

单词 menskful
释义 ˈmenskful, a. Obs.
[f. mensk n. + -ful. Cf. menseful.]
Worshipful, honourable; gracious. Of a building: Stately.
a1225Ancr. R. 358 Iðe menske of þe dome þet heo schulen demen is heihschipe menskeful ouer al understonden, aȝean scheome.a1300Cursor M. 9878 A castel,..a worthy sted menskful to hald.a1310in Wright Lyric P. 51 Menskful maiden of myht.c1350Will. Palerne 508 His maners were so menskful a-mende hem miȝt none.c1460Towneley Myst. xxix. 389 Was neuer madyn so menskfull here apon molde As thou art.c1470Gol. & Gaw. 408 Maneris full menskfull, with mony deip dike.
absol.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 555 Syr Boos, & sir Byduer, big men boþe, & mony oþer menskful.
b. Used as adv. = menskfully.
a1310in Wright Lyric P. 52 Middel heo hath menskful smal; Hire loveliche chere as cristal.




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