

单词 ycharged
释义 ycharged
charged, laden.
a1225icharged [see charge v. 4].1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 2504 Ycharged mid gode kniȝtes ssipes eiȝtetene.1340Ayenb. 260 Þet youre herten ne by..y⁓charged of glotounie.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 230 Ich man y-charchid to schoppe at his croune.c1425Engl. Conq. Irel. 12 O shippe..y-charget with whet.a1542Wyatt in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 224 And though with Indian stones..Ycharged were thy backe.




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