

单词 removing
释义 removing, vbl. n.|rɪˈmuːvɪŋ|
1. The action of removing from a place; removal to another place or residence; also, change, alteration.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 6365 Þe son sal þan in þe este stande, With-outen removyng, ay shynande.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. xlii. (1869) 25 Many oothere remeeuinges [F. remuemens] of which were to longe to holde parlement.1535Coverdale Ezek. iii. 11, I herde the noyse of a greate russhinge and remouynge off the most blissed glory off the Lorde out off his place.1555Eden Decades 35 In contynual remoouinge as the nature of warre requyreth.1620T. Granger Div. Logike 108 Vegetation, and locomotion are powers of growing, augmentation, moouing, remoouing.1719De Foe Crusoe i. (Globe) 268 We waited a great while, though very impatient for their removing.1750Mrs. Delany Life & Corr. (1861) II. 566, I have not heard from my brother a great while; I suppose his removing has hurried him.
attrib.a1601Lambarde Dict. Angl. Top. (1730) 48 Batarsey, the removinge House of the Byshoppes of Yorke.1684E. Chamberlayne Pres. St. Eng. i. (ed. 15) 177 There is the Removing Wardrobe, which always attends upon the Person of the King.
2. The action of removing, shifting, taking or putting away; also, an instance of this.
1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 6372 With-outen any remowyng Off the Eyën in myn hed Into myn Eryn.1535Coverdale Heb. xii. 27 No doute that same..signifieth the remouynge awaye of those thinges.1563T. Hill Art Garden. (1593) 127 The better also they wil prosper, if after euery remoouing..the blades bee cut.1642Drummond of Hawthornden Skiamachia Wks. (1711) 193 Such particulars, as..will much conduce to the removing of all these mistakes.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 116 The Transporting and Removing of Earth is a vast and excessive Charge.1818in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) I. 573 The removing of the present walk with the two trees.1882E. C. Robertson in Proc. Berw. Nat. Club IX. 507 The removing of the earth brought to view an immense collection of skeletons.
3. Sc. Law. The removal of a tenant by, or at the instance of, the landlord; also, a notice requiring a tenant to remove.
1555Sc. Acts Mary (1814) II. 494/1 Na forther laying furth of stressis and remowing vpone wednisday to be vsit in tyme to cum.1588Reg. Privy Council Scot. IV. 270 The executioun of ane precept of removing.Ibid., He putt the copy of the removing..in the said Johnis bosome.1683Acts Sederunt (1790) 156 Act appoynting Advocations and Suspensions of Decreets of removeing.a1768Erskine Inst. Sc. Law ii. vi. §51 (1773) 274 A landlord's title to prosecute a removing..cannot be questioned by a tenant who derives his possession from him.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 848 In order to authorise judicial removing, the tenant..must be warned by the landlord to remove.
So reˈmoving ppl. a.
1643[Angier] Lanc. Vall. Achor 22 Desire to see this Forreiner..led some of note and worth into a teadious and removing captivitie.1870Daily News 5 Sept. 6 Sometimes upon a pile of mattresses or bedding..were to be seen the removing householder himself and his wife and family.




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