The odoriferous myrrha geueth forth the swete smelle of all good christen workes.1652Crashaw Carmen Deo Nostro Wks. (1904) 198 Mountains of myrrh, and Beds of species.1672Wiseman Wounds ii. i. 2 Put a Pea in the middle of it, with Tincture of Myrrhe and Honey of Roses.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XII. 572 The Troglodite myrrh was superior to every species of Arabian myrrh.1803Med. Jrnl. IX. 270 A mixture of three drachms of myrrh, one drachm and a half of balsamus Peruvianus or canadensis [etc.].1835Penny Cycl. III. 345/1 Myrrh in sorts is the term applied to various inferior and adulterated kinds.1851Longfellow Gold. Leg., Nativity vi, Another goblet! quick! and stir, Pomegranate juice and drops of myrrh..therein!
2. Any shrub or tree that yields the gum-resin, esp. Commiphora (Balsamodendron) Myrrha.
c1402Lydg. Compl. Bl. Knt. 66, I saw ther Daphne..The myrre also, that wepeth ever of kinde.a1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 285 Myrre is a tree that groweth fyue cubytes in lengthe.1603Drayton Heroic. Ep. iv. 141 Turn'd into a Myrrhe, Whose dropping Liquor ever weepes for her.1634Milton Comus 937 With Groves of myrrhe, and cinnamon.
3. attrib. as myrrh-bush, myrrh-posy, myrrh-wine; myrrh-breathing, myrrh-distilling adjs.; myrrh resin (see quot.); myrrh-seed, a book-name for Myrospermum pubescens; myrrh-shrub = sense 2; myrrh wine, myrrhed wine. See also myrrh-tree.
1616R. C. Times' Whistle 1112 One kisse From thy *mirre-breathing mouth.1605Drayton Idea liii, Sweet mirrh-breathing Zephire.
1833Tennyson Lotos-Eaters 103 Yonder amber light, Which will not leave the *myrrh-bush on the height.
1624Quarles Sion's Sonn. (1714) 354, I Op'd my Door, my *Myrrh-distilling Door.
1749G. Lavington Enthus. Meth. & Papists ii. (1754) 8 Christ gaue her so large a share of the *Myrrh-posy of his Passion, that frequently under an Alienation of her Senses she would throw herself on her Back on the Ground.
1854R. D. Thomson Cycl. Chem., *Myrrh Resin... Obtained from myrrh by alcohol; yellowish-brown, hard and brittle.
1866Treas. Bot. II. 772/2 *Myrrh-seed, Myrospermum pubescens.
1876Harley Mat. Med. (ed. 6) 666 Balsamodendron Myrrha. The *Myrrh Shrub.1878H. M. Stanley Dark Cont. II. xii. 350 Where the myrrh and bdellium shrubs exhaled their fragrance.
1609Bp. Hall Passion Serm. Wks. (1625) 425 S. Marke calls this draught, οἶνον ἐσµυρνισµένον, *Myrrh-wine.
II. myrrh2|mɜː(r)|
[ad. late L. myrrhis, murris (see myrrhis).]
The aromatic plant, Myrrhis odorata (family Umbelliferæ), Sweet Cicely.
1597Gerarde Herbal ii. cccxcix. 82 Great Cheruill, or Myrrhe.1638Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death (1650) 32 These yield a Robust heat, especially..Valerian, Myrrhe, Pepper-wort, Elder-flowers, Garden-chervile.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece ii. iii. 378 Your Myrrhs should likewise now have frequent Water given them.1852Johnson Cottage Gard. Dict., Myrrhis... This is the British Myrrh, formerly used in various ways.1886Britten & Holland Plant-n., Myrrh, Myrrhis odorata,..Cumb.; Aberdeensh.




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