

单词 repository
释义 I. repository, n.|rɪˈpɒzɪtərɪ|
Also 5 reposytorye, 6–7 repositorie.
[ad. obs. F. repositoire or L. repositōrium: see reposit v. and -ory1.]
1. a. A vessel, receptacle, chamber, etc., in which things are or may be placed, deposited, or stored.
1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 36 Of the floures charles put a parte in a reposytorye.1570Levins Manip. 105/36 A Repositorie, repositorium.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1200 Many secret monuments, and repositories of demi⁓gods.1647Clarendon Contempl. Ps. Tracts (1727) 514 Those tears..he keeps in a repository that is never out of his sight.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 250 On the Outside of this City are Repositories for Snow and Ice.1712Addison Spect. No. 471 ⁋2 It is like those Repositories in several Animals that are filled with Stores of their former Food.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. 128 At the end of Rathbone-place..water is..thrown into an open repository, where it stands.1806J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life x. xviii, Losing the keys of all your most private repositories.1862Burton Bk. Hunter (1863) 56 Stored away in some forgotten repositories, these miscellaneous relics still remain.1884Catholic Dict. (1897) 305/2 A vase in the form of a dove..was in the East and France..used as a repository for the Blessed Sacrament.
b. A place, room, or building, in which specimens, curiosities, or works of art are collected; a museum. Now rare.
1658Phillips s.v., More peculiarly, by the Architects, such places as are built for the laying up of rareties, either in picture or other art are called Repositories.1667Phil. Trans. II. 486 There being such a stone in their [the Royal Society's] Repository.1716–18Lady M. W. Montagu Lett. I. xvi. 53 The Elector's palace is very handsome, and his repository full of curiosities of different kinds.1756P. Browne Jamaica 39, I have seen a specimen of the red sort..in the repository of the royal garden at Paris.1802James Milit. Dict. s.v., The Royal Repository at Woolwich, contains models of every sort of warlike stores, weapons, and fortification.1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. 337/2 The repository at Woolwich forms a school of instruction for both officers and men on first joining the artillery.
c. A place where things are kept or offered for sale; a warehouse, store, shop, mart.
1759A. Murphy Let. 22 July in D. Garrick Private Corr. (1831) I. 101 But yours is Beaver's Repository, and there you must judge whether they [sc. the horses] are marketable, or likely to tire before they come to the winning-post.1767J. Wedgwood Let. 23 May (1965) 53, I spent a great part of the day in search of a Room for my repository.1785Grose Class. Dict., Repository,..Livery stables where horses and carriages are sold by auction.1801Mrs. Trimmer Oecon. Charity ii. 119 By furnishing different articles for sale at Repositories.1806J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life xxi. iii, Paying dear for your economy in having made purchases at a ‘Cheap Repository’.1831[Youatt] The Horse 368 In London, and in most great towns, there are repositories for the periodical sale of horses by auction.Ibid. 369 The principal repositories in London.1848Thackeray Van. Fair l, She confides the card to the gentleman of the Fine Art Repository.
a. A place where souls are lodged. Obs.
1638Featly Strict. Lyndom. ii. 58 In St. Austines hidden repositories, some soules have ease, and some paine.1662H. More Philos. Writ. Pref. Gen. (1712) 24 Whether the Souls be..sent from God out of some hidden Repository where they did prae-exist.1711Addison Spect. No. 56 ⁋2 There is a Tradition among the Americans, that one of their Countrymen descended in a Vision to the great Repository of Souls.
b. A place in which a dead body is deposited; a vault or sepulchre.
1663Wood Life June (O.H.S.) I. 476 Buried..at the high altar in a vault or repository.1697Potter Antiq. Greece ii. ii. (1715) 196 Women anointed the Balisters of the Churches, and the Repositories of Martyrs.1774Pennant Tour Scotl. in 1772, 180 In the middle of these repositories was placed the urn filled with the ashes of the dead.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. iii. vii. 416 Lulach was buried..in Iona, the accustomed repository of the Scotish kings.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 305 The ordering of the repositories of the dead.
c. slang. ‘A lockup or spunging house; a gaol’ (Grose, 1785). Obs.
3. A place or thing within which something immaterial is thought of as deposited or contained.
c1645Howell Lett. Ep. Ded. Letters can..be as authentic Registers, and safe repositories of Truth as any Story whatsoever.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. x. §2 This laying up of our Ideas in the Repository of the Memory.1712–3Pope Guardian No. 4 ⁋3, I have found unvalued repositories of learning in the lining of bandboxes.1788Reid Aristotle's Log. ii. §2. 30 A division is a repository which the philosopher frames for holding his ware.1806J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life i. Introd., What are Theatres but licensed repositories for ill-told lies.1864Bowen Logic i. 24 Language is the great repository of thought.
4. A part or place in which something is accumulated or exists in quantities.
1672–3Grew Anat. Roots ii. §28 So that the pith is a Repository of better aliment gradually supplied to those Sacciferous Vessels.1790Umfreville Hudson's Bay 53 He was engaged in..determining the truth of a copper⁓mine being up the country. He was two years in search of this valuable repository.1813Bakewell Introd. Geol. (1815) 278 Beside rake veins there are other mineral repositories, called flat veins or flat works, and pipe veins.1855J. R. Leifchild Cornwall 2 Cornwall is..an immense subterranean repository of copper and tin.
5. A person to whom some matter is entrusted or confided.
1697tr. C'tess D'Aunoy's Trav. (1706) 25 She made one of her Women, in whom she most confided, the Repository of this Secret.1773Mrs. Chapone Improv. Mind (1774) I. 182 Guard against being made the repository of such secrets.1810Shelley Zastrozzi vi, Make me the repository of your sorrows; I would, if possible, alleviate them.
II. repository, a.|rɪˈpɒzɪtərɪ|
[See prec. and -ory2.]
1. Serving for reposition. Obs. rare—1.
1688Baxter Dying Thoughts (1850) 144 If the bee know..how to gather her honey and wax, and how to form the repository combs, and how to lay it up [etc.].
2. Pertaining to, of the nature of, replacing heavy ordnance in position after dismounting it.
1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. 133/2 Repository exercise, the mechanical manœuvres with heavy guns.1890Daily News 21 Aug. 3/2 The Liverpool team..which took the first prize in the A shift of the repository competition.Ibid., The Liverpool detachment make a point of their repository work.




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