

单词 matchable
释义 matchable, a.|ˈmætʃəb(ə)l|
[f. match v.1 + -able.]
1. That can be matched, equalled, or rivalled.
a1568R. Ascham Scholem. i. (Arb.) 59 So manie notable Capitaines in warre for worthinesse, wisdome and learning, as be scarse matchable no not in the state of Rome.1591Spenser Ruins of Time 89 To tell my forces matchable to none, Were but lost labour.1624Heywood Gunaik. iii. 143 A Lady scarce matchable before her time or since.1678Life Black Prince in Harl. Misc. (1809) III. 153 He was a prince so full of virtues as were scarce matchable by others.
2. Comparable; equal; similar, analogous. Const. to, with. Obs.
1572J. Jones Bathes of Bath ii. 10 b, Neyther be such vapours, or dashinges, matchable to fyre in heate.a1592Selimus 1864 Aga, thy grief is matchable to his.1608Dod & Cleaver Expos. Prov. xi–xii. 190 Many great pibbles are not matchable in worth with one pearle which is farre lesse then they are.1653Gataker Vind. Annot. Jer. 149 The War..was in divers respects not matchable onely unto, but even greater then any that had gone before it.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth (1723) 28 [Shells] not matchable with any upon our Shores.
3. Suitable, well suited, accordant. Obs.
1611Markham Countr. Content. i. xix. (1668) 81 They be ever most matchable, strong, nimble, and ready for your pleasure.1614D. Dyke Myst. Selfe-Deceiuing (1630) 297 The party affected hath pietie matchable both to person and portion.1815Zeluca III. 162 Now if you had married such a superior character as Miss Emcotts, so truly matchable with you.
Hence ˈmatchableness, ˈmatchably adv.
1611Cotgr., Equalite, equalitie, euenness, matchablenesse. Esgallement, equally, euenly, alike, matchably.a1637B. Jonson Eng. Gram. Pref. 9 We shew the Copie of it, and Matchablenesse, with other tongues.1857C. M. Yonge Let. 1 Oct. in C. Coleridge C. M. Yonge (1903) viii. 214 A most perfect marriage..as to the matchableness of the two people.




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