

单词 yworth
释义 i-ˈworth, yˈworth, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 ᵹeweorð-an, -wyrð-an, 2 ȝewurðen, 2–3 iwurðe(n, -þe(n, 3 iworþe(n, 3–4 yworþe. pa. tense 1 ᵹewearð, pl. -wurðon, 2 ȝewearð, -warð, 2–3 iwearð, iwarð, 3 iwærð, iwerð, pl. iwurðen, 4 yworþ. pa. pple. 1 ᵹeworden, 2 ȝewurðen, 2–3 iwurðen, iworðen, 4 yworthe, i-worth(e.
[OE. ᵹeweorð-an (= OS. giwerðan, OHG. gawerdan, MHG. gewerden), f. ᵹe-, i-1 + weorðan, OS. werðan, Goth. wairþan to become: see worth v.]
1. intr. To become, or turn to (something); in pass. to be made or have become (something).
The complement of the predicate may be a n., adj., pa. pple. (forming a passive voice), n. in the dat. or with to, or a prep. phrase, as mid cilde with child.
a900Cynewulf Crist 210 Ic his modor ᵹewearð.c1000ælfric Gen. xxi. 18 He ᵹewyrþ micelre mæᵹþe.c1000Ags. Gosp. John i. 14 Ðæt word wæs flæsc ᵹeworden.a1175Cott. Hom. 227 Þaðe he man ȝewarð, þa was he acenned of þe clene meidene.c1175Lamb. Hom. 89 Þa iwarð þat folc swiðe abluied.c1205Lay. 259 Hit iwerð þere..þat þeos ȝunge wiman iwerð hire mid childe.Ibid. 3733 Cordoille com þat wourd, þat heo was iworðen widewe [c 1275 Þat ȝeo was widewe iworþe].Ibid. 18171 He wurðeliche iwarð him to kinge.a1225Ancr. R. 140 Hit schal iwurðen ful liht.a1300Fragm. Sev. Sins iv. in E.E.P. (1862) 17 Beþench þat þou salt iworþe and forroti to axen and erþe.c1369Chaucer Dethe Blaunche 578, I wrechch..of al þe blysse þat euer was maked..Y worthe [v.r. I worþ] worste of al wyghtys.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2908 After euerech of hure strokes grute, ys body al swart y-worþ.c1394P. Pl. Crede 665 Þei wolden y-worþen so grete To passen any mans miȝt.
2. To happen, come to pass, come into being; to be made.
c893K. ælfred Oros. v. x. §1 Eac on þæm ᵹeare ᵹewurdon moneᵹa wundor.c1000Ags. Gosp. John iii. 9 Hu maᵹon ðas þing ðus ᵹeweorþan?a1175Cott. Hom. 223 He ne cweð naht ȝewurðe man..ac he cweð: Uton ȝewurcan man to ure anlicnesse.c1175Lamb. Hom. 93 Ða iwearð þer muchel eie on godes folke.c1205Lay. 22735 Ich mai sugge hu hit iwarð.Ibid. 32240, Iwurðe þet iwurðe, iwurðe Godes wille! Amen.a1225Ancr. R. 52 Al þe wo þet nu is & euer ȝete was, & euer schal iwurðen.c1230Hali Meid. 33, I wurðe hit al þat ha habbe hire wil of streon.1340Ayenb. 262 Yworþe þi wil ase ine heuene and ine erþe.
3. To come, arrive, get to be (at a place).
c1205Lay. 9123 Fromward þeon londe of Jerusalem iwurðen heo beoð in Beðleem.Ibid. 29555 Þer heo iwurðen to [c 1275 Hii to him wende].
4. To befall, to happen to (a person).
impers. with acc. or dat.
a1000Judith 260 (Gr.), Hu ðone cumbolwiᵹan..hæfde ᵹeworden.c1205Lay. 2236 Sel þe scal iwurðen [c 1275 Wel þe sal bi-tyde].c1230Hali Meid. 45 After þi word..mote me iwurðen.
5. To come acceptably to; to please, be agreeable; to be agreed upon.
impers., with acc. or dat., ne mihte heom iwurðen, they could not agree.
c893K. ælfred Oros. iv. vi. §15 Hie ᵹewearð þæt hie wolden to Romanum friþes wilnian.a1000Andreas 307 Hu ᵹewearð þe þæs?1014O.E. Chron. (MS. E.), ᵹewearþ him and þam folce on Lindesiᵹe anes ðæt hi hine horsian sceoldan.c1175Lamb. Hom. 93 Hwi iwearð hine [Ananias & Sapphira] swa, þet ȝit dursten fondian godes?c1205Lay. 29427 Þa ne mihtte heom iwurðe wha þis lond scolde aȝen.
6. let iwurðen, let (a thing) be or go (as it will), let be, let or leave alone.
c1205Lay. 3343 Lauerd beo þeu stille, let me al iwurþen.a1225Ancr. R. 414 Marthe haueð hire mester, leteð hire i-wurðen.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 1535 He lete þe king al iworþe & to rome aȝen drou.1340Ayenb. 40 Þe ualse demeres, þet..Zelleþ hare domes, oþer ham leteþ yworþe.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. vi. 228 Late god take þe veniaunce; Theiȝ þei done yvel, Late þow god y-worþe!1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 279 Bote we leteþ God i-worþe wiþ his owne privete.




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