

单词 mane
释义 I. mane, n.|meɪn|
Forms: 1 manu, 4, 6 maane, 6 mayn, Sc. (mone), meane, 6–7 mayne, maine, 7 maune, 7, 8 main, 4– mane.
[OE. manu str. fem. = MDu. mane (chiefly pl. manen; so in mod. Du.), OHG. mana fem. (MHG. mane, man fem. and masc., mod.G. mähne fem. with irregular umlaut), ON. mǫn fem. (gen. manar; Sw., Da. man):—OTeut. *manâ. The Scandinavian langs. have also a dim. form prob. from LG.: Da. manke mane, Sw. manke, Icel. makki nape of the neck.
The primary sense of the OTeut. word must have been ‘neck’: cf. OE. męne masc., OS. meni, OHG. menni pl., ornament for the neck; L. monīle necklace; OIrish muin- neck (in muin-torc collar), muince (= Gaulish µανιάκης, Polybius) collar, muinel (= Welsh mwnwgl) neck, mong (= Welsh mwng) mane; Skr. manyā nape of the neck.]
1. a. A growth of long hair on the back of the neck and the shoulders, characteristic of various animals, esp. the horse and lion; a similar growth on other animals.
Formerly sometimes used (e.g. in quots. 1470–85, 1501, 1661) for the part on which the mane grows.
a800Erfurt Gloss. 1182 Juba, setes porci et leonis cabalique: manu, brystæ.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 187 Þe mane of þat mayn hors much to hit lyke.c1380Sir Ferumb. 244 Þat gode hors blessede he þo, & louely strek ys mane.1398Trevisa Barth. De P. R. xviii. xl. (1495) 801 The maare is prowde and hath joye of her maane.1470–85Malory Arthur iii. viii, The hole body of hyr lay before hym on his hors mane.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. i. xii, Out throw the wod come rydand catiues twane, Ane on ane asse, a widdie about his mone, The vther raid ane hiddeous hors vpone.1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 74 b, There is also another kinde of wilde Oxe or Bull, called..Bonasus, a little shorter than our Bull, but more thickly set, and hath his Mane like to our Horse.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iii. iii. 224 And the weake wanton Cupid Shall..like a dew drop from the Lyons mane, Be shooke to ayrie ayre.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. Introd., Horses have most haire upon the mane, lions upon their shoulders.1667Milton P.L. vii. 497 The Serpent..with brazen Eyes And hairie Main terrific.a1719Addison tr. Ovid Wks. 1753 I. 157 Half dead with sudden fear he dropt the reins; The horses felt 'em loose upon their mains.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) III. 387 It [the genett] has also along the back a kind of mane or longish hair, which forms a black streak from the head to the tail.1828Stark Elem. Nat. Hist. I. 45 Full Bottom Monkey. With a mane upon the neck, shoulders, and top of the back.1863–5J. Thomson Sunday at Hampstead vii, One stroked with careless hand a lion's mane.1883G. Stables Our Friend the Dog vii. 60 Mane, the feather on shoulders of Collie and Newfoundland, and that on the front of the chest of Blenheims.
fig.1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. clxxxiv, And I have loved thee, Ocean!..And laid my hand upon thy mane— as I do here.1893F. Thompson Hound of Heaven in Poems 49 To all swift things for swiftness did I sue; Clung to the whistling mane of every wind.1927Joyce Flood in Pomes Penyeach, A waste of waters ruthlessly Sways and uplifts its weedy mane.1936R. Campbell Mithraic Emblems 38 The World put down its lovely mane.
b. transf. Applied to a person's long hair.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xlix. (Tecla) 164 His mane in hir hand scho wan, & rawe of it a gret part done.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 32 Men use not to weare such manes.1860Geo. Eliot Mill on Fl. i. iii, Maggie..looked over the book, eagerly seizing one corner and tossing back her mane.1881Scribner's Mag. XXI. 71/2 Her..red rippling mane falling about her.1895Zangwill Master ii. ii. 135 Matt moved back towards his easel, passing a little dark man with a mane.
c. A tuft of hair attached to an artificial fly.
1867F. Francis Angling xi. (1880) 407 The Owenmore [Salmon Fly]... Manes of mohair from the back of each joint..; just under, as a support to each mane, is tied in a feather from the breast of the Indian crow.
2. The hackles on the neck of a game cock. ? Obs.
1614Markham Cheap Husb. ii. i. 110 His mayne or necke-feathers would bee very long, bright, and shining, couering from his head to his shoulders.1727Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Cock, His eyes round and great, the colour answerable to the colour of his plume or Main.
3. Agric. A ridge or tuft of grass or stubble, left by the mowers.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §23 Take hede that thy mower mow clene and..leaue not a mane bytwene.1601Holland Pliny I. 595 Those tufts and manes which the mowiers passed over and left standing behind them.1840Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. I. iv. 444 In using the scythe for barley and oats, the great art is to leave a short ‘mane’ or ridge of stubble, so that the ears of corn may rest thereon.
4. attrib., as mane-flinging ppl. adj.; mane-like adj.; mane-comb, a comb for the horse's mane; mane-piece, ? = crinière; mane-sheet (see quot.).
1564in Rogers Agric. & Prices III. 577/1 *Mane comb.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 35 A currie combe, mainecombe, and whip for a Jade.a1613Overbury Characters, Ostler Wks. (1856) 72 His mane-comb is a spinners card turned out of service.1879Mrs. A. G. F. E. James Ind. Househ. Managem. 67 Curry-combs, scrapers, mane-combs, and the rest of the usual stable paraphernalia.
1945P. Larkin North Ship 19 As some vast seven-piled wave, *Mane-flinging, manifold, Streams at an endless shore.
1864Tennyson Aylmer's F. 68 Eager eyes that..beamed Beneath a *manelike mass of rolling gold.
1753Hanway Trav. (1762) I. iii. xxxvii. 172 Bridles..mounted with silver, with a *mane-piece of plate.
1727Bailey vol. II, *Mane-sheet (with Grooms), is a covering for the Upper-part of a Horse's Head.
II. mane, a. Sc. Obs.
Also 6 maine, magne.
[a. OF. maine, maigne, magne:—L. magnum great.]
In Chairlis the mane, Charles the Great, Charlemagne.
c1475Rauf Coilȝear 205 Thus said gentill Charlis the Mane To the Coilȝear.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 344 Chairlis the Mane, the quhilk wes king of France,..To king Achay ane herald he hes send.1552Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 129 Sen the tyme of Achaus kyng of Scotland and Chairlis the Maine king of France.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. I. 264 The king, Charles the Magne.
III. mane
obs. f. main, maine, man, many, mean a.; north. f. moan; variant of maun (= must).




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