

单词 main chance
释义 main chance
[main a.]
1. A term in the game of Hazard; = main n.3 1. In quots. only fig. or allusive.
a. The venture or course of action from which most is hoped; the likeliest course to obtain success. to stand to the main chance: ? to take one's own risk. to look, have an eye, etc., to the main chance: to use one's best endeavours, be solicitous (for some object).
b. The general probability with regard to a future event or the success of an undertaking.
c. The most important point risked or at stake; also, the general outcome of a series of events; the whole fortunes of a person, a nation, etc. Obs.
1579Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 104 Good Father either content your selfe with my choice [sc. of a husband], or lette mee stande to the maine chaunce.1587Holinshed Chron. Scot. 300 Nothing could be either more fond or foolish, than to fight at pleasure of the enimie, and to set all on a maine chance at his will and appointment.1591Greene Disc. Coosnage (1592) C 3 When their other trades fail..then to maintaine the main chance, they vse the benefite of their wiues or friends.1593Nashe Four Lett. Confut. 84 Haue an eie to the maine-chaunce, for so sooner shall they vnderstand what thou hast said by mee of them, but theyle goe neere to haue thee about the eares for this geare.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iii. i. 83 A man may prophecie With a neere ayme, of the maine chance of things, As yet not come to Life.1600Holland Livy ix. xviii. 327 Every one should have lived and died according to the fatall course of his owne severall destinie, without the hazard of the whole and maine chance [L. summa rerum].Ibid. xxi. xvi. 402 So ashamed in themselves they were,..and so mightily feared the losse of the verie maine chance at home, as if the enemie had beene already at the gates of the cittie.1610Camden's Brit. i. 22 With whom the Romans for many yeeres maintained war,..for the very main-chance of life and living.1625Purchas Pilgrims ii. 1822 It behoued the Bashaw to looke to the main chance for the quenching of the Fire.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. iii. i. §5 Yet withall he was carefull of the main chance to keep the essentials of his Crown.1703Collier Ess. ii. 67 None so fit to prescribe, to direct the enterprise, and secure the main-chance.
2. That which is of principal importance in life; now esp. the opportunity of enriching oneself or of getting gain; one's own interests. (Often in phr. to have an eye to, be careful of, the main chance.)
1584R. W. Three Ladies Lond. i. E ij b, Trust me thou art as craftie to haue an eye to the mayne chaunce: As the Taylor that out of seuen yardes stole one and a halfe of durance.1644Bp. Hall Serm. Rem. Wks. (1660) ii. 136 Shall we be lesse carefull of the main-chance, even of the eternal inheritance of Heaven?1693Dryden Persius vi. (1697) 497 Be careful still of the main Chance, my Son.1698Collier Ess. Mor. Subj. ii. (ed. 3) 136 Wise men will..take care of the main Chance, and provide for Accidents and Age.1751Johnson Rambler No. 116 ⁋6 My Master..had all the good qualities which naturally arise from a close and unwearied attention to the main chance.1767Gray in Corr. w. Nicholls (1843) 69 Come quickly, if the main chance will suffer you, or I will know the reason why.1828Lights & Shades II. 159 A Scotchman looks only to the main-chance.1902L. Stephen Stud. Biographer IV. i. 36 It..cannot be said that an eye for the main chance is inconsistent with the poetical character.




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