

单词 King-of-Arms
释义 King-of-Arms
Also (less correctly) King-at-Arms.
[See arm n.2 14]
The title of the three chief heralds of the College of Arms, viz. Garter, the principal King of Arms, and Clarenceux and Norroy, provincial Kings of Arms, the former of whom has jurisdiction south of the Trent, and the other north of that river. Besides these there are the Lyon King of Arms of Scotland, and the Ulster King of Arms of Ireland; also Bath King of Arms (see bath n.1 19). The appellation is given also to similar officers in other countries.
1449–50Will of W. Bruges in Sir H. Nicolas Testamenta Vetusta (1826) I. 266 William Bruges, Garter Kyng of Armes, at London, Feb. 26, 1449. My body to be brought and buryed in the Church of Saynt George within Staunford, [etc.].1464Rolls Parlt. V. 530/2 John Smert, otherwise called Garter King of Armes.1530Palsgr. 236/1 Kyng of armes, roy de armes.1565in Gross Gild Merch. (1890) II. 55, I Clarenciux, King of Armes of the Sowth est and West parts.a1614J. Melvill Diary (Wodrow Soc.) 58 William Stewart, sumtyme Lioun King of Armes.1702Lond. Gaz. No. 3804/1 Then the Deputy Garter King of Arms with his Coronet.1806A. Duncan Nelson's Fun. 33 Garter, Principal King of Arms,..with his Sceptre.1874N. & Q. 5th Ser. I. 146 The Crown of a Herald King of Arms.
βa1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, 244 Causing Gartier, principal kyng at armes, to make a publique Proclamacion.Ibid. 245 They sent Lyon Kyng at Armes to the duke of Glocester.1713Steele Englishm. No. 35. 224 The King..dispatches Garter King at Arms with a Letter of Defiance.1808Scott Marm. iv. viii. note, It was often an office imposed upon the Lion King-at-arms, to receive foreign ambassadors.1861M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 37 We find, from a household book of Edward I, that..Herthelm, king-at-arms of the ‘King of Almaine’, receives a present.




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