

单词 lunch
释义 I. lunch, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.|lʌnʃ|
Also 5 lonche.
[App. onomatopœic. Cf. dunch n.]
The sound made by the fall of a soft heavy body.
c1440Promp. Parv. 135/1 Dunche, or lonche (H.P. lunche), sonitus, strepitus.1890Linc. N. & Q. July 68 She heärd a lunch, bud she thoht it was th' childer plaayin'.
II. lunch, n.2|lʌnʃ|
[Perh. evolved from lump n.1, on the analogy of the apparent relation between hump and hunch, bump and bunch. Cf.Lounge, a large lump, as of bread or cheese’ (Brockett N. Country Words, ed. 2, 1829).
It is curious that the word first appears as a rendering of the (at that time) like-sounding Sp. lonja slice of ham. luncheon, commonly believed to be a derivative of lunch, occurs in our quots. 11 years earlier, with its present spelling. In sense 2 lunch was an abbreviation of luncheon, first appearing about 1829, when it was regarded either as a vulgarism or as a fashionable affectation.]
1. A piece, a thick piece; a hunch or hunk. Obs.
1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Lonja de tocino, a lunch of bacon, frustum, lardi.1600Surflet Country Farm vii. xxv. 850 He shall take breade and cut it into little lunches [Fr. loppins] into a pan with cheese.1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman d' Alf. ii. 280 Our Master was well content..that we should roste a good lunch of porke.1707J. Stevens tr. Quevedo's Com. Wks. (1709) 236, I clapp'd a good Lunch of Bread into my Pocket.1785Burns Holy Fair xxiii, An' cheese an' bread..Was dealt about in lunches.
2. a. A synonym of luncheon n. 2. (Now the usual word exc. in specially formal use, though formerly objected to as vulgar.) Also, a light meal at any time of the day.
1829[H. Best] Pers. & Lit. Mem. 307 The word lunch is adopted in that ‘glass of fashion’, Almacks, and luncheon is avoided as unsuitable to the polished society there exhibited.1839–41S. Warren Ten Thous. a-year viii. I. 256 He happened to mention it at lunch.1842A. Combe Physiol. Digestion (ed. 4) 266 We do not experience the same dislike to exertion after a light forenoon lunch.1859J. Cumming Ruth v. 87 Parched corn was her only lunch in the midst of a day of ardour and of sunshine.1865Trollope Belton Est. xxvi. 308 Lunch was on the table at half-past one.1880Mrs. Forrester Roy & V. I. 20 Come to lunch to-morrow at one.1901R. D. Evans Sailor's Log vi. 59 Every night during the mid watch a beautiful lunch was served to the officer of the deck.1936S.P.E. Tract xlv. 183 In several..instances a word has been liberated in America from the restrictions that limit its application in England; for example..lunch.1950E. A. McCourt Home is Stranger (1951) viii. 124 At midnight the womenfolk hurried out to the hall to prepare lunch.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 540 Lunch, the midday meal..may cover anything from the sandwich lunch taken by some office and factory workers to the fairly elaborate formal meal given when guests are entertained at a public function or private party.1960S. Plath Colossus (1967) 20, I open my lunch on a hill of black cypress.1963L. Diack Labrador Nurse i. vii. 37 After a ‘lunch’ (i.e. a snack), all hands..would set to work.1965J. S. Gunn Terminol. Shearing Industry i. 36 Lunch, a light snack which was taken at the mid-morning or mid-afternoon break... Lunch was food taken at any time away from main meals, even in the evening.1968New Society 22 Aug. 265/2 Though the U still have lunch (not dinner) in the middle of the day and U-dogs still have their dinner then, U-children have changed; they no longer have mid-day dinner, in the nursery, but have lunch with their mothers.
b. out to lunch: insane; stupid, unaware; socially unacceptable. N. Amer. slang.
1955Sci. Digest Aug. 33/1 ‘Out to lunch’ refers to someone who, in other years, just wasn't ‘there’—and he is told immediately to ‘Get with it!’1959She May 21/2 Out to lunch has nothing to do with social life but implies one is not in the groove.1966Toronto Daily Star 16 June 74/2 A girl who would be attracted to Bud's mean streak and bad temper must be a little out to lunch.1974Melody Maker 13 July 13/5, I think he's out to lunch. He's blown out—completely.
3. attrib. and Comb., as lunch-basket, lunch-bell, lunch-biscuit, lunch-box, lunch-break, lunch-cake, lunch-can, lunch-counter, lunch-date, lunch-hour, lunch-house, lunch-money, lunch-pail, lunch-party, lunch-room, lunch-stand, lunch-table, lunch-tin, lunch-wagon; lunch-dinner, a meal that might be called either lunch or dinner, a mid-day dinner.
190119th Cent. Oct. 630, I..snatched a hasty breakfast from my lunch basket.
1875Mrs. Stowe We & Neighbors v. 67 The ringing of the lunch bell interrupted the conversation.
1892G. R. Lowndes Camping Sk. 52 Trout, lunch biscuits, and cake, formed a reasonable lunch.
1864Rep. Comm. Patents 1862 (U.S.) I. 158 Improved Lunch Box... This invention consists of an arrangement of dishes, cups, etc., arranged within a case for the use of travellers.1921Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 23 Oct. 6/1 (Advt.), Folding lunch boxes.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 233 Her house is ideally a base which her tired-warrior hunter can withdraw to..while he..is prepared by laundry and toilet and lunch-box for another sortie.
1960News Chron. 14 June 6/6 Half of today's secretaries are married women and rely on the lunch break to do..their shopping.1971C. Storr Thursday xii. 133 She timed herself to reach the [building] site just before the lunch break.
1886M. L. Dods Handbk. Pract. Cookery (new ed.) 219 Lunch Cake,..Bake in a moderate oven for one hour and a quarter.1901Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 27 Oct. 7/2 Our buns, scones and lunch cakes are the acme of perfection.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 540/2 Lunch cake, a fairly plain, substantial fruit cake.
1897R. M. Stuart In Simpkinsville 14 They'd give him biscuits out o' their lunch-cans.
1869Demorest's Young Amer. Oct. 460 (caption) Eating at a small lunch counter or eating-saloon.1904G. S. Fullerton Syst. Metaphysics xv. 242 To obtain a sandwich from the woman at the lunch-counter.1934Archit. Rev. LXXVI. 159/1 (caption) Lunch counter with recessed stainless steel front.1960New Statesman 26 Mar. 435/2 Possibly President Eisenhower will be a shade or two happier when a coloured Georgian and a white Georgian, seated on adjacent stools, have pie and coffee at a Woolworth lunch-counter in Atlanta—and possibly he may not.1970Times 23 Mar. 13/3 A nostalgic echo of those days when it seemed that all we had to do to achieve integration was to sit down at enough lunch counters together.
1933Radio Times 14 Apr. 95 A tragic lunch date.1968Listener 25 July 103/3 A message came regretting he could not keep our lunch date, because he must be sure to cast his vote.
1878Sir P. Wallis in Brighton Life (1892) 201, I hope the good squire will take a lunch-dinner with me.
1908Kipling Lett. of Travel (1920) 129 Canadian Clubs..assemble their members during the mid-day lunch-hour.1909H. G. Wells Ann Veronica xiv. 302 She waited in the laboratory at the lunch-hour.1929Radio Times 8 Nov. 426/1, 1.15–2.0. A lunch hour concert.1959J. O'Donovan Visited xviii. 116 Edith sat by the phone all the lunch-hour.
1846Knickerbocker XXVIII. 558 The following parody was found inscribed on the newspaper-board of a ‘lunch-house’ in Saint Louis, Missouri.1902G. H. Lorimer Lett. Merchant viii. 108 One of those fellows..goes around and makes the boys give up their lunch money to buy flowers.1955M. Gilbert Sky High x. 144 Sixpence a week and their lunch money. That's all they get.
1891M. E. Wilkins New Eng. Nun 44 Matilda came in her voluminous alpaca, with her tin lunch-pail on her arm.1926E. Hemingway Torrents of Spring x. 71 He set down his lunch-pail.1964M. Gallant in R. Weaver Canad. Short Stories 2nd Ser. (1968) 77 There was an unbridgeable gap..between the girl whose father went off to work with a lunch pail and the daughter of a man who ate..in the company cafeteria.
1884F. M. Crawford Amer. Politician I. iii. 43 At a lunch party..they sat and talked about pictures.1936H. Nicolson Let. 19 Feb. (1966) 244, I gave a lunch-party.1961New Eng. Bible Luke xiv. 12 When you give a lunch or dinner party.
1830N.Y. Mercantile Advertiser 16 Aug. 4/6 His Breakfast, Lunch and Dining rooms are capacious and comfortable.1919Lunch room [see hole n. 7 b].1958New Statesman 1 Feb. 143/1 By the end of the novel, Flem..having by trickery acquired a half-interest in a Jefferson lunch-room has taken himself off to the county seat.
1887C. B. George 40 Yrs. on Rail v. 79 Superintendent Johnson..noticed this lunch-stand, with its modest, yet appetizing display.
1890‘Rolf Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 277 The well-appointed lunch-table.
1950N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Aug. 191/1 Lunch tins which can be painted attractive colours are easily washed, inexpensive, and light and convenient to carry.
1894Life 4 Oct. 215/1 ‘That, my dear,’ responded Adalbert, ‘is a lunch wagon.’1959N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 69 Inside, out of the rain, the lunch wagon was hot and sticky.
III. lunch, v.|lʌnʃ|
[f. lunch n.2]
1. intr. To take lunch.
1823D'Israeli Cur. Lit. Ser. ii. I. 402 She is now old enough, she said, to have lived to hear the vulgarisms of her youth adopted in drawing-room circles. To lunch, now so familiar from the fairest lips, in her youth was only known in the servants hall.1884Grant Allen Philistia II. 101 Miss Merivale lunched with the family.1887J. Ashby-Sterry Lazy Minstrel (1892) 190 Here can we lunch to the music of trees.1897Ld. Tennyson Mem. Tennyson II. 222 On one occasion Ruskin lunched with us.
2. trans. To provide lunch for. colloq.
1892Temple Bar Dec. 578 [She] does her duty..warmly by her country friends—lunching, tea-ing, and dining them.1893Westm. Gaz. 15 June 2/1 Permission was given to lunch the pilgrims on board the Victory.




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