

单词 Ku-Klux
释义 Ku-Klux|ˈkjuːklʌks|
More fully Ku-Klux-Klan.
[A fantastic name said to be made out of Gr. κύκλος circle + clan.]
1. A widespread secret society, which arose in the Southern States of North America after the civil war of 1861–65, beginning with the effort to overawe the Negro population by whipping and arson, and developing a system of political outrage and murder. The original society was finally put down by the U.S. military forces. It was revived in 1915 and spread outside the Southern States, terrorizing various ethnic and religious minorities, and acting violently against white Protestants whom they judged to be opposed to their cause. Later the society fragmented into several State organizations. The Ku-Klux Klan regained strength in the Southern States of the U.S. in the 1950s in opposition to the Civil Rights movement of American Blacks. Also attrib. Cf. Klan, Kluxer.
1867Citizen (Pulaski, Tenn.) 29 Mar. 3/1 The Kuklux Klan will assemble at their usual place of rendezvous.., exactly at the hour of midnight, in costume and bearing the arms of the Klan.1868N.Y. Herald 1 July 6/4 If the Democratic Convention can only be induced..at the dictation of the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Ku Klux Klan, to place upon their ticket some copperhead opponent of the war, the radicals will have a clear track next November.1871Illustr. Lond. News 15 Apr. 359/1 The House of Representatives has passed a bill making Ku-Klux crimes in the south punishable in the Federal Courts.Ibid. 29 Apr. 414/3 The Ku-Klux Bill has passed both Houses at Washington with considerable modifications.1872Whittier Presid. Elect. Pr. Wks. 1889 III. 164 Let us not despair of seeing even the Ku-Klux tamed into decency.1880E. Kirke Garfield 54 That the horrors of the Ku-klux and the White-Lives should not run riot at the poles.1884Century Mag. July 398/1 No chapter in American history is more strange than the one which bears for its title: ‘Ku Klux Klan’.1915Atlanta (Ga.) Jrnl. 6 Dec. 2/4 (heading) Charter is granted for the Ku Klux Klan.Ibid., Secretary of State Philip Cook Monday issued a charter to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a fraternal insurance order which was organized on Stone Mountain a few nights ago with weird and mystic ceremony.1920N.Y. Times 11 Oct. 1/2 The old Ku Klux Klan has been reorganized and is regularly chartered under the laws of Georgia.1924Imperial Night-Hawk 10 Sept. 6 The district meeting of the Ku Klux Klan held recently at Twin Lakes, Realm of Iowa, was a huge success.1944Atlanta (Ga.) Jrnl. 4 June 1/1 The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc. has officially ceased to exist.1945N.Y. Times 21 Oct. 33/3 The Ku Klux Klan, claiming a membership of more than 20,000 in Georgia, is burning its fiery cross again.1958News & Observer (Raleigh, N. Carolina) 19 Jan. 1/5 A shouting horde of Robeson County Indians tonight routed the Ku Klux Klan here.1962A. S. Rice Ku Klux Klan in Amer. Politics ix. 114 [In 1949] the secret order splintered into many rival groups, each considering itself..the direct spiritual heir of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan founded in 1915.1970in J. F. Kirkham et al. Assassination & Political Violence iv. A. §3. 216 The first Ku Klux Klan, which lasted from 1865 to 1876, was a principal means of administering this violence in the South.Ibid. §4. 218 White Capping seems to have been an important link between the first and second Ku Klux Klans. White Cap methods of punishment and costume seem to have been influenced by the first Klan.Ibid. App. D. §1. 364 It was not until 1956 when the efforts..failed to stem the trend toward integration in the South that the Ku Klux Klans revived... In San Antonio, Tex., a cross was burned..to ‘let the niggers, Jews, and Catholics know we're back in operation’.
b. In extended use, of other vigilante groups. Also transf. and fig.
1930W. & E. Muir tr. Feuchtwanger's Success iv. xvi. 539 The Munich Ku Klux Klan..evidently consisted of young men who did not understand that a match, once it is decided, can't be fought all over again.1944A. Huxley Let. 28 July (1969) 511 You might pass on to your agent these simple talking points, with which to allay the studios' fears of the medical Ku Klux Klan.1966A. Sachs Jail Diary xxiv. 215 Then he asks me what I know about the local Ku Klux Klan.
2. A member of the Ku-Klux.
1868in T. D. Clark Pills, Petticoats & Plows (1944) 62 We are inclined to think he is somewhat disloyal, and may be in sympathy with the Ku Kluxes.1877J. M. Beard K.K.K. Sk. 40 The Ku-Klux themselves were about as intangible examples of ghostliness as were ever wrapped in loose-fitting bombazine.1884Century Mag. XXVIII. 402 The ‘proceedure’ was to place the would be Ku Klux in an empty barrel..and to send him whirling down the hill.
Hence ˈKuklux v., to outrage, or maltreat in accordance with the methods of the Ku-Klux-Klan; ˈKukluxism, the system or methods of the Ku-Klux; outrage or murder; Ku-Klux ˈKlan(n)er, ˈKlanism, ˈKlansman.
1868in S. F. Horn Invisible Empire (1939) 335 Let every Ku Klux Klansman heed The General Order of General Meade.1879Philadelphia Inquirer 28 Nov. 1/5 Ten men..were to-day taken..on a charge of kukluxing a man named McAlpine, his son and daughter.1881Philadelphia Rec. No. 3452. 1 A word..suggestive of kukluxism.1884American VIII. 72 Not only a Confederate but was sent to the Albany Penitentiary for Ku-Kluxism.1923Nation (N.Y.) 11 July 35 He will help his fellow Ku Klux Klaners.1924H. Crane Let. 5 Mar. (1965) 177 O'Neill's new play..in which a white woman marries a Negro... He..receives terrible threats and insults through the mail from the Ku Klux Klanners.1924J. M. Mecklin Ku Klux Klan 98, I have yet to come in contact with the first trace of Ku Klux Klanism.1933H. G. Wells Shape of Things to Come ii. §1. 141 They became Ku Klux Klansmen, Nationalists, Nazis.1948Time 15 Mar. 29/2 Last week Georgia's Grand Dragon Samuel Green carefully explained that Ku Klux Klansmen wore masks to protect themselves against the prejudice of Jews, Catholics and foreigners.




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