

单词 leet
释义 I. leet, n.1 Obs. exc. Hist.|liːt|
Forms: 5–6 lete, 6–7 leete, 5– leet.
[ad. AF. lete or AL. leta, of obscure origin; perh. ad. OE. lǽþ: see lathe n.1 Prof. Skeat conjectures that it represents an OE. *lǽte connected with lǽtan let v.1 (cf. leet n.3), but no evidence of this has been found.]
1. A special kind of court of record which the lords of certain manors were empowered by charter or prescription to hold annually or semi-annually; = court-leet.
1292Year Bks. 20 Edw. I (Rolls) 297 E par la reson ke yl ad une lete en tel luy, a la quele presente fut ke Jon deynz la purceynte de sele lete fut resident.1294Abbr. Placit. 22 Edw. I, Norf. rot. 2. 291 (Du Cange) Et quia predicta transgressio..magis sonat injuria senescalli quam injuria eorum qui fuerunt præsentatores, nec præsentacio in Leta alicujus facta, est fundamentum judicii [etc.].1303Year Bks. 31 Edw. I (Rolls) 399 Par la resoun qe presente fut a lour lete de tiel lieu par deceyners qe [etc.].c1440Promp. Parv. 11 Amercyn in a corte or lete, amercio.1486Nottingham Rec. III. 243 Expenses at ij. Letes at Snaynton.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 36 b, Suite of court from thre wekes to thre wekes and to the two great letes.1538Just. Peas 80 b, The lorde in his Lete, and the Shyriffe in his Tourne to enquere and to have for every defaute xxd.a1577Sir T. Smith Commw. Eng. (1633) 164 The Leet and Law day is all one [in a manor]. This Leet is ordinarily kept but twice in the year.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 9 In euerie which shire or countie, be courts, lawe daies, and leets, as they call them, euery moneth.1603Owen Pembrokeshire vi. (1891) 52 And in those sheeres there were no manours or Lordships neyther anye Courtes Baron or leetes kept or holden.1643Sir J. Spelman Case of Affairs 2 Every single man of twelve yeares of age ought by Law in some or other of His Majesties Leetes to swear Alleageance to His Majestie.1778Eng. Gazetteer (ed. 2) s.v. Rumney Marsh, Priveleges of leet, lawday, and tourn.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) II. 153 Inferior courts of known jurisdiction..such as a leet or a civil court within a borough.1854Toulm. Smith Parish (1857) 107 Every Leet shall enquire of all offences against the Statute.1877R. W. Dixon Hist. Ch. Eng. I. iii. 197 In their renewal of this system the Commons seem to make sheriffs in their leets answer for the provincial synod.
b. transf. Used in pl. as transl. of L. comitia.
1600Holland Livy i. xliii. 31 In the grand-leetes and solemne elections of Magistrates.
c. A commission or committee. Obs. rare—1.
1665J. Buck in Peacock Stat. Cambridge (1841) App. B. 59 There be certain priviledged Persons and Townsmen appointed for the Paving Leet.
2. The jurisdiction of a court-leet; the district over which this jurisdiction extended, in some cases including only the manor, in other cases a wider area, often that of the hundred.
1477Paston Lett. No. 807 III. 211, I trow it to the lord of the soylle and not to the lete; for the maner holdyth nothyng of hyr.1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 30 §16 Whiche landis tenementes services and a lete with the appurtenaunces the seid John Vynter purchased.c1630Risdon Surv. Devon §308 (1810) 316 All this circuit, now the leet of Womberley, was timbered with tall trees.1671F. Phillips Reg. Necess. 291 Where a Leet being a more large or greater Jurisdiction hath been granted to a man and his heirs.1710Act 8 Anne in Lond. Gaz. No. 4681/3 This Act shall not prejudice the Right of the City of London, or the Lords of any Leet.1818Hallam Mid. Ages (1872) II. 293 The courts of the tourn and leet were erected.
b. transf. A district generally. Obs.
1565Golding Ovid's Met. viii. (1593) 206 For fate forbiddeth famine to abide within the leete where plentie is.
3. attrib., as leet-court, leet-day, leet-jury, leet-juryman; leet-ale, a drinking of ale at the time of the leet.
1781Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry III. 129 note, *Leet-ale, in some parts of England, signifies the Dinner at a court-leet of a manor for the jury and customary tenants.
1651W. G. Cowel's Inst. 96 To goe twice a year to the Sheriffs Courts, or *Leet Courts.
1690W. Walker Idiomat. Anglo-Lat. 517 Whole court or *leet-days.1868Browning Ring & Bk. ix. 1167 So, all's one lawsuit, all one long leet-day!
1720Strype Stow's Surv. Lond. I. ii. ii. 25 The *Leet Jury of the Manour of East Smithfield.
1766Entick London IV. 398, 20 inquest or *leet jurymen.
II. leet, n.2 Now chiefly Sc.|liːt|
Also 5, 7, 9 lite, 6 liet, lyet, lytt, 7 lyte, leit.
[app. an aphetic form of elite n.2 (a. OF. eslite, eslete), election. (With the phrase to be in leet cf. OF. estre en eslite ‘to be at the choice or disposal’ of a person.) Sense 2 may be a development of sense 1; but cf. lite n. = elite n.1, (bishop) elect.]
1. A list of persons designated as eligible for some office. Phrases, to be in leet, to be on the leets, to put in leet, to put on the leet, etc. short leet: a select list of a prescribed number of candidates, which is to be submitted to the elective body or the appointing authority.
1441Extracts Aberd. Reg. (1844) I. 7 Quhasaeuer that happynnis to be put furth at lites to be chosin alderman.a1550Ordinances in Boyle Hedon (1895) App. 66 The maior and crowner, with the other of his cowncell, shall nayme two men to be that daye in liet of the mayre, and iiijor men to be in liet as baylyffis. And when suche lyetts are writtyne, the said mayre or crowner shall fyrst tell to the towne clerke, and cawsse hym writte, whiche of them as is in lyet shalbe chosyne the mayre by hyme, and so the baylyffis.1612Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 518/1 To present ane Leit to my Lord [of] aucht persones.1614Bp. Cowper Dikaiologie 180 You will not finde any Bishop of Scotland whom the general Assemblie hath not first nominated and giuen vp in lytes to that effect.c1635W. Scot Apol. Narr. (Wodrow Soc.) 15 The Assemblie put in leits the said Mr. Alexander and Mr. Robert Pont..[and] ordained edicts..for the admission of one of them to the superintendentship.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 152 That they would put on the leet five or six of the discreetest of the ministrie, that his Majestie may make choise of two of them to be ministers in his houss.1639in Baillie's Lett. (Bannatyne Club) I. 124 The Moderator for the time offered to my Lord Commissioner a lite, whereupon voices might passe for the election of a new Moderator.1718Wodrow Corr. (1843) II. 375 Mr. Chambers, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Rodgers, were on the leet.1822Galt Provost vii. 51 The policy of gentlemen putting themselves on the leet to be members of Parliament.1865Reader 21 Oct. 450/2 The chair of Scots Law..is vacant. The patrons are the Faculty of Advocates and the Curators, the former having the right of presenting to the latter a leet of two, from which the appointment must be made.1884Sir A. Grant University Edinb. II. 279 The Town Council..placed him on a leet of persons eligible for the Principalship.
2. pl. The candidates forming a ‘leet’.
The only use which is known to us outside Scotland is with reference to the annual election of Wardens of the Trinity House, Hull. Four ‘lites’ are nominated, from whom the two wardens are chosen.
1533Bellendene tr. Livy iii. (1822) 298 The candidatis and new litis [tr. L. candidati].1552in Rec. Convent. Roy. Burghs (1870) I. 3 Quhilk new counsale and auld counsale to convene on Fryday..and cheis the litis to the offices... It is of..auld vse, that the provest than present, the dene of gild, and thesaurare ar litis to that samin office for the zeir to cum.1583in Maitland Edin. (1753) 232 To proceid to the cheising of the Lytts to the Magistratts and Officemen.
III. leet, n.3 Obs.
[repr. OE. (weᵹa) ᵹelǽte = OHG. kalâȥ (dero wego) junction (of roads):—OTeut. type *galæ̂tjom, f. *ga- together + *læ̂t-: see let v.1
A form releet given in the East Anglian glossaries is due to a wrong division of threer eleet, four-eleet, repr. OE. *þréora ᵹelǽte, féower-ᵹelǽte. (See Skeat in Academy 2 Mar. 1878.)]
A meeting of the ways, a cross-way; only in two-, three-, four-way leet.
[c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xxii. 9 Gað nu witodlice to weᵹa ᵹelætum.]1603Harsnet Popish Imposture 134 Our children, old women, and maides afraid to crosse a Churchyeard, or a three-way leet.1608Golding Epit. Frossard ii. 95 Arriuing at a three-way leete, and consulting among themselues which way was to be taken.1618Bolton Florus i. ix. (1636) 24 Situated in the middest, betweene Latium and Tuscanie, as it were in a two-way-leet.1656W. D. tr. Comenius' Gate Lat. Unl. §923. 289 There are four principal ones—the Heathenish, Jewish, Christian, Mahometan—of which scrupulous four-way-leet, to take an Historical short delineation.1674–91Ray S. & E.C. Words 105 A Three or four-way Leet,..where three or four ways meet.
IV. leet, n.4 dial.|liːt|
[Of uncertain origin: by some referred to OE. (*hlíete) hléte ON. hløyti share, portion; the OE. word, however, is recorded only in the sense ‘casting of lots’.]
A stack of peat, etc. (see quots.).
1744–50W. Ellis Mod. Husbandm. IV. x. 98 In Hertfordshire..the same Morning the Grass is mown..we ted..it..the same day..it may be..raked into Windrows, and then put into Grass-cocks. The second [day] we shake it into square Leets..then put it into Bastard-cocks.1793Statist. Acc. Scot. V. 101 Peats are estimated by the leet, which is a solid body piled up like bricks, 24 feet long, and 12 ft. broad at bottom and 12 feet high.1892Blackw. Mag. Oct. 475 Carage, carting and leading a leet or stack of peats.
V. leet, v. Sc.|liːt|
Also 7 leit, 8 lytt.
[f. leet n.2]
trans. To place in a list of selected candidates; to nominate. Hence ˈleeted ppl. a.; ˈleeting vbl. n.
1583in Maitland Edin. (1753) 231 Theirefter the said Provest, Baillies, and Counsell, sall nominate, and lytt three Persones..of the saids fourten Crafts.1612Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 518/1 To leit and present twa persounes with the auld thesaurar to the Thesaurie of the said cietie.Ibid., To haue the fre leitting and electioun of thair said prouest deane of gild baillies and thesaurar.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) p. xxi, Thair wer six persones leitit to be sent to the King that he myght chuse ane of them for that kirk.Ibid. 290 Sitting doune as moderator without any leeting or voycing.1647in Baillie's Lett. (Bannatyne Club) III. 20 Mr. David Calderwood..hes pressed soe a new way of leetting the moderator for time to come, that [etc.].a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1792) I. 314 They referred their leeted [Bannatyne Club ed. listed] men with eiking paring or changing to the next provincial assembly.
VI. leet
obs. form of let v.; dial. var. light.




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