

单词 Latin
释义 I. Latin, a. and n.|ˈlætɪn|
Forms: 3–6 Latyn, 3–7 Latine, 5–6 Latyne, Laten, 6 Latten, (Lattin, Sc. Latyng), 3– Latin.
[a. L. Latīn-us adj., f. Latium, the portion of Italy which included Rome. Cf. F. latin. The word (as n. denoting the language) was adopted in OE. as lǽden (see leden).]
A. adj.
1. Of or pertaining to Latium or the ancient Latins (or Romans).
c1391Chaucer Astrol. Prol. 2 As wel as suffyseth to thise noble clerkes Grekes thise same conclusiouns in Greek..and to the Latin folk in Latin.1552Bk. Com. Prayer Ordin. Pref., Learned in the Latyne tongue.1557N. Grimalde in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 116 Caiet the Phrygian..who gaue to Latine stronds the name.1644Milton Areop. (Arb.) 37 Nævius and Plautus the first Latine comedians.1670–98R. Lassels Voy. Italy Pref. 3, I am writing of the Latin country.1882Ouida Maremma I. 149 The ruins of Roman roads, of Latin castles.
2. a. Pertaining to, characteristic of, or composed in the language of the ancient Latins or Romans. Of a writer, scholar, etc.: Versed in the Latin language. Latin letter, a letter of the Latin alphabet.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. Prol., Latinis exemplaribus, latinum bisenum.c1470Henry Wallace xi. 1413 Eftyr the pruff geyffyn fra the Latyn buk.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 356 In Latyng letteris and in dowbill forme Tha wrait it.1588Shakes. L.L.L. iii. i. 138 Remuneration, O, that's the Latine word for three-farthings.a1614Donne βιαθανατος (1644) 160 The Latine Text is thus cited.1668Wilkins Real Char. iv. vi. 453 Latin Grammer.1712in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1886) II. 6 In the Chancery of England in the Petty Bag Office or Latin side.1774J. Bryant Mythol. I. 110 He sometimes subjoins the Latine termination.1777Robertson Hist. Amer. (1783) II. 451 A Latin translation of them appeared in Germany.1845Stoddart Gram. in Encycl. Metrop. (1847) I. 163/1 Adelung..is of opinion that the Latin et, and Greek ἔτι are identical in origin with the Teutonic enti, unte, &c.1953K. H. Jackson Lang. & Hist. Early Brit. 179 Latin-letter inscriptions.1965Language XLI. 238 All Serbo-Croatian examples..are cited in conventional Latin-letter orthography.
b. transf. (jocular).
1598Shakes. Merry W. iv. i. 50 Hang-hog is latten for Bacon.1599H. Buttes Dyets drie Dinner K iv, So these two words, Eate it, are the unlettered mans latine for any good meate.1738Swift Pol. Convers. ii. 157 Brandy is Latin for a Goose, and Tace is Latin for a Candle.
3. The distinctive epithet of that branch of the Catholic Church which acknowledges the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, and uses the Latin tongue in its rites and formularies. Also applied to its rites, clergy, etc.
1560,a1600[see Greek a. 3].1654Jer. Taylor Real Pres. 67 These words..are usually called the words of Consecration in the Latine Church.1796H. Hunter St. Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) III. 689 To have the Latin offices of our churches chanted in French.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. I. 483 He wished to break up the unity of Latin Christendom.1869H. Vaughan Year of Preparation i. xii. 113 The Easterns deliberated among themselves without the presence of any Latin bishops.1899J. Stalker Christol. Jesus ii. 47 The Greek and Latin Fathers, from Irenaeus downwards, thus employ it.
4. a. Hist. Applied (in opposition to Greek) to what pertains to the peoples of Western Europe, viewed in their relations with the Eastern Empire and with the Saracens and Turks. b. Used as a designation for the European peoples which speak languages descended from Latin; often with implication of the erroneous notion that these peoples are of Roman descent. Latin-American a., of or belonging to those countries in Central and South America in which Spanish or Portuguese is the dominant language (and which are often referred to collectively as Latin America); also n., an inhabitant of one of these countries. Also (ellipt.) Latin.
Latin League: a proposed association of Latin nations, advocated by the Spanish minister Castelar in 1884, to restore the balance of power in Europe, and check the increasing influence of Germany. Latin Union: the monetary alliance formed in 1865 by France, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland, and afterwards joined by Greece, its object being the adoption and maintenance of a uniform system of bimetallic coinage in each of these states, and the recognition by each state of the coins of the others as legal tender.
1788Gibbon Decl. & F. lviii. heading VI. 1 Characters of the Latin princes.—.. Godfrey of Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem.—Institutions of the French or Latin Kingdom.Ibid. lxi. heading VI. 174 Partition of the Empire by the French and Venetians.—Five Latin Emperors of the Houses of Flanders and Courtenay [1204–1261].1821Byron ‘The isles of Greece’ xiv. (Don Juan iii.), But Turkish force, and Latin fraud, Would break your shield, however broad.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Truth Wks. (Bohn) II. 51 The Teutonic tribes have a national singleness of heart, which contrasts with the Latin races.1882Sat. Rev. 18 Mar. 323/1 One of Señor Castelar's tirades on the Latin League.1893Funk's Stand. Dict., Latin American.1903Westm. Gaz. 22 June 11/1 Mexico..the richest district in the richest of the Latin-American countries.1906Ibid. 17 Apr. 9/1 Colombia..is taking her place with those Latin-American countries [etc.].1911Q. Rev. Oct. 456 Serious competition for British merchants doing trade with the Latin-American States.1912Chambers's Jrnl. June 358/2 The amount of British capital invested in the countries of Latin-America is very great.Ibid. Nov. 720/2 An Englishman..soon wishes himself well rid of the..Latin-American.1936Discovery Dec. 365/1 An issue [of Discovery] devoted to Latin America.1955L. Feather Encycl. Jazz i. 30 The wedding of jazz with Latin-American rhythms.1962K. Orvis Damned & Destroyed iv. 30 The pianos segued smoothly into Latin rhythms.1962S. de Madariaga (title) Latin-America between the Eagle and the Bear.1965Crescendo Dec. 14/3 The arrangements are all in the Latin idiom and all of well-known tunes, getting off to a really swinging start with a L-A ‘Peter Gunn’ you must hear.1966Ibid. Nov. 6/1 All the side one tracks have this straight eight-to-the-bar or Latin feel about them.1973‘D. Jordan’ Nile Green xxxi. 145 It's oil sheiks and Latin American generals and Lebanese rentiers who are going to buy your bonds.1973A. Mann Tiara i. 4 In the Philippines, some crazy Latin American got near enough to Paul VI to attack him with a knife.1973D. Robinson Rotten with Honour 8 He stood for a moment in the sunshine, snapping his fingers to a Latin beat.1974Radio Times 14 Sept. 26/3 Let's Go Latin..a fiesta of Latin-American music.
5. Of a kind of printing type = roman. Obs.
1709Tanner 3 Oct. in Ballard MSS. IV. 53 Their Latin Small-Letter being worn out.
6. Phrases. Latin cross: see cross n. 18. Latin square [named (as F. quarré (now carré) latin) by Euler 1782, in Verh. uitgegeven door het Zeeuwsch Genootschap d. Wetensch. te Vlissingen IX. 90, from the fact that letters of the Latin alphabet were used in forming it] (see quot. 1890); used as the basis of experimental procedures in which it is desired to control or allow for two sources of variability while investigating a third; hence used attrib. (also absol.) to designate such a procedure.
1797Latin cross [see cross n. 18].1936A. W. Clapham Romanesque Archit. ii. 25 Although occasionally..the transept is of the T-form of the earlier ages, more generally the arrangement takes the Latin-cross form distinctive of the full Romanesque style.1966Listener 9 June 835/2 It is a Latin-cross church.Ibid., A Latin cross is a more obviously Christian symbol than a regular geometric figure.
1890Cayley Coll. Math. Papers (1897) XIII. 55 If in each line of a square of n2 compartments the same n letters a, b, c,..are arranged so that no letter occurs twice in the same column, we have what was termed by Euler ‘a Latin square.’
1925R. A. Fisher Statistical Methods Res. Workers viii. 229 (heading) The Latin square.1926― in Jrnl. Ministry of Agric. XXXIII. 510 For the purpose of variety trials, and of those simple types of manurial trial in which every possible comparison is of equal importance, the problem of designing economical and effective field experiments, reduces to two main principles..[of which the second is] the use of arrangements which eliminate a maximum fraction of the soil heterogeneity, and yet provide a valid estimate of the residual errors. Of these arrangements, by far the most efficient..is that which the writer has named the Latin Square.Ibid., The term Latin Square should only be applied to a process of randomization by which one is selected at random out of the total number of Latin Squares possible.1935Design of Exper. v. 80 The object of arranging plots in a Latin square is to eliminate from the experimental comparisons possible differences in fertility which may exist between whole rows of plots, and between whole columns of plots, as they stand in the field.1960D. J. Finney Introd. Theory Exper. Design iii. 30 Four different doses of insulin..were tested on rabbits and compared in terms of the subsequent sugar contents in the rabbits' blood... There is..a strong case for using rabbits as blocks and testing each dose, on different occasions on every rabbit. In addition, however, a block constraint based upon day of injection, so that on each day every dose is tested, is a useful precaution against the possibility that laboratory conditions on a particular day may tend to affect all animals in the same direction. A 4 × 4 Latin square with columns corresponding to different rabbits and rows corresponding to different days, enables both constraints to be incorporated.1971Nature 13 Aug. 499/1 On drug weeks each of six rats received one of six doses, each in a different order (latin-square design).Ibid., An additional 6·0 mg/kg dose was administered to all subjects during the week after the completion of the latin-square.
B. absol. and as n.
1. a. The language of the Latins or people of ancient Rome; the Latin language.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark v. 41 Interpraetatum, ᵹetrahtad in latin.c1275Passion our Lord 470 in O.E. Misc. 50 Hit wes iwryten on ebreu on gryv and latyn.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 143/1305 Þat ne connen latin non.c1391Chaucer Astrol. Prol. 2 For latyn ne kanstow yit but smal, my lite sone.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1854 Endite in frensch or latyn þi greef clere.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. title-p., Translated out of Latyne into Englishe.1623B. Jonson in Shaks. Wks. (1st Fo.) Pref. verses, And though thou hadst small Latine, and lesse Greeke.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. v. 894 When a man speaking Latin, observes not the laws of grammar.1712Steele Spec. No. 296 ⁋1 They adore and honour the Sound of Latin as it is old Italian.1845M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 13 The Latin which Gregory writes is, with little difference, his native tongue.1847James J. Marston Hall vii, I was filled with a great deal more Latin than I ever knew what to do with.
b. with qualifying words, as good, bad, etc. dog Latin: see dog n. 19 e. false Latin: Latin which is faulty in construction; hence transf., a breach of manners.
1551T. Wilson Logike (1580) 3 A Grammarian is better liked, that speaketh true & good Latine, than he yt speaketh false.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. i. 83 Oh I smell false Latine, dunghel for ungnem.a1626Bacon New Atl. (1900) 2 Written..in Ancient Greeke, and in good Latine of the Schoole, and in Spanish.1665G. Havers P. della Valle's Trav. E. India 186 He (the King) bid us several times put on our Hats; but our Captain..answer'd that he would not, that they should not cause him to commit that false Latine.
c. thieves' Latin, the secret language or ‘cant’ of thieves.
1821Scott Kenilw. xxix, A very learned man..and can vent Greek and Hebrew as fast as I can Thieves' Latin.1824Redgauntlet ch. xiii, The thieves-Latin called slang.
2. An inhabitant or native of Latium; one who possessed the ‘Latin right’ of citizenship. Also, one who spoke or wrote the Latin language; a Latin writer or author (obs.).
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cviii. (1495) 670 Many Latines calle the notte tre Iouilanus.a1400–50Alexander 5652 Sum in latens lare sum langage of grece.1594Blundevil Exerc. iii. i. xxxvi. (1636) 351 Time consisteth of two parts..knit together by a common band, called of the Latines Nunc, that is to say, now.1615Bedwell Moham. Imp. i. §15 The languages of..the Syrians, Greekes, and Latines.1644Digby Bodies xxxii. (1645) 336 So that to exercise sense (which the Latines doe call sentire..) is [etc.].1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 326 The Sabines and Latins worshipped the powers of external nature.1880Muirhead Gaius i. §28 Latins may attain to Roman citizenship in many ways.
3. (Chiefly in pl.)
a. Hist. The designation given at the period of the Crusades to persons belonging to any of the Western nations of Europe, in contradistinction to the ‘Greeks’; = Frank n.1 (Cf. A 4 a.)
b. A member or adherent of the Latin or Western Church; now rare or obs. exc. Hist. with reference to subjects of the Turkish Empire.
c1400Mandeville (1839) iii. 19 [Men of Grece] suffre not the Latynes to syngen at here Awteres.1547[see Greek n. 2].1682O. N. tr. Boileau's Lutrin iv. 296 Why vex we then Dead Fathers, Greeks and Lattins? Our Mother Tongue will serve to Mumble Mattins.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. liii. V. 510 After the restoration of the Western empire by Charlemagne and the Othos, the names of Franks and Latins acquired an equal signification and extent.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. iii. 76 It was only intended for the Catholics (here [at Jerusalem] called ‘Latins’).1881Conder in Encycl. Brit. XIII. 644/1 The Latins in Palestine are not numerous, the country villages, when Christian, belonging generally to the Greek Church.
c. A member of any of the various communities in Europe (France, Italy, Spain, etc.) and Latin America whose language is derived from Latin.
1876R. Brown Races of Mankind IV. xvii. 292 The Aryans of Europe are the Skipitar, Celts, Greeks, Latins, Germans of all branches, Lithuanians, or Letts and Slavs.1908Beerbohm Lett. to R. Turner (1964) 180 And then, of course, there is the pendant-fact that the Latins are born actors.1936J. Curtis Gilt Kid iii. 35 A kind of wooden..expression had come over her as it does over all Latins when they're scared of having to give something for nothing.1949H. van Zeller We live with our Eyes Open 65 A Latin loves differently from a Saxon for instance.1955Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. xxiv. 44 Most of these Latins [sc. immigrants from Cuba etc.] congregate on the East Coast.1963Times 2 Mar. 4/5 The Latins are said to be less susceptible to these emotions than we are.
4. A translation into Latin, as a school exercise. Chiefly pl.
c1500Song in Rel. Ant. I. 117 Latens for to make.1552Huloet N n iij, With all the Lattens to the sayde nombres.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. (Arb.) 88 The hard pointes of Grammar..which scholers in common scholes, by making of Latines, be groping at.1607Statutes in Hist. Wakefield Gram. Sch. (1892) 68 Makinge of translations or Latins.1679W. Walker Eng. Particles Pref., The first column contains some Englishes, the second such childish and bald Latines as we often find them turned into.
5. Comb.: Latin-based, Latin-derived adjs.; Latin–Greek, of or pertaining to both Latin and Greek; Latin-maker, a writer of Latin, a Latinist; Latin making, Latin composition; Latin Quarter (F. Quartier latin; cf. quarter n. 14), the district of Paris on the left or south bank of the Seine, where Latin was spoken in the Middle Ages, and where students and artists live and the principal university buildings are situated; also transf.; Latin school (also Latin grammar school) U.S., a school offering Latin (and sometimes Greek) as part of the syllabus; cf. G. Lateinschule, Da. Latinskole, Du. Latijnsche school; Latin-wit, wit that depends for its quality on being expressed in Latin.
1964M. A. K. Halliday et al. Ling. Sci. i. 121 Old-fashioned *Latin-based grammars.1964Language XL. 93 The inherited tradition of Latin- and Romance-based usage.
1946H. Jacob On Choice of Common Lang. 38 A *Latin-derived constructed language.1965W. S. Allen Vox Latina 109 As early as the fourteenth century one finds spellings with ngn for Latin-derived words.
1942Partridge Usage & Abusage (1947) 290/2 Slang tends to be ‘Saxon’ rather than ‘*Latin–Greek’.1960Amer. Speech XXXV. 233 Unvoicing originated mainly in Latin– Greek bilingualism.
14..Nom in Wr.-Wülcker 682 Hic latinista, a *Latyn-maker.
a1568R. Ascham Scholem. (Arb.) 102 Though ye say well, in a *latin making,..yet you being but in do[u]bte..ye gather and lay vp in memorie, no sure frute of learning..But if ye fault in translation, ye ar[e] easelie taught, how..to amende it.
1869‘Mark Twain’ Innocents Abroad xv. 150 The grisettes!..so devoted to their poverty-stricken students of the *Latin Quarter.1878R. L. Stevenson New Arabian Nights (1882) I. 55 He had chosen to study the attractions of Paris from..a furnished hotel, in the Latin Quarter.1904J. T. Grein Dramatic Crit. IV. 175 It was a generous mixture of the Latin Quarter and the various queer streets where London minor poetry flourishes.1904Daily Chron. 12 Dec. 4/4 They are good English garden-party hats, but they don't do for midi on an autumn day in the Latin Quarter.1922Joyce Ulysses 18 And there's your Latin quarter hat, he said.1930E. B. Chancellor (title) London's old Latin Quarter, being an account of Tottenham Court Road and its immediate surroundings.1961M. Beadle These Ruins are Inhabited (1963) iv. 54 There is good reason now for wags to call the university ‘the Latin Quarter of Oxford’.1968Listener 4 July 5/2, I left my friends in the Latin Quarter three weeks ago in a mood of exhausted elation.
1651Mass. Bay Rec. (1854) III. 242 Whosoeuer shall..cause Schollers belonginge to the Colledge or any other *Latine Schoole..to spend any of theire time [etc.].1680in C. W. Manwaring Digest of Early Connecticut Probate Rec. (1904) I. 355, I give to the lattin Schoole in Hartford {pstlg}50.1685New Plymouth Laws (1836) 300 That every County Town shall have and maintain a Latine School.1781S. Peters Gen. Hist. Connecticut 185 Elms..surround the center square, wherein are..the jail, and Latin school.1856B. H. Hall Collection of College Words & Customs (rev. ed.) 124 [A young man from the country] shall be examined and ‘conditioned’ in everything, and yet he shall come out far ahead of his city Latin-school class⁓mate.1959C. V. Good Dict. Educ. (ed. 2) 311/2 Latin grammar school, a secondary school, emphasizing Latin and usually Greek, the purpose of which was to prepare youths for the universities.1966Oxf. Compan. Amer. Hist. 462/2 Latin grammar schools, the earliest type of college preparatory schools in the colonies, were established on the English model. The first, the Boston Latin School (1635), is still one of the principal schools in that city.Ibid. 463/1 By mid 18th century Latin schools were supplanted by academies.
1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 36 Such things as these go for wit so long as they continue in Latin; but what dismally shrim'd things would they appear, if turn'd into English? And..we shall find the advantages of *Latin-wit to be very small and slender, when it comes into the world.

Sense A. 4 b: Latin American: now a new main entry. [A.] [4.] Add: c. Of or pertaining to those countries of Central, North, and South America in which Spanish or Portuguese is the dominant language, spec. as Latin America. Cf. *Latin American adj. a.
1890Reciprocity Treaties with Latin Amer. (U.S. State Dept.) 6 More than 87 per cent of our imports from Latin America are admitted free.1900Jrnl. Soc. Arts 17 Aug. 744/1 Everywhere in Latin America the [panama] hat is known under the name of ‘Jipijapa’ in honour of the city where its manufacture was first started.1912Chambers's Jrnl. June 358/2 The amount of British capital invested in the countries of Latin-America is very great.1953Time 19 Oct. 28/1 Latin America is in the midst of a ‘population explosion’. Its people are multiplying 2½ times as fast as the populations in the rest of the world.1991M. Hart in Hampson & Maule Canada among Nations After Cold War 91 From an economic perspective, the remarkable ‘apertura’ in Mexico marked a high point in this transformation of Latin America.
d. Designating the characteristics of temperament or behaviour popularly attributed to European or American peoples speaking languages developed from Latin: proud, passionate, impetuous, showy in appearance, etc. Sometimes somewhat dismissive.
1914Wyndham Lewis in New Weekly 20 June 13/2 For everything that is rubbishy puerile in the Latin temperament machinery has come as an immense toy.1956A. Wilson Anglo-Saxon Attitudes ii. ii. 278 Sensual and elegant though Gerald was, he detested the flashy smartness of such Latin womanizers.1970Times 19 Aug. 6/4 The weakness of every Yorkshireman is his Latin temperament, doubly dangerous when it has so often to be suppressed, as in..cricket.1981V. Glendinning Edith Sitwell iv. 61 He was extrovert, physical, unstable, and very Latin.1989Sunday Tel. 8 Jan. 17/1 His first language was Spanish and, not surprisingly, he describes his temperament as Latin. A proud man, he likes to be seen to succeed.
e. ellipt. for *Latin American adj. a.
1954M. Waldo Compl. Round-the-World Cookbk. 361 The wonderful soup-stew of the Latin countries, sancocho, is undoubtedly the [Dominican Republic] people's choice for a national dish.1977Time 22 Aug. 11/3 Carter's early forcefulness..drove six Latin countries..to reject U.S. military assistance rather than agree to prepare ‘report cards’ for Washington on human rights.1994Wall St. Jrnl. 25 Feb. c19/3 Sharp price drops of U.S. Treasurys sparked a sell-off among the government bonds of Latin nations, including Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela.
f. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Latin American music or dance (see sense *B. 5 below). Cf. also *Latin American adj. b.
1962‘K. Orvis’ Damned & Destroyed iv. 30 The pianos segued smoothly into Latin rhythms.1965Crescendo Dec. 14/3 The arrangements are all in the Latin idiom and all of well-known tunes, getting off to a really swinging start with a L-A ‘Peter Gunn’ you must hear.1969Sunday Times 19 Jan. 58 This quintet..could begin a rush to what's been called Latin rock—a striking compound of bossa nova, rock and jazz.1973D. Robinson Rotten with Honour 8 He stood for a moment in the sunshine, snapping his fingers to a Latin beat.1980Musicians Only 26 Apr. 13/6 There's a Sonor drumkit, syndrums, and a whole range of Latin percussion.1990Ballroom Dancing Times Nov. 55/2 In the Latin championship for this age group Frank and Lily Aerts very easily retained their title.
[B.] 5. A style of popular music, originating in Latin America (esp. among Afro-Americans of Cuba and Brazil), characterized by its dance rhythms and by extensive use of indigenous percussive intruments such as the cowbell and conga drum.
1983R. L. Singer in Latin Amer. Mus. Rev. IV. ii. 196 The factors that define a style as Latin jazz as opposed to other types of Latin.1989Q Dec. 199/1 Take the coverage of the Springfields...O'Brien suggests their peppy brand of folk, Latin and supper-club swing prefigured today's world music.1991Straight no Chaser Winter 58/1 Check..The Drum and Monkey Sats for eclectic jazz through Latin into soulful grooves.1994Keyboard Player Sept. 29/1 The KN1200 provides 100 on-board styles, covering a territory from simple 8-beat rock, country rock, to standard issue Latin, and jazz.

Latin lover n. (a) slang a pimp (rare); (b) sometimes depreciative, a southern European or Latin American man stereotypically characterized as having a romantic, passionate temperament and great sexual prowess.
1935A. J. Pollock Underworld Speaks 69/2 *Latin lover, a pimp.1941T. R. Ybarra Young Man of Caracas xxi. 319 Exactly as she had attracted and tamed Alejandro Ybarra, her ardent Latin lover.1974A. Curry Hunt for Danger i. 11 He knew how to put on the Latin lover act.1995Eightdays a Week 20 May 13/4 Depp..believes he is in fact Don Juan DeMarco, the Latin lover who made so many women purr.
II. ˈLatin, v. Obs.
[f. Latin n.]
1. trans. To render or turn into Latin.
1563L. Humfrey (title) The Nobles or of Nobilitye... Whereto for the readers commoditye,..is coupled the small treatyse of Philo a Jewe. By the same Author out of the Greeke Latined.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. vi. i. (1886) 89 Chasaph, being an Hebrue word, is Latined Veneficium.1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 31 He hales in all proverbs,..tales..ready latin'd to his hand out of Licosthenes.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. i. §3. 5 That of the Greek Poet, Latin'd by Cicero.
b. to Latin it: to speak or write Latin.
1581Mulcaster Positions i. (1887) 3 Though he thinke he haue the habite and can Latin it exceading well.
2. To interlard with Latin. rare—1.
1553T. Wilson Rhet. 86 b, The..foolishe phantasticall that smelles but of learnyng..will so latine their tongues, that the simple cannot but wonder at their talke.
Hence ˈLatined ppl. a., versed in Latin; ˈLatining vbl. n.
1579Fulke Confut. Sanders 626 He chargeth the bishop with false Latining and worse Englishing of this greeke.1591Percivall Sp. Dict. E ij, That the Latined Reader, may be the sooner acquainted with this toong..let him marke this table following, which I set downe in Latine.1893F. J. Furnivall in J. Capgrave Life St. Katherine p. xxiv, I don't think Prata above can be a latining of Akker, acre, field.




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