

单词 woodbind
释义 woodbine, woodbind|ˈwʊdbaɪn|, |-baɪnd|
Forms: see wood n.1: α. 1 -bind, -bend, 1–6 -binde, 4–7 -bynde, 5 -bende, 5–6 -bynd, 6– woodbind; β. 6 -byne, -bin, (9 dial. wid(d)bin), 6– woodbine. (Also with hyphen, formerly occas. as two words.)
[OE. wudubind, -binde, also -bend, f. wudu wood n.1 + root of bind v. (bend-, band-); cf. Da. vedbende ivy, and, for the second element, withbind. For the loss of final d cf. line for lind, rine for rind.
Similar formations are OE. widuwinde ‘volvola’, ‘edera’, ‘viburna’, ‘convolvulus’, widubindle ‘involuco’, ON. viðvindill ivy, Norw. vi(d)vendel, vivendel, vibendel ‘caprifolium’.]
1. A name for various plants of a climbing habit; in early use (later only dial.), convolvulus and ivy; now chiefly (U.S.) the Virginia Creeper Ampelopsis quinquefolia, and the West Indian Ipomœa tuberosa (Spanish Woodbine).
αc875Erfurt Gloss. 1059 Volvola, uuidubindae.Ibid. 1082 Viburnum, uuidubindae.c950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark i. 6 Wudu huniᵹ þæt wæxes on wudu binde [Rushw. wudebendum].c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 302 Ᵹenim þysse wyrte wyrttruman þe man capparis & oþrum naman wudubend hateð.Ibid. II. 34 Wyrc eaᵹsealfe wudubindes leaf.c1050Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 418/25 Hedera nigra, wudubind, eorþifiᵹ.c1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 30 Recipe—þe Iuyse of smalache or merch, wormode,..petite consoude, wodbynd.1525Grete Herbal cccclxvii. (1529) Aa iv b, De Volubilis. Woodbynde.1562Pilkington Expos. Abdyas Pref. A a iij, The woodbinde..climbes vp & spreades it selfe ouer all the branches, vnto it haue ouergrowen and kylled the hole tree.1562W. Bullein Bulwark, Bk. Simples (1579) 21 b, This is called Helxine, Smilax, or Campenella, or the Bell Wodbinde.1570Buchanan Chamæleon Wks. (S.T.S.) 44 As ye wod bind clymeth on ye oik and syne with tyme distroyis ye tre.1597Gerarde Herbal Table Eng. Names, Blew Woodbind, or ladies bower.1624Capt. J. Smith Virginia v. 170 A kinde of Wood-bind..which runnes vpon trees, twining it selfe like a Vine: the fruit..eaten worketh..in the nature of a purge.1625Gordon Pharmaco-pinax 11 Baccæ Hederæ. Berries of Wood-bind.1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 332 Woodbind, Spanish, Ipomoea.
β1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 97 Necessarie herbes to growe in the garden for Physick... 23 Stitchwort. 24 Valerian. 25 Woodbine.1846–50A. Wood Class-bk. Bot. 212 Ampelopsis quinquefolia..has long been cultivated as a covering for walls, and is best known by the name of Woodbine.
2. esp. The common honeysuckle, Lonicera Periclymenum, a climbing shrub with pale yellow fragrant flowers; also extended to other species, as the N. American L. grata.
c1265Voc. Plants in Wr.-Wülcker 556/39 Mater silua, i. cheuefoil, i. wudebi[n]de.c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 1231 As abowte a tre..wryþe the soote wode bynde.a1387Sinon. Barth. (Anecd. Oxon.) 14 Caprifolium, wodebinde.1562Turner Herbal ii. 82 Wodbynde or Honysuckle..windeth it self about busshes.1624–5Shirley Sch. Complement ii. (1631) 18 The Honey Wood-bind, Circling a withered Bryer.1776R. Graves Euphrosyne I. 159 See! how that woodbind round the door And lattice blooms!1785Martyn Lett. Bot. xvi. (1794) 204 The Woodbind has..slender trailing branches, twining round the boughs of trees.
β1548Elyot, Periclymenon, an herbe called woodbyne, whiche beareth the honysuckle.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. i. 251, I know a banke where the wilde time blowes,..Quite ouer-canoped with luscious woodbine.1637Milton Lycidas 146 The Musk-rose, and the well attir'd Woodbine.1718Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Abbé Conti 19 May, The walls are in the nature of lattices; and, on the outside of them, vines and woodbines planted.1847–60Darlington Amer. Weeds 160 Agreeable Lonicera. Wild Honeysuckle. American Woodbine.1856Miss Mulock John Halifax ix, There was a yellow jasmine over the porch at one front door, and a woodbine at the other.
3. a. (Normally Woodbine.) A proprietary name for a brand of cheap cigarettes; a cigarette of this brand.
[1886Trade Marks Jrnl. 6 Jan. 8 Wild Woodbine Cigarettes. W. D. & H. O. Wills, Bristol & London.]1907Ibid. 11 Sept. 1602 Woodbine... Tobacco whether manufactured or unmanufactured. The Imperial Tobacco Company.., Bedminster, Bristol.1910Sessions Paper of Central Criminal Court 16 Nov. 18 Prisoner asked for a packet of Woodbine cigarettes (1 d).1914Autocar 21 Nov. 736/1 ‘Woodbine! This is a bit of luck,’ he exclaimed, taking a cigarette.1924H. de Sélincourt Cricket Match ii. 21 He picked a woodbine out of its paper on the mantelpiece.1939Joyce Finnegans Wake 587 First a couple of Mountjoys and nutty woodbines..in the snug at the Cambridge Arms.1970B. Cartland We danced All Night vii. 198 It was only during the war [of 1914–18] that Tommies had got used to the cheaper type, especially Woodbines.1979‘P. O'Connor’ Into Strong City x. 29 A Woodbine cigarette found in my pocket.1983J. Croall Neill viii. 148 As long as..he had enough for a packet of Woodbines, he was fine.
b. An Englishman, esp. a soldier, considered as a habitual smoker of Woodbine cigarettes. Austral. slang.
1919W. H. Downing Digger Dial. 54 Woodbine, an English soldier, so called from the name of a cheap brand of cigarette favored by Englishmen.1937E. Hill Water into Gold 192 Bagtown became ‘Woodbine Ave’..so⁓called for the number of English settlers in residence. [1978R. Beilby Gunner 43 ‘Inglesi,’ he grinned. ‘Pommies. Chooms. 'Bines. That's what we call them.’]
4. attrib. and Comb.
1588Spenser Virgils Gnat 82 Others..brouze the wood⁓bine twigges.1599Shakes. Much Ado iii. i. 30 Beatrice..Is couched in the wood-bine couerture.1599Cutwode Caltha Poet. lxxxiv. C 6 b, She commeth to the woodbind tree.Ibid. cxvi. E 8, She goes vnto the Woodbine Tree.1704Pope Spring 97 Haste to yonder woodbine bow'rs.1713Guardian No. 125 To taste the odours of the wood⁓bine grove.1727–46Thomson Summer 461 In the gelid caverns, woodbine-wrought.1845J. E. Carpenter Poems & Lyrics 93 The cottage..With porch—all woodbine-clad.1855Tennyson Maud i. xxii. i, The woodbine spices are wafted abroad.1895R. W. Chambers King in Yellow, Street of Our Lady of Fields ii. (1909) 232 A white house and woodbine-covered piazza.1908[Eliz. Fowler] Betw. Trent & Ancholme 141 Across a woodbine hedge.
Hence ˈwoodbined |-baɪnd| a., overgrown or adorned with woodbine.
1795Southey Joan of Arc v. 104 The woodbined wall.1895‘Cotswold Isys’ Lyra Piscat. 109 Those woodbined oriels.




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