

单词 lew-warm
释义 lew-warm, a. Now dial.
Forms: see lew a.1; also 6 leau-, leuwarm.
[f. lew a. (used advb.) + warm a.]
c1450M.E. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 207 Hete hyt lew warm.1486Bk. St. Albans C vij b, Let it stonde and wax lew warme.1513Douglas æneis iv. xii. 81 Feche hiddir sone the well wattir lew warm.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 134 Thay..quhilk ar idil, sleuthfull, and quhome the scripture callis leuwarme.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. x. 462 Now thair conschiences ar compellit..in thair muk to clag and fyle thame selfe, that is for the baptisme of thair saluatioune to receiue water I wat not how lue warme.1863Reade Hard Cash xxiv. II. 93 Scalded dog fears lue-warm water.1878Stevenson Inland Voy. 16 The..egg was little more than loo-warm.1879G. F. Jackson Shropsh. Word-bk., Lew-warm, tepid, lukewarm.
So lew-warmed a., lukewarm.
1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. Cert. Deuot. Pray. 33 Lat thy maist mightie gudenes fulfil that quhilk my maist leauwarmed vaikenes desyres to doe.




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