

单词 angled
释义 angled, ppl. a.|ˈæŋg(ə)ld|
[f. angle v.2, n.2 + -ed.]
1. Driven into, or stationed in, a corner. Obs.
1575Turberville Venerie 193 The vermine is Angled (which is to say, gone to the furdest parte of his chamber to stand at defence).1598Sylvester Du Bartas 514 The angry beast to his best chamber flies, And (angled there) sits grimly intergerning.
2. Placed angularly, or at angles with each other. angled deck, a flight deck on an aircraft carrier on which the landing path is inclined to the ship's fore-and-aft axis.
1852D. Moir Seton Chapel ii. Poet. Wks. I. 188 The angled bones, the sand-glass, and the scythe.1952Flight 21 Nov. 636/2 The angled deck has the effect of increasing the operational length of the carrier by 40 per cent... Preliminary trials..have been conducted by the Royal Navy and the U.S. Navy—where it is known somewhat misleadingly as the ‘canted deck’.1955Ann. Reg. 1954 12 Three aircraft carriers with angled flight decks would be completed..within the year.
3. a. Having an angle or angles; having an outline marked by angles.
1612Drayton Poly-olb. i. 5 Her hauen angled so about her harb'rous sound That in her quiet Bay a hundred ships may ride.1699J. Jones in Misc. Cur. (1708) III. 381 Two or three other sorts of Seeds..one is black and angled.1788Edin. New Disp. i. ii. (1797) 55 A crucible which is angled at the top for the conveniency of pouring out.1825H. Gascoigne Naval Fame 50 The angl'd Jib with speed they hoist away.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 195 Tussilago Farfara; leaves..angled or lobed toothed.
b. angled bracket = angle-bracket (b) s.v. angle n.2 8 b.
1976J. B. Hooper Introd. Natural Generative Phonol. viii. 159 The material in angled brackets is not used.1979Trans. Philol. Soc. 106 The umlaut changes by which back vowels are fronted and front vowels raised, at first sight separate processes, can be collapsed into one change by the use of braces or angled brackets.
4. -angled: having (such or so many) angles, as acute-angled, three-angled, many-angled, etc.
1597Bp. Hall Sat. iii. i. (T.) The thrice three-angled beech-nut shell.a1637B. Jonson Neptune's Tri. (T.) Fifty-angled custards.1660Barrow Euclid i. def. 28 An Oxygonium, or acute-angled Triangle, is that which has three acute angles.1811Hutton Course Math. III. 77 A right-angled spherical triangle has one right angle.
5. Of a story, description, question, etc.: presented so as to suit a particular point of view; distorted, biased (see angle v.2 4).
1958Manchester Guardian 29 Jan. 6/5 ‘Pravda’ carried 370 words on Mr. Macmillan's reply... It contained some direct quotation but in the main it was angled comment.1958Times 10 Oct. 8/3 A great deal of unwholesome, often erotically angled, American rubbish.1960J. Fingleton 4 Chukkas i. 1 The journalist..has to look for what is known as the ‘angled’ story.




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