

单词 whore-house
释义 whore-house
[Cf. OS. hôrhûs (MLG. hoerhuus, Du. hoerhuis), OHG., MHG. huorhûs (G. hurenhaus).]
1. A house of whores, a brothel. Obs. after 17th. cent. until revived in recent (chiefly U.S.) use.
13..tr. ælred in Engl. Stud. VII. 308 A blessed mayden þat turnde an hoore-hows in to an oratorie.c1475Pict. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 804/10 Hoc lupaner, Hec fornix, Hoc prostibulum, a horehowse.a1599Sir J. Davies Epigr. xxxix, Sometimes he comes not to the play, But falls into a whore house by the way.1608Dekker Lanth. & Candle Lt. G 4 b, The plague that a Whore-house layes vpon a Citty.1688Bunyan Last Serm. Wks. 1862 II. 757 A whore-house, it may be, is more sweet to him.1909in J. A. & A. Lomax Amer. Ballads & Folk Songs (1960) 104 Frankie went down to de whore-house, Rang de whore-house bell, Says ‘Tell me, is my lovin' Albert here? Caze Frankie's gwine to raise some hell—Oh, he's my man, but he's a-doin' me wrong.’1935J. Steinbeck Tortilla Flat i. 25 ‘Pilon!.. I am an heir! I own two houses.’ ‘Whore houses?’ Pilon asked hopefully.1951J. Masters Nightrunners Bengal i. vi. 82 Every one knew her as the madam of a high-grade whore-house.1978G. Greene Human Factor iii. iii. 123 ‘If you want to fuck a black whore,’ Captain Van Donck interrupted with impatience, ‘why don't you go to a whore-house in Lesotho or Swaziland?’1982Times 22 May 8/1 Prospectors came by the thousand, saloons and whore-houses were erected.
2. attrib. and Comb.
a. Simple attrib., as whore-house bell, whore-house owner, whore-house perfume, whore-house scum.
b. Designating or pertaining to a style of music, esp. jazz, played in brothels, as whore-house music, whore-house piano.
c. Comb., as whore-house madam = madam 3 c (d).
1909Whore-house bell [see sense 1 above].1938D. Baker Young Man with Horn iii. i. 141 You certainly play whorehouse piano, fella, and nigger whorehouse at that.1946R. Blesh Shining Trumpets xiii. 295 This rich and earthy piano playing, called by extreme jazz purists with an ear for the picturesquely accurate, ‘whore-house piano’.1949R. Chandler Little Sister xvii. 110 A very cheap grade of whore-house perfume.1954W. Faulkner Fable 379 Shoot now, you whorehouse scum.1956B. Holiday Lady sings Blues (1973) i. 8, I guess I'm not the only one who heard their first good jazz in a whorehouse... A lot of white people first heard jazz in places like Alice Dean's, and they helped label jazz ‘whorehouse music’.1975G. V. Higgins City on Hill vi. 150 When you try to talk about something else, it's like trying to discuss cryogenics with a whorehouse madam.




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