

单词 Mendel
释义 Mendel, n. Genetics.
Brit. |ˈmɛndl|, U.S. |ˈmɛnd(ə)l|
[‹ the name of Gregor (Johann) Mendel (1822–84), Austrian (Moravian) monk and botanist, who discovered the principles of heredity that constitute the basis of classical genetics. Compare German Mendel'sche Regel (C. Correns 1900, in Berichte der Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18 167).
Mendel's major paper describing his experimental work and theories, Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden, was published in 1866 (in Verhandl. des Naturforsch. Vereins, Brünn 1865 4 10), but was largely overlooked until 1900 when his work was rediscovered simultaneously by A. Tschermak, Hugo de Vries, and Carl Correns.]
In the genitive and with of, esp. in Mendel's law. Designating any of the principles of heredity discovered by Mendel or derived from his work, esp. the law of segregation.
Mendel's first law n. = law of segregation n. at law n.1 Additions. Mendel's second law n. = law of independent assortment n. at law n.1 Additions.
1900W. Bateson in Jrnl. Royal Hort. Soc. 25 60 Upon the appearance of de Vries' papers announcing the ‘rediscovery’ and confirmation of Mendel's law and its extension to a great number of cases.1902Biometrika 2 101 The breeding experiments..were undertaken at Professor Weldon's suggestion with the object of throwing some light on the problem of Heredity, and especially on the Laws of Mendel.1919T. H. Morgan Physical Basis of Heredity ii. 19 (title) Mendel's first law—segregation of the genes.1928Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55 203 Mendel's law of dominance in the hybrids of Viola.1934J. A. Thomson & E. J. Holmyard Biol. for Everyman II. 991 These two pairs of allelomorphs are quite independent, and may be considered separately as if each existed alone; this was Mendel's second law.1937Life 13 Sept. 69/2 These quick-breeding insects, producing 25 to 30 generations a year, demonstrate that such transmissions follow a regular system (Mendel's law).1950E. B. Ford Stud. Heredity ii. 21 When we interbreed these ‘double heterozygotes’, we shall raise an F2 generation in which each character will segregate in a 3:1 ratio, independently according to Mendel's second law.1990J. Bishop & M. Waldholz Genome ii. 51 Population geneticists study families to see if a particular trait..is being passed from one generation to another in the pattern dictated by Mendel's laws of inheritance.2001Ann. Rev. Genetics 35 127 Textbooks commonly speak of Mendel's first and second laws, but the model that he used to explain his data actually had five components all of which are explicit or implicit in his paper.




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