

单词 laundress
释义 I. laundress, n.|ˈlɔːndrɪs, ˈlɑːndrɪs|
Forms: 6–7 landres(se, laundres(se, (7 landeress, lawndresse), 7–8 landress, 7– laundress.
[f. launder n. + -ess.]
1. A woman whose occupation it is to wash and ‘get up’ linen.
1550Coverd. Spirituall Perle vi. (1560) 75 As the dier, blecher, or the laundresse washeth..the foule, vncleanly and defiled clothes.1555Eden Decades 319 He sent to lande certeyne of his men with the landresses of the shyppes.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. iii. 155 Carry them to the Landresse in Datchet mead.1623Middleton More Dissemblers v. i. 104 His jealous laundress, That for the love she bears him starches yellow.1710Steele Tatler No. 189 ⁋3 Write down what you give out to your Landress, and what she brings Home again.1732Berkeley Alciphr. ii. §2 She employs milliners, laundresses, tire-women.a1859Macaulay Hist. Eng. xvii. V. 68 A Dutchwoman..employed as a laundress at Whitehall.
2. A caretaker of chambers in the Inns of Court.
1592Greene Groat's W. Wit (1617) 29 His hostesse writte vp the wofull remembrance of him, his Laundresse and his boy.1611L. Barrey Ram Alley i. i, No punie Inne a Court But keepes a Landresse at his command To doe him seruice.1731Gentl. Mag. I. 206/2 He had been very careful to avoid the Use of the Words Chambers, Laundress, &c.1836Dickens Pickw. xx, It's a curious circumstance, Sam, that they call the old women in these inns, laundresses.1841S. Warren Ten Thous. a Year III. 357 Greatly to the surprise of his laundress, he made his appearance at his chambers between six and seven o'clock in the morning.
II. ˈlaundress, v. Obs.
[f. laundress n.]
a. trans. To furnish with laundresses.
b. intr. To act as a laundress.
1612Webster White Devil G 2, Did I want Ten leash of Curtisans, it would furnish me; Nay lawndrese three Armies.1636Sir H. Blount Voy. Levant 14 Their Wives are used..but to dresse their meat, to Laundresse [etc.].
c. To serve (a person) as a laundress.
1850Dickens Dav. Copp. xxvi. 281 ‘Sir,’ said Mrs. Crupp, in a tone approaching to severity, ‘I've laundressed other young gentlemen besides yourself.’




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