

单词 maleurtee
释义 maleurtee Obs.
Also 5 maleurte, maleh(e)urte, maluerte, 6 mallewrite, maleurite, -itie, malurit(e.
[OF. maleurté misfortune, f. maleur: see malheur and -ty.]
1471Caxton Recuyell (Sommer) II. 690 Hys malehurte and grete vnhappynesse.1474Chesse ii. v. D viij b, This cyte of rome..is peruerted and torned in to maleheurte and thyse euylles.Ibid. iii. vii. Ij, Thys drede surmounteth alle other maleurtees and euylles, for it is maleurte of drede nyght and day.1481Godfrey (1893) 203 They vnderstonde not yet the maluerte that they be in.1533Bellenden Livy iv. xii. (S.T.S.) II. 86 Dredand þe sammyn chance & mallewrite [v.r. maleurite] to fall to þare tovn.Ibid. 96 Repreving þame þat þai loist þare curage for sa small trubill and maluritee [v.r. malurite] of fortoun.1546Thirlby in St. Papers Hen. VIII, XI. 397 This is my maleuritie.




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