

单词 kingrick
释义 ˈkingrick, -rik, -rich Obs.
Forms: α. 1 kynyng-, 3 kung-, kinge-, 4 king-, kyng(e)- riche. β. 4 kinge-, 4–5 kyngrik(e, (5 -ryke), 4, 6 kingrik(e, 7 -rick.
[OE. cyningríce (f. cyning king + ríce kingdom, riche, rike) = MDu. conincrike (Du. koninkrijk), OHG. chunincrîchi (MHG. kûnicrîche, G. königreich), ON. konungríki (Sw. konungrike, Da. kongerige). Cf. kinrick.]
= kingdom, in various senses.
αa1067in Kemble Cod. Dipl. IV. 229 For ælre ðere kynga sawle ðe æfter me ðyses kynyngriches wældeð.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1258 A kungriche his name bar.a1300K. Horn 17 In none kinge-riche Nas non his iliche.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. Prol. 125 Crist kepe þe, sire kyng, And þi kyng-riche.
βa1300Cursor M. 416 Als mighti king in his kingrike.1375Barbour Bruce i. 57 Thai said, successioun of kyngrik Was nocht to lawer feys lik.c1470Harding Chron. clxxxvii. iii, Aboue all men within his hole kyngrike.1579J. Stubbes Gaping Gulf C vij b, Our Elizabeth..hauing the kingrike in her owne person.
attrib.1663Bp. Griffith Serm. 4 Admir. Beasts 10 The Regal or Kingrick office of Christ.




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