

单词 misremember
释义 misreˈmember, v.
[mis-1 1.]
1. trans. To remember wrongly, imperfectly, or incorrectly; to have an imperfect recollection of. Now chiefly dial., to forget, ‘disremember’.
1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1139/1 Not the pacifier but my selfe was ouersene in that place wyth a litle hast, in misse remembring one worde of his.1641Ld. Finch in Rushw. Hist. Coll. (1692) I. 226 He who twice upon Oath with time of recollection, could not remember any thing of such a Business, might well a third time misremember somewhat.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. vi. 80 [Words] may be.. mistaken, perverted, or mis-remembered by the hearers.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) I. 170 The oftener a man has had to give an account of a fact the less likely he is to have forgotten it or in any point misremembered it.1851Carlyle Sterling i. i. 8 A tumult having risen around his name..so that he could not be forgotten, and could only be misremembered.1856Lever Martins xv, He forgets many a thing, but no man living can say that he ever misremembered a duel.1890W. A. Wallace Only a Sister? xxix. 325 A doctor—..I misremember his name.
2. absol. or intr.
a1631Donne Lett. to Pers. Honour (1651) 191 He is practising for the Mask, of which, if I mis-remember not, I writ as much as you desire to know in a letter.1713Derham Phys. Theol. 64 note, A Cave, which (if I misremember not) was lined with those Stalactical-Stones.1815W. Taylor in Robberds Mem. (1843) II. 454, I did not like to write to you without the book at my elbow, least I should misremember.1841Lever C. O'Malley xcix, ‘What do they call the convent?’ ‘It is a hard word, I misremember’.
So misreˈmembrance rare.
1542Recorde Gr. Artes (1575) 338 You would not haue me trust to memorie till I were better experte, leaste often⁓times I happen by misse remembraunce to bee abused.1831Mackintosh Hist. Eng. II. 200 Every misremembrance into which hurry or faintness plunged her.




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