

单词 withgang
释义 I. ˈwithgang, n.1 Sc. Obs.
[a. ON. viðgangr increase.]
Success; advantage, profit. So ˈwithgate1 Sc. [gate n.2]
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 171 Wikkit men has oft tymes in this warld welth, and withgang.c1480Henryson Wolf & Wether xxii, Thay haif withgang, welth, and cherising.1510in Rec. Earldom Orkney (S.H.S. 1914) 86 Vitht al profetis and vtgang [?; printed vgang] sene Schir Dauit deit.1825Jamieson s.v. With-gate, To get the with-gate, to gain the advantage.
II. ˈwithgang, n.2 Sc. Obs.
[a. ON. viðganga access, admission.]
Free course; unlimited permission, licence, toleration. Also ˈwithgang v., trans. to give licence to, tolerate.
a1500Ratis Raving 420, I gaif my hart euer withgange of al plesans.Ibid. 3747 Gyf men thaim withgang wantonly, Than wyll thai cowet the maistry.1808Jamieson, With⁓gang, toleration, permission to pass with impunity. Skene.
So ˈwithgate2. Sc. [gate n.2]
1599Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 187/1 The withgait and libertie quhilk sindry avaricious..persones hes tane to exact..sik exorbitant..proffite.1606Ibid. 284/1 Ane terror to the ewill disposit to give withgait to thair Inclinatioun.Ibid. 616/2 The withgait and libertie grantit vnto Suche shamefull scafferie and extorsioun.




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