

单词 marriage
释义 marriage|ˈmærɪdʒ|
Forms: 3–7 mariage, 4–6 maryage, 4 mariag, 5 mareagh, maryag, -ache, 6 marrage, marag, mar(r)yge, marie(a)ge, 7 mareag(e, mariadge, 6– marriage.
[a. F. mariage (from 12th c.) = Pr. maridatge, Sp. maridaje (Pg. has a different formation, maridança), It. maritaggio:—popular L. type *marītāticum f. marīt-us husband: see marital a. and -age.
In Eng., as also in Fr., the word tends to be apprehended (in accordance with a frequent function of the suffix -age) as if it were a derivative of the related verb.]
1. a. The condition of being a husband or wife; the relation between married persons; spousehood, wedlock.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 1499, & [he] sede þat it was to him gret prou & honour To be in such mariage alied to þe emperour.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xx. 89 In þat cuntree es na mariage betwene man and womman.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 21 marg., The mareagh of kyrk men.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 1754 Many dyuers persones..Refused this worlde..Renounsynge vayne pleasures ryches and maryage.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 202 Mariage is ane blissit band.1606B. Jonson Hymenæi, Barriers 39 Marriage Loves obiect is.1624Donne Serm. ii. 17 Nor does he dishonour Marriage that praises Virginity.1647Cowley Mistr., Constant ii, All Love is Marriage on thy Lovers side, For only Death can them divide.1767A. Young Farmer's Lett. to People 189 Marriage will ever flourish, when there is no danger of children proving an incumbrance.1873Merivale in Summary Proc. St. Etheldreda Fest. 17 The two pillars upon which God has founded the edifice of civilized society are, after all, property and marriage.
b. In certain phrases used for: The marriage vow. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Wife's Prol. 710 He..writ in his dotage That wommen kan nat kepe hir mariage!a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 60 No man nor woman shulde..breke her mariage.1530Palsgr. 464/1 Thou haste broken thy marryage, tu as faulcé ton mariage.
c. Phr. with preps. in marriage (now arch.): in the matrimonial state, in wedlock. to give, take in ( to, into) marriage: to give, take as husband or wife. but marriage (Sc.): unmarried.
a1300Cursor M. 12667 A man in mariage hir tok.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xli. (Agnes) 107 My spouse..has giffine me in mariage, Þat neuir sal falȝe, his herytage.c1470Henry Wallace iv. 723 Thai..said scho suld be weddyt with ane knycht..that was but mariage.1535Coverdale Ps. lxxvii[i]. 63 Their maydes were not geuen to mariage.1594Marlowe & Nashe Dido iii. ii, Why should not they then ioyne in marriage?1700Dryden Pal. & Arc. iii. 1120 Then I propose that Palamon shall be In marriage joined with beauteous Emily.1877[see give v. 5].
d. Anthropol. with defining word. communal marriage: the system prevailing amongst some primitive peoples, by which within a small community all the men are regarded as married to all the women, and vice versa; sometimes called group marriage. plural marriage: polygamy.
1870Lubbock Orig. Civiliz. 67 Communal marriage, where every man and woman in a small community were regarded as equally married to one another.1880Fison & Howitt Kamil. & Kurnai 146 Considering how easy it is to mistake instances of group marriage for polyandry.
2. a. Entrance into wedlock; the action, or an act, of marrying; the ceremony or procedure by which two persons are made husband and wife.
civil marriage: a marriage performed by an officer of the state, as distinguished from one that is of the nature of a religious ceremony. fleet marriage: see fleet n.2 2. Scotch marriage: a marriage according to the Scots law, effected by a mutual declaration before witnesses, without other formality; chiefly applied to the runaway marriages (formerly frequent) of couples who crossed from England into Scotland in order to escape the restrictions imposed by English law on the marriage of minors without the consent of their guardians.
a1300Cursor M. 3337 Þe mariage þen did he mak Bituix rebecca and ysaac.c1386Chaucer Merch. T. 75 Mariage is a ful greet sacrement.1490Caxton Eneydos xiv. 52 Yf I wyst that thou, venus, were not of accorde for the maryag of eneas to dydo, I shulde make hym fyrst to departe wythout eny respyte.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (Camden) 245 St. Hierome and St. Gregorie that will not call our ladie's marriage nuptialls.1699T. Brown in R. L'Estrange's Erasm. Colloq. (1725) 341 For when Marriage is once legally contracted, no human Power you know can disannul it.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 334 As, when lands are conveyed to the use of A and B, after a marriage shall be had between them.1832Marryat N. Forster xxxiv, A marriage on board of a king's ship, by the captain, duly entered in the log-book, is considered..valid.1879M. E. Braddon Clov. Foot xix, A good many years ago..I got myself entrapped into a Scotch marriage.
b. The nuptial ceremony together with the accompanying festivities; a wedding. ? Obs. or arch.
c1386Chaucer Wife's Prol. 558, I made my visitacions..To pleyes of myracles and to mariages.1526Tindale John ii. 2 Iesus was called also and his disciples vnto the mariage.c1610Women Saints 17 He reprooueth Virgins that were present at mariages.
3. a. A particular matrimonial alliance or union.
cross marriage: applied to the marriage of a man to the sister of his sister's husband.
1473J. Warkworth Chron. (Camden) 3 The Erle of Warwyke was sent into Fraunce for a maryage for the Kynge.1539Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 175 To induce and persuade the kinges hieghnes..to make a crosse maryage bitwen the yong duke of Cleves and my lady Mary.1559Mirr. Mag., Dk. Suffolk xi, I sought a mariage for my soveraine Lorde.1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 471 Mariages are made in heauen.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (1590) 129 Euarchus made a crosse mariage also with Dorilaus his sister.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 50 You haue deliuered forth..that..I..led him..into a deceitfull marriage.1663Dryden Rival Ladies i. i, For hapning both to Love each others Sisters, They have concluded it in a cross Marriage.1860Froude Hist. Eng. xxxi. (1893) V. 304 The fears of Renard..were occasioned by the unanimity of Catholics and heretics in the opposition to the marriage. Mod. They disapproved of his marriage.
b. concr. A person viewed as a prospective husband or wife; a (good or bad) match. Obs.
1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccliii. 375 The erle of Flaunders..thought that the yonge duke of Bourgoyn was a mete mariage for her [his daughter].1621Lady M. Wroth Urania 357 He was perswaded..to go see a Lady, a great marriage, and to wooe her.Ibid. 438 A great marryage she was likely to be.
4. transf. and fig. (from the preceding senses). Intimate union.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. iv. 27 Into the lond let synke A reed right by, and bynde in mariage Hem to, lest wynde offende her tender age.c1570(title) A new and Pleasaunt enterlude intituled the mariage of Witte and Science.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. (1590) 331 The cruel villayne forced the sworde with another blowe to diuorce the faire marriage of the head and body.1613Purchas Pilgrimage iv. i. (1614) 342 They plant their Vines at the foote of great Trees, which marriage proueth very fruitfull.a1693Aubrey Lives (1898) I. Briggs 123 He considered..the convenience of making a mariage between those rivers.1876T. Hardy Ethelberta (1890) 68 In which of the cases do you consider the marriage of verse and tune to have been most successful?
5. = maritage 2. Obs. exc. Hist.
1459Rolls of Parlt. V. 371/1 The Warde and Maryage of Thomas..belonged unto the Kyng.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. ix. (1885) 130 The grete lordis off þe lande by reason..off mariages, purchasses, and oþer titles, shall often tymes growe to be gretter than thai be now.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 62 The Earle of Douglas..obtenit fre the King the ward and marieage of [Annas] Dunbar.1885Plummer Fortescue's Abs. & Lim. Mon. 270 marg., Lord's right of marriage under the feudal system.
6. A dowry. Obs. (Cf. maritage 1.)
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 2328 Þerfore y schal myn heritage Gyue þy sistres in mariage [Wace: en mariage].1362Langl. P. Pl. A. ii. 50 To witnesse..In what manere that Meede in mariage was i-feffed.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1131/2 He [John Gresham] gaue also to maids mariages.
7. Cards. In certain games, e.g. bezique, the ‘declaration’ of a king and queen of the same suit.
1861Macm. Mag. Dec. 138/2 [Bazique.]..King and queen of the same suit are called ‘marriage’, and score two; but the marriage of trumps scores four.1870‘Cavendish’ Game of Bézique 16 King and queen of any suit not trumps (called marriage). King and queen of the trump suit (called marriage in trumps or royal marriage).
8. attrib. and Comb., as marriage-blessing, marriage bond, marriage-bower, marriage-ceremony, marriage chain, marriage chamber, marriage choice, marriage contract, marriage covenant, marriage-day, marriage-dinner, marriage dowry, marriage-dues, marriage duty, marriage faith, marriage feast, marriage fruition, marriage-hall, marriage-hater, marriage-hindering adj., marriage hour, marriage joy, marriage-knell, marriage-knot, marriage life, marriage-maker, marriage manual, marriage market, marriage mart, marriage-monger, marriage-morn, marriage-morning, marriage night, marriage-register, marriage-rites, marriage state, marriage supper, marriage table, marriage-tie, marriage-treaty, marriage-vow. Also Marriage Act, any of the Acts of Parliament regulating marriages (see quot.); marriage articles, an antenuptial agreement embodying the terms agreed on by the parties with respect to rights of property and succession; marriage bawd, an opprobrious term for a match-maker; marriage bell, a church bell rung on the occasion of a marriage in token of joy; marriage brokage, brokerage, consideration given for bringing about a marriage (contracts for which are void by English law); marriage broker, (a) an opprobrious term for a match-maker; (b) in cultures in which arranged marriages are the norm, one who arranges marriages for a fee; marriage bureau, an agency which arranges introductions with a view to marriage; also fig.; marriage certificate, a copy of the record of a legal marriage which is given to the contracting parties; marriage counselling, guidance, the giving of advice on problems connected with marriage, usu. as a form of social service; also marriage counsellor, marriage guidance counsellor; marriage deed = marriage articles; marriage favours, ‘knots of white ribbons or bunches of white flowers, worn at weddings’ (Ogilvie Suppl. 1855); marriage finger, the finger on which the wedding-ring is placed; marriage gear (Sc.), marriage good, marriage portion, dowry; marriage lay = marriage-song; marriage licence, an official permission to marry (in England, a document granted by the ordinary or his surrogate, authorizing a couple to be married by a clergyman of the Church of England without the proclamation of banns); marriage lines, a certificate of marriage; marriage of convenience = mariage de convenance; marriage payment Anthropol., payment of a traditional kind made in many tribal societies to a bride or her parents by the bridegroom or his parents; cf. bride n.1 5; marriage portion, a portion or dowry, etc., given to a bride at her marriage; marriage rate, the ratio of the number of marriages per year to the population (usually expressed per thousand); marriage-ring, a wedding-ring; marriage service, the form of words prescribed for the religious ceremony of marriage; marriage settlement, an arrangement made by deed in consideration of an intended marriage, whereby certain property is secured for the wife, and sometimes also for the children; marriage-song, an epithalamium. See also marriage bed.
marriage life, marriage state, formerly common expressions, are now almost superseded by married life, married state.
1753Gentl. Mag. Sept., Contents, Accounts of the new *mariage act.1841Stephen Comm. (1874) II. 246 The principal marriage Acts now in force, are 4 Geo. IV. c. 76, and 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 85.
1711Steele Spect. No. 2 ⁋2 The Father sends up every Post Questions relating to *Marriage-Articles, Leases, and Tenures.
1698Vanbrugh Prov. Wife v. iii, My innocent lady..turns *marriage-bawd to her niece.
1816Byron Ch. Har. iii. xxi, And all went merry as a *marriage-bell.
1610Shakes. Temp. iv. i. 106 Honor, riches, *marriage blessing..be still vpon you.
1644Milton Judgm. Bucer xxvii, That under pretence of the *marriage bond they be not sold to perpetual vexations.
1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iii. iii, The fair clustering flowers that over-wreathe..the *Marriage-bower.
a1721Vernon Chancery Cases (1726) I. 412 The Bill was to be relieved against a *Marriage Brocage Bond.1787W. P. Williams Chancery Cases III. 75 note, Cares of direct marriage brocage.
1681Otway Soldier's Fort. iv. i, Make me a Match-maker? a filthy *Marriage-Broker!1892I. Zangwill Childr. Ghetto I. 18 The same mould covers them all—..the *marriage-brokers repose with those they mated.1932L. Golding Magnolia Street i. ii. 32 She didn't marry again, though she was only in the middle thirties when he died and the marriage-brokers got busy.1968L. Rosten Joys of Yiddish 325 A wisecrack defines a shadchen as ‘a marriage broker who knows the perfect girl for you—and married the wrong girl himself’.
1847Addison Law of Contracts 568 *Marriage brokerage contracts.
1942Oliver & Benedetta Marriage Bureau 19 How much better it would be if there were an organization that could arrange the actual match-making and see that suitable people met each other. And this way my idea for the *Marriage Bureau.1953‘H. Jenner’ Marriage is my Business i. 19 The story has often been told of the two ex-debs and how they coped with opening a marriage bureau.1960N. Epton Love & English vi. v. 355 The marriage bureau..lists all your assets for the calm perusal of registered clients.Ibid. 356 This modern matchmaker, the marriage bureau, is middle-class and eminently respectable.1972Accountant 5 Oct. 411/3 Its aim would be the establishment of a ‘marriage bureau’ for the smaller businesses of Europe.
1766Chron. in Ann. Reg. 106 Thus was she led..to the altar, where the *marriage-ceremony was performed.
1848Mrs. Gaskell Let. 11 Nov. (1966) 62, I wish I had five sisters, who were bound to love me by their parents' *marriage certificate.1860E. Eden Semi-Attached Couple II. xviii. 225 He had seen too much of life, to believe in these sudden discoveries of marriage certificates.1911G. B. Shaw Doctor's Dilemma iii. 61 She carried her marriage certificate in her face and in her character.1945Mencken Amer. Lang. Suppl. I. 475/1 Marriage lines is confined to the vulgar. On higher levels marriage certificate is used.1967‘G. North’ Sgt. Cluff & Day of Reckoning xi. 101 Brittle where it had been folded, the marriage certificate held his gaze.
1703Rowe Fair Penit. i. i, Never to load it with the *Marriage Chain.
1611Bible Tobit vi. 16 When thou shalt come into the *mariage chamber.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxxviii. xxv, The virgins live despair'd of *mariage choise.
1824Mill in Westm. Rev. I. 537 Plato is represented as exceedingly wicked, for having expounded, in his Republic, the footing upon which he thought that the *marriage contract could most advantageously be placed.1961New Eng. Bible Matt. i. 19 Joseph desired to have the marriage contract set aside quietly.
1945*Marriage counselling [see counselling vbl. n.].1959Herbert & Jarvis (title) A modern approach to marriage counselling.1970Guardian 31 July 18/6 In the 30 years the marriage counselling movement has been in existence the lack of specific privileges for marriage counsellors has never come to a showdown.
1946*Marriage counsellor [see counsellor 1 b].1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 19 The revolutionary woman must know her enemies, the doctors, psychiatrists,..marriage counsellors.
1644Milton Judgm. Bucer xxvi, That all holiness and faith of *marriage covenant should be observed.
1594Marlowe & Nashe Dido i. i, These linkèd gems, My Iuno ware vpon her *marriage day.a1640Massinger et al. Old Law (1656) v. 69 As I am Lord of the day (being my marriage day the second) I doe advance bonnet.1852M. Arnold Tristram 1, in Empedocles on Etna 115 That her lord and she Might drink it on their marriage day.1907W. B. Yeats Deirdre 36 Although her marriage-day had all but come.
1678Butler Hud. iii. i. 834 For what can we pretend t'inherit, Unless the *marriage-deed will bear it?
1552Latimer Serm., Parable Kings Son (1584) 183 b, This banket or *mariage dinner.
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iii. i. 230 The portion and sinew of her fortune, her *marriage dowry.
1767Chron. in Ann. Reg. 64 A young nobleman..gave five guineas..in order to..pay the *marriage-dues.
1645Milton Colast. Wks. (1847) 222/2 Diversity of religion breeds a greater dislike to *marriage duties than natural disagreement.
1671Samson 1115 Breaking her *Marriage Faith to circumvent me.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. ii. i. 40 At a *marriage feast..saw I this Longauill.
1711Addison Spect. No. 58 ⁋13 To get the Measure of his Mistress's *Marriage-Finger.
1645Milton Tetrach. Wks. (1847) 207/1 (Matt. xix. 9) That a person so hatefully expelled should..be turned..out of all *marriage fruition.
1515in Fam. Rose of Kilravock (Spalding) 185 For the quhilk mariage the said Huchon Ros sall giff sex scor of Merkis of *mariage geyr.
1600Holland Livy xlii. xxxiv. 1134 [My wife] brought nothing with her for *marriage-good, but freedome of birth [etc.].
1935Time 13 May 28/2 Old Stone Church is one of an increasing number whose pastors run ‘*marriage guidance bureaus’.1945Times 25 July 5/5 Groups of people in the provinces have recently been setting up their own local marriage guidance councils.1948D. R. Mace Marriage Counselling iii. 18 Marriage guidance..falls into three natural divisions. The first is education for marriage... The second is marriage preparation..intensive preparation of engaged couples... The third is marriage counselling..offering help to married people who are confronted with difficulties.1965Hall & Howes Church in Social Work iii. 63 Started in 1938 and revived and reconstituted on a national basis in 1943, the National Marriage Guidance Council..quickly became established.1967O. Wynd Walk Softly, Men Praying xii. 186 About all that was available to me was the kind of noise that might have come from a junior apprentice marriage-guidance counsellor.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 17 Women are not happy even when they do follow the blue⁓print set out by sentimental and marriage guidance counsellors and the system that they represent.
1924W. J. Locke Coming of Amos xvi. 204 Of the marriage in the bleak *marriage-hall of the Mairie, she remembered little.
1692D'Urfey (title) The *Marriage-Hater Matched.
1864Tennyson Aylmer's F. 374 This filthy *marriage-hindering Mammon.
1591Shakes. Two Gent. ii. iv. 179 We are betroathd: nay more, our *mariage howre Determin'd of.
1594Rich. III, iv. iv. 330 The sweet silent houres of *Marriage ioyes.
1693Congreve Old Bach. v. xiii, I thought the chimes of verse were passed, when once the doleful *marriage-knell was rung.
1627Sanderson Serm. I. 262 In the *marriage-knot there is some expression and representation of the love-covenant betwixt Christ and His church.
1850Tennyson In Mem. Concl., Demand not thou a *marriage lay.
1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) X. 584/1 To forge..a *marriage licence.1836–7Dickens Sk. Boz, Scenes viii, Doctors' Commons being..the place where they grant marriage-licences to love-sick couples.
1711Steele Spect. No. 149 ⁋5 The *Marriage-Life is always an insipid, a vexatious, or an happy Condition.1829,1840*Marriage lines [see line n.2 23 f].
1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Casamentero, a *marriage maker.1855Tennyson Maud i. xx. iii, A dinner and then a dance For the maids and marriage-makers.
1936H. M. & A. Stone (title) A *marriage manual.1965Masters & Johnson in J. Money Sex Research iv. 109 If the suggestions of the marriage manuals are followed, the male develops the concept that he is to find the clitoris and stay with it.1969‘J’ Sensuous Woman (1970) xix. 121 Don't let any marriage manual talk you into missing that moment when he explodes in you.1973I. Singer Goals of Human Sexuality vi. 149 The fifteen popular marriage manuals..all treat sexual response as if it were work.
1850Punch 3 Aug. 54/2 If..the Duke of Cambridge were permitted to take his coronet into the home *marriage-market.1875Chamb. Jrnl. No. 133. 54 Lord Hardwicke's Act caused quite a flutter in the marriage-market.1942E. Bowen Seven Winters 46 The ulterior designs of the marriage market.1971R. Russell tr. Ahmad's Shore & Wave iv. 45 The oldest, it was true, was married to a prosperous consultant engineer, but the other two were still in the marriage market.
1823Byron Juan xii. xlvi. 7 The Smithfield Show Of vestals brought into the *marriage mart.1972Village Voice (N.Y.) 1 June 70/3 For all our talk about being liberated, most of my friends are too shy, or perhaps just too snobby, to show up at marriage marts.
1854Thackeray Newcomes I. 305 There are articles which the *marriage-monger cannot make to convene at all.
1842Tennyson ‘Move Eastward’, Ah, bear me with thee..And move me to my *marriage-morn.
1821Byron Juan v. lxxvi, The finest lace Which e'er set off a *marriage-morning face.
1664Ld. Falkland (title) The *Mariage Night.
1711*Marriage of convenience [see convenience n. 6].1949G. B. Shaw Buoyant Billions iv. 53 The proportion of happy love marriages to happy marriages of convenience has never been counted.1972C. Drummond Death at Bar ii. 64 Reg and June are a bit peculiar in that it was simply a marriage of convenience... They went their own way.1975Listener 16 Jan. 84/3 The co-ordinators had..paired each of the piano sonatas with each of the string quartets. Was this just a marriage of convenience..for numerical rather than musical reasons?
1924W. H. Rivers Social Organisation iii. 46 Marriage by exchange..may co-exist with marriage by purchase, and..in some cases, it is only a means of avoiding..the *marriage payments.1951N. & Q. Anthropol. (ed. 6) ii iv. 111 In either case the settlement of a marriage-payment..may be the custom.1957V. W. Turner Schism & Continuity in Afr. Society ix. 265 He..affected to take umbrage because the marriage-payment..he had made for her in cloth was not returned.1963W. J. Goode World Revolution & Family Patterns iv. 167 The marriage payment or groom service points to the great concern with the legal possession of children.
1766Chron. in Ann. Reg. 106 The girl was advised to do this, that he might be intitled to no other *marriage-portion than her smock.
1859*Marriage rate [see birth-rate (birth n.1 13)].1891G. B. Longstaff Stud. in Statistics iii. 14 Speaking generally, the birth-rate corresponds to the marriage-rate, but with marked exceptions.1970W. D. Borrie Growth & Control World Population iv. 62 There was a suggestion of a considerable degree of rationality in the reactions of these populations to the food situation, with marriage rates rising in good times and falling in bad times.
1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) X. 584/1 To make a false entry into a *marriage-register.
a1631Donne Jeat Ring Sent in Poems (1633) 292 *Marriage rings are not of this stuffe.1825J. Neal Bro. Jonathan II. 154 She never had sich a cold in all her life, as when she left her marriage ring off.1878O. Wilde Ravenna 5 A moon of fire Round-girdled with a purple marriage-ring.1913J. Masefield Daffodil Fields 82 She dropped her marriage-ring upon the table.
[1608Shakes. Per. (Qo) iv. Gower 17 Euen right for marriage sight. [Modern editors read marriage rite or rites.]]1621R. Brathwait Natures Embass., Sheph. Tales Egl. ii. 198 For I your patience might wrong, To stand vpon these *marriage rites too long.a1661B. Holyday Juvenal vi. (1673) 91 He Acts no new sinne, Posthumus, that sleights The Genius of another's Marriage-Rites.
1833Tracts for Times No. 3. p. 1 There are persons who wish the *Marriage-Service emended.
1712Steele Spect. No. 272 ⁋1, I have a young Kinsman..who shall shew you the rough Draught of the *Marriage Settlement.
1597Drayton Heroic Ep., Dk. Suffolk to Mary the Fr. Queen 122 And in precession as they came along, with Himeneus sang thy *marriage song.
1714Spectator No. 607 ⁋5 Good-Nature is a third necessary Ingredient in the *Marriage-State.
1611Bible Rev. xix. 9 Blessed are they which are called vnto the *marriage supper of the Lambe.
1602Shakes. Ham. i. ii. 181 The Funeral Baktmeats Did coldly furnish forth the *Marriage Tables.
1693Dryden tr. Ovid's Met. i. 653 Give me..to live and die A spotless maid, without the *marriage-tie.1865G. M. Hopkins Note-bks. & Papers (1937) 54 The Frenchman said the marriage-tie was in every case a bad thing.1951R. Firth Elem. Social Organiz. ii. 59 The marriage-tie is made the basis of service as a cook.
1710Palmer Proverbs 127 He that loves at first sight..finishes a *marriage-treaty without taking so much time as [etc.].
1598Shakes. Merry W. ii. ii. 258 The ward of her purity, her reputation, her *marriage-vow.1935B. Malinowski Coral Gardens II. vi. v. 234 Whether the marriage vows are treated as a sacrament or as a mere legal contract.1965A. Christie At Bertram's Hotel vii. 79 The walls of Jericho seemed to be a symbolical way of referring to a certain lady's marriage vows... They tumbled down.

Add:[4.] b. spec. An antique object assembled from components differing in provenance, date, etc.; the assembling of such an object. Cf. *married ppl. a. 1 c.
1959L. Gross Housewives' Guide to Antiques ii. 24 Parts of broken furniture may be saved and rebuilt into other or smaller pieces. Some of these late ‘marriages’ may contain parts which are, in themselves, quite original.1980Times Lit. Suppl. 1 Aug. 878/1 Many of the blades are joined to luxurious hilts of a different provenance, which may have been antique at the time of the marriage.1985Times 20 Nov. 5/2 Three elegantly curved legs..support it, but Mr Glennie thinks it may be a ‘marriage’, eighteenth-century legs supporting a later top.1986J. Bly Is it Genuine? 52 Provided both parts are of the same period and as long as they are sold today as a marriage no harm is done.1990Orientations Apr. 45/3 This suggests a ‘marriage’ of the rondels—perhaps freshly cut from their original strips—to the plain red cape just prior to Stoke's purchase.




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