

单词 whitherso
释义 ˈwhitherso, adv. arch.
[ME. hwiderse, repr. OE. swá hwider swá: see so adv. 17 d.]
= next.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. viii. 19 Quocumque ieris, sua huider ðu færes [Rushw. hwider swa].c1205Lay. 18969 Faren þu scalt bi ræde wuder swa ich þe læde.c1230Hali Meid. 31 Ha gað eauer nest godd, hwiderse he turneð.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 4163 Hii ne miȝte noȝt aȝen hym do no weþer so hii wende.c1375Cursor M. 6359 (Fairf.) Quidder-sa he welk here or þare Þe wandis euer wiþ him he bare.c1425Engl. Conq. Irel. 40 Al the englysshe-men..shold ben..frely let goo whodyrso they wold.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 381 That I haue hecht I sall hald,..Quhidder sa it gang to greif or to gawin.
a1850Rossetti Dante & Circle i. (1874) 118 Whereso I be or whitherso I turn.1880W. Watson Prince's Quest ix. 31 Going whitherso the wild path went.




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