

单词 Kirghiz
释义 Kirghiz, n. and a.|kɪəˈgiːz|
Also Khirgese, Kirghis, Kirgiz.
[ad. Russ. Kirgíz.]
A. n. A widespread Mongolian people of west central Asia, now chiefly inhabiting the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic; a member of this people; their Turkic language.
B. adj. Of or pertaining to the Kirghiz; spec. Kirghiz pheasant = Mongolian pheasant (Mongolian a. 4). Also Kirˈghizian a. and n.
1652P. Heylyn Cosmographie iii. 190 These again subdivided into severall Tribes, which they call their Hordes, of which the most considerable are, 1. the Nagaian Tartars, 2. the Zavolhenses, 3. the Thumenenses, 4. the Kirgessi.1837De Quincey in Blackw. Mag. July 109/2 The murderous attacks of their cruel enemies the Bashkirs and the Kirghises.1888Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 661/2 Tatar dialects (Kirghizian, Bashkiri, Nogai).1898A. J. Butler tr. Ratzel's Hist. Mankind III. 326 The Kirghiz women adorn their plaits with beads, shells, and copper buttons.1908T. G. Tucker Introd. Nat. Hist. Lang. 134 Kirghiz, comprising the speeches of the Black Kirghiz (or Buruts) in the part of Turkestan bordering on China, and of the Cossack Kirghiz to the north of the Caspian, the sea of Aral and Lake Balkash.192119th Cent. May 871 Kirghizes, Lesghiens, Mingrelians.1922C. W. Beebe Monogr. Pheasants III. 96 On the south-east the enormous Tian-Shan serve as the boundary between the Kirghiz Pheasant and both shawi and tarimensis.1922Contemp. Rev. Sept. 342 The Kirgisian population has retained its nomadic habits.1924Blackw. Mag. Aug. 256/1 The Russians, who were conscripting young Khirgese men for use on the railway.1931A. U. Dilley Oriental Rugs & Carpets x. 226 Kirghiz rugs..are country-bred, vigorous and coarse.1932R. John tr. Popoff's City of Red Plague iii. 46 One could not help being struck by the large number of Mongolian types—torn by their Muscovite masters from the remote steppes and forests of Siberia and Asiatic Russia;..Kalmucks, Kirghiz, Yakuts, and similar obscure, semi-barbaric tribes.1935Huxley & Haddon We Europeans vii. 212 Ethnologists use the word [sc. Turki] loosely and in several different senses:—..(b) To designate a certain ethnic group of which the Turks, the Kirghis and the Tatars are best known.1946G. Millar Horned Pigeon i. 12 A dashing White Russian officer..spoke frequently of the Kirghesian sheep that drag their fat-containing tails behind them on little sleighs.1955V. Cronin Wise Man from West xiii. 243 In this country of chasms and precipices roamed the Kirghiz, a predatory tribe.1961L. F. Brosnahan Sounds of Lang. viii. 177 A palatalisation of syllables..occurs in most of the Turco-Tartar languages of..Kirghiz, Turkmenian, etc.1963[see Mongolian pheasant s.v. Mongolian a. 4].1967D. S. Parlett Short Dict. Languages 73 Kirgiz.., apparently one of the oldest (or oldest attested) Turkic tribes.1971Whitaker's Almanack 1972 966 The Kirghiz S.S.R. occupies the north-eastern part of Soviet Central Asia and borders in the south-east on China.




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