

单词 wrast
释义 I. wrast, ? n. Obs.—1
(Meaning obscure.)
Perhaps to-wrast pa. pple., ‘wrested away’ (from what is right): but cf. next.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1663 He..dalt with hir al in daynte, how-se-euer þe dede turned to wrast.
II. wrast, a. Obs.—1
[OE. wrǽst, wrást elegant, noble, excellent. In ME. perh. a back-formation from unwrast a.]
a. Of sound: Loud, strong.
b. Of persons: Stout, active.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1423 Wylde wordez hym warp wyth a wrast noyce.1338R. Brunne Chron. (1725) 170 Wilde fire þei kast, þe kyng to confound, His schipmen were fulle wrast [printed wrask], els had he gon to ground.
III. wrast etc.:
see wrest, etc.




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