

单词 misusing
释义 misusing, vbl. n.|mɪsˈjuːzɪŋ|
[mis-1 3.]
The action of the verb misuse.
1. Wrong use or employment; misuse.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 56 Euere þe betre þat a þing is, þe worse & þe more abhominable is þe mysusynge þer-of.c1393Chaucer Scogan 95 Through misusing of right.1488–9Act 4 Hen. VII, c. 6 Through the negligence of..kepers..and by mysusyng of their Offices, the dere..is destroied.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 238 All vnlawfull vsurpyng or misvsynge of the temporall goodes of ony persone.1689Popple tr. Locke's 1st Let. Toleration L.'s Wks. 1727 II. 313 Whether the Magistrate's Opinion can change..the Power he has, or excuse him to his Judge for misusing of it.1814Mrs. J. West Alicia de Lacy II. 197 To render a strict account of our intrusted ten talents, for the mis-usings of reputation, of knowledge, of time.1874W. Bright Hymns 22 Look not on our misusings of Thy grace.
2. Misconduct. Obs.
1395Remonstrance (1851) 153 How abhominable is the mysusinge of prelatis that holden benefisid men in seculer officis.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 346/2 He semed verye penitent of hys mysseusing of hymself, in falling to Tyndalles heresies agayne.1540Sir W. Eure in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. III. 280 For the reformacion of the mysusing of the Spiritualtie in Scotlande.
3. Maltreatment. Obs.
1590Sir J. Smyth Disc. Weapons Ded. 5 b, [They] haue liued..more vpon the spoile, and misusing of the common people.1647Hexham, Een mishandelinge, a Mis-using.




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