

单词 mountainous
释义 mountainous, a.|ˈmaʊntɪnəs|
Also 4–5 mounteynous, 7 -aynous, -aignous, montanous, 7–8 mountanous.
[a. F. montagneux (= Sp. montañoso, Pg. montanhoso, It. montagnoso):—popular L. *montāniōsus mountainous, f. *montānia, *montānea mountain: see -ous.]
1. Situated in the mountains. Obs. rare.
a1430mounteynous [in several MSS. of Wyclif's Bible, Jer. xvii. 26, xxxiii. 13, where the MSS. followed by the editors have mountuous, mountewous].a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Irene Wks. (1711) 171 The eccho's, so often redoubled and multiplied amongst mountanous concavities.
2. Characterized by mountains; abounding in mountains; of the nature of a mountain.
1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 4 Those countries, whereof one part is plaine and fruitefull, and the other mountaynous and barren.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 11 This little Isle..is..almost all cultivated, though it be mountanous.1737Whiston Josephus, Antiq. v. i. §18 (1834) 131/2 The mountainous parts of Canaan.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) I. 275 The greater part of the surface is mountainous.
3. Resembling a mountain or mountains; huge, enormous. Now rare.
1607Shakes. Cor. ii. iii. 127 The Dust on antique Time would lye vnswept, And mountainous Error be too highly heapt, For Truth to o're-peere.1641Milton Animadv. Wks. 1851 III. 215 Hee may perhaps delight the eyes of some with his huge and mountainous Bulk.1678J. Phillips Tavernier's Trav., India ii. ii. iv. 114 The Raja..made him mountainous promises to no effect.1749Fielding Tom Jones v. viii, The two mountainous cheek-bones of the house-keeper.1768J. Byron Narr. Patagonia (ed. 2) 10 However, a mountainous sea hove her off.1822Scott Pirate xi, Mordaunt..placed her upon the summit of her mountainous saddle.1889Ruskin Præterita III. 182 The white edges of the mountainous clouds.
4. Inhabiting mountains; dwelling in inaccessible mountain regions; hence, barbarous. Obs.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 789 This wilde Mountainous people.1625Bacon Ess., Viciss. Things (Arb.) 569 The Remnant of People, which hap to be reserued, are commonly Ignorant and Mountanous People, that can giue no Account, of the Time past.1703Savage Lett. Antients cxiv. 283 The Mountainous People no sooner saw me,..than they cry'd out.
5. Derived from or owing characteristics to mountains. Obs.
1683Pettus Fleta Min. i. 287 Others say, That the Goslarish Calaminaris brings more increase than the mountanous Calaminaris.1799R. Warner Walk (1800) 45 The yew, the ash, and other mountainous trees.1801A. Seward Lett. (1811) V. 387 The pure gales, mountainous and maritime, which blow around your delightful retreat.
Hence ˈmountainously adv., ˈmountainousness.
1612Drayton Poly-olb. xv. 31 Chiltern..mountainously hie.1716Brerewood Disc. Learning (J.), Armenia is so called from the mountainousness of it.1845Jane Robinson Whitehall I. 354 The waves mountainously rolling.1854Chamb. Jrnl. II. 161 Even in the quality of mountainousness..some parts are strikingly unlike others.




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